cute in his palm

Chapter 1560

Chapter 1560

Mu Jiu's mood is still serious and frightened, and she doesn't seem to be getting better, which is really worrying.

Her husband is not by her side, it has been more than a month since she left, and there is still no definite news, of course it will make people feel at ease.

Xu Yanke knows this, so she can understand Mu Jiu's mood very well.

"The temple god of Fuxing Island is very effective. He will help you make your wish come true." Xu Yanke continued to comfort Mu Jiu's emotions.

Although Xu Yanke is actually an atheist, but under the current situation, Mu Jiu needs the protection of the gods.

"Ke Ke, do you know what I wish for?" Mu Jiu looked at Xu Yanke with some wonder.

Everyone's wish will not be known to others, and he will not take the initiative to say it. They all say that the wish will not work, so Mu Jiu is deeply buried in his heart.

"Your wish, I think everyone can guess it, I hope Jiang Dingcheng is safe, Xiaotong and I have made the same wish for you, so the expectations of so many of us, the gods will not let us down." Xu Yanke said calmly.

This time, Mu Jiu was truly moved.

My friend gave her the chance to make a wish, can you not be moved?
Although I also know that this kind of wishing to the gods is just an act of self-comfort, but it can still move Mu Jiu.

"Are you feeling better?" Xu Yanke asked her.

Mu Jiu stared blankly at her for a while, then nodded.

"I've slept for several hours. I went out to see the sea view, blow some air, and blow away all the bad things in my mind, and then I'm ready to go back."


Xu Yanke and Mu Jiu walked to the deck together.

Guan Xiaotong was fishing vigorously, seeing them come out, he was very happy. "Xiao Jiu, come and take a look, we caught a lot of fish, and we will have your whole fish feast tonight."

Mu Jiu went over to take a look, and sure enough, he saw a bucket full of fish and shrimp, which was very rich.

"It seems that there is really a big meal tonight." Mu Jiu smiled.

Let the sea breeze blow, and the mood seems to be much better.

Not as depressed as before.

Maybe it was really because she thought too much, which made her feel so uncomfortable.

After trying to let go a little now, it feels a lot easier.

This is what she wants.

"Second sister-in-law, are you feeling better?" Jiang Dinghe was just catching a big lobster, and seeing the relaxed smile on Mu Jiu's face, he was relieved.

I'm really scared, the second sister-in-law has been gloomy for the whole year, that's not a good thing.

"It's much better, it's probably because I'm too tired, I'll be fine if I take a rest." Mu Jiu said relaxedly.

She forced a smile on her face, but she didn't want them to worry too much about herself.

However, everyone stopped paying more attention to Mu Jiu.

Because Xu Yanke knows very well that the more you pay attention to Mu Jiu, the more uncomfortable it will be for her.

Mu Jiu is a very sensitive person.

So once she has something on her mind, the more others care about her, the more restless and sensitive she will be.

At this time, they took the initiative to step aside, which was actually a good thing for Mu Jiu.

There are some things that everyone knows well.

"Choose if you have nothing to do. Let's play again and prepare to go back. Do you want to try fishing?" Jiang Dinghe looked at Mu Jiu and asked.

Not to mention, Mu Jiu is really eager to try.

I have never fished much since I grew up so old, especially sea fishing, and I want to try it even more.

"Will it be too difficult?" Mu Jiu asked him.

Jiang Dinghe shook his head. "It's not difficult. It's no different from fishing in the usual river. The only difference is that it is possible to catch sharks here. Is the second sister-in-law afraid?"

Jiang Dinghe was just joking, and Mu Jiu naturally knew that this is a shark-free zone, so swimming is safe.

"There are sharks, I want to see them." Mu Jiu said with a smile.

Jiang Dinghe knew that he couldn't scare the second sister-in-law, he just wanted to make her feel better.

Guan Xiaotong spontaneously came to teach Mu Jiu how to fish.

The two were tossing and arguing there, Xu Yanke didn't go up to help, and just sat on the side enjoying the sea breeze and watching the sea view, Jiang Dinghe walked over directly.

"Coco, drink juice." Jiang Dinghe handed over a bottle of drink.

Xu Yanke took it without hesitation, took a sip, then looked at Mu Jiu in the distance and then at Jiang Dinghe. "What's going on with your second brother?"

Xu Yanke asked very directly, which made Jiang Dinghe unable to react immediately.

"The second brother's specific situation, I actually don't know. He has been taking care of the company's affairs. In recent years, Jiang's business has expanded to the world, so if the second brother goes to Italy, I don't know for business." Jiang Dinghe said calmly.

When Xu Yanke heard him say this, he really had nothing to say.

"Jiang Dinghe, I just found out now that you are an ignorant person compared to Er Shaoyi." Xu Yanke said calmly, not to provoke him at all.

"So, are you despising my status as a supermodel?" Jiang Dinghe said a little hurt.

Anyway, he is also a very expensive international supermodel.

"No, supermodel Jiang." Xu Yanke said calmly.

After getting in touch with Jiang Dinghe, she had already discovered that this man was not as annoying as the outside world said, and he was actually a very good friend.

It's just that if she wants to develop further, she has no plans for the time being, and she doesn't think it's necessary.

Jiang Dinghe is not her lover, or she is not Jiang Dinghe's lover.

Her family was broken up, her mother passed away, and her father's family was from another family. She didn't like this kind of family very much. Looking at Jiang's family, they looked peaceful and peaceful. What would she use to compete with Jiang Dinghe.

There is simply nothing comparable.

Because there is no comparison, and it will only make her look even more sad.

Therefore, there is no need to really get close to him.

"If you don't dislike it, then can I understand that you don't hate me, but like me?" Jiang Dinghe looked at her happily and said.

Xu Yanke glanced at him lightly, and had nothing to say about his words.

If narcissism is a joke, then Jiang Dinghe has already reached the top level.

This narcissistic attitude is just too... overwhelming.


"Jiang Dinghe, if you continue to quarrel, believe it or not, I will throw you into the sea?" Xu Yanke interrupted him abruptly and said.

Jiang Dinghe closed his mouth obediently and did not speak, but he was very happy.

As long as Keke doesn't hate him, that will be a big step closer to her liking him. This is a good start, and of course he is very happy.

His happiness is so obvious that anyone who is not blind can see it.

(End of this chapter)

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