cute in his palm

Chapter 1565 Don't be too troublesome

Chapter 1565 Don't be too troublesome

The meal at noon was the most harmonious meal that Mu Jiu and the Su brothers and sisters had ever had.

Although at the dinner table, everyone didn't communicate much and said little, but the atmosphere was not as serious and tense as before, and became much more natural and gentle.

Qin Kefang's little aunt did her duty conscientiously to bring food to Su Luotong. "Come on, Xiao Tong, you eat a little more meat, and you've lost weight in just a few months. It's not that my aunt said you, but you are just an ignorant child who knows that the child's father is..."

Su Luotong interrupted abruptly before he could say the following words. "Thank you, auntie, but this child belongs to me, and it has nothing to do with who his father is, so can auntie stop mentioning that man's name?"

Cheng Mingfeng is not only the forbidden words of the Mu family, but also the forbidden words of her Su Luotong.

Seeing him, she was really blind.

In fact, they all know that Su Luotong really loves Cheng Mingfeng after playing for so many years, otherwise a woman who wants to be a mother will never give birth to a child of a man she doesn't love.

Now only Su Luotong himself is so strong.

Mu Jiu is the clearest.

If he didn't love that man, no matter how much he liked the child, he wouldn't have the courage to live alone.

Back then when she was alone in Zurich, she was helpless and hopeless, if it wasn't because she still had a little thought about Jiang Dingcheng in her heart, maybe Jiang Tianen would not have been born.

"Okay, don't talk about unhappy things at the dinner table. It's Chinese New Year now, and it's rare that the children come back happily, so you can't say something nice." Mu Andong immediately became a peacemaker.

It was rare for the Mu family to have such a harmonious meal for the first time in so many years, and Qin Kefang had to do something, who would be happy?

Qin Kefang didn't intend to provoke trouble, but she was angry when she saw Su Luotong with such a big belly and disappeared, and she felt sorry for her. After all, Su Luotong was brought up by her, which is equivalent to her own daughter. son said.

So Mu Andong was naturally unhappy when he said this.

"All right, all right, I won't say anything, just eat." Qin Kefang's tone was filled with negative emotions, and she lowered her head to eat.

Su Luotong saw that the originally good atmosphere had changed because of her, and immediately brought food for his aunt. "Come on, auntie, eat a piece of chicken. I know you love me, but I really want to give birth to a child. I am ready to be a mother. I am an adult now. I am not a child. I know that I am What are you doing, auntie, the child is innocent, besides, I really want to give birth to him, not just to vomit."

Hearing what Su Luotong said, Qin Kefang didn't know what to say.

Because what Su Luotong said is not wrong, she is an adult in her 20s, and she can be responsible for her own actions, because she brought up Su Luotong, so she has always been treated as a child I'm afraid that she will only make such a decision on a whim, so she won't be at ease.

Now it seems that Su Luotong is more sensible than she expected.

Regarding this child, she could give birth to it if she wanted to.

In the future, she, Qin Kefang, will not treat this child badly.

"Okay, as long as you think it through yourself and can take responsibility for this child, you will be born, Xiaotong, it's not my aunt who said you, because it is not easy to be a mother, you'd better be serious I'm ready." Qin Kefang looked at her and said.

Hearing this, Su Luotong smiled.

"Auntie, I'm ready to be a mother, and my brother will help me, but after my brother marries his sister-in-law, I will live independently with my children. I will try my best to be a qualified mother, just like Mu Jiu." Su Luotong glanced at Mu Jiu after speaking.

Mu Jiu is really surprised that Su Luotong, who has always been ignorant and willful, can say such a paragraph one day.

Sure enough, she was going to be a mother, so did her mind mature overnight?
However, this is a good thing for Su Luotong.

"Su Luotong, I believe you will be a good mother. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me." Mu Jiu said calmly.

Although Mu Jiu is not an expert in mothering and infants, but after giving birth to a child, she will understand many things better than novice mother Su Luotong.

In this regard, she can help Su Luotong unconditionally, of course, purely because she cares so much about the child in her stomach.

"Well, Mu Jiu, then I won't be polite." Su Luotong said really bluntly.

When Mu Jiu heard this, she just smiled lightly.

Su Luotong's personality, Mu Jiu is naturally very clear, if she really becomes polite, it will make people feel that it is not normal.

"Xiaotong, it's better not to bother Xiaojiu too much." Su Yaoting looked at his sister and said.

Su Luotong has always been a master who is not polite to anyone, so Su Yaoting is a little reluctant to let her trouble Mu Jiu too much.

Su Luotong was not very happy when he heard his brother say this. "I was the one to trouble her, not you. Besides, I just asked Mu Jiu something, and I didn't ask her to do something for me."

Su Yaoting was about to say something, but Mu Jiu spoke first. "It's not troublesome, it's just a matter of receiving some consultations anyway."

Mu Jiu said everything like this, but Su Yaoting didn't say anything in the end.

Because once he said too much, it would appear that he was stingy, so he simply didn't say anything.

"Let's eat well, eat more vegetables and talk less." Mu Andong said, it's rare that the young people in the family are finally willing to let go of their prejudices and get along well. This is a happy thing he likes to hear.

"Xiao Jiu, eat more." Mu Liangchen picked up some vegetables for his sister.

Mu Jiu has really lost a lot of weight in this period of time. From outsiders' point of view, she is tired from taking care of the children. Only he knows that Mu Jiu thinks like this day and night because of Jiang Dingcheng's affairs.

After he goes to Italy, he will definitely find Jiang Dingcheng for his sister.

Otherwise, I don't know how long Mu Jiu can last.

In the past, he always thought that Jiang Dingcheng was a person who was very sensible and admiring Jiu, but after this incident, his opinion of him needs to be re-established.

If it's not really something, I can't tell everyone. Mu Liangchen has no objection to Jiang Dingcheng's disappearance like this.

If it was because of selfish desires that he ignored his wife and children like this, Mu Jiu would not let him go.

Because he entrusted his sister to him with such peace of mind, but he treated Xiao Jiu like this, how could Mu Liangchen, as an elder brother, swallow this breath?
You can't bully Xiaojiu if you bully anyone.

This is Mu Liangchen's attitude. In the past, it was his sister who protected him, but now that he is around him well, he must protect his sister.

(End of this chapter)

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