cute in his palm

Chapter 1566 Can't let go of everything

Chapter 1566 Can't let go of everything

In the afternoon, Guan Xiaotong and Xu Yanke came over.

Originally, they had agreed to come over for lunch, but they didn't come because they had something to do. Besides, they left it for the Mu family to eat at noon. It's not very good for these friends to be caught in the middle.

Besides, Tao Mian thought about it for a while and decided not to come. After all, she is from the Tao family. After Mu Andong and Tao Shuqin got married, they also cut off relatives with the Tao family. If Tao Mian went to the Mu family, He was afraid that Mu Andong would be unhappy seeing the Tao family.

So I don't plan to come here, I haven't talked to Mu Jiu about this matter yet, just ask Xu Yanke and the others to tell Mu Jiu that she doesn't have time to come.

So they came over at the end of lunch, thinking they could play more with the little ones.

The two brought a bunch of New Year's gifts to Mu Andong and the others.

"Uncle Mu, happy new year." The two greeted each other obediently.

"It's fine to come to the house as a guest, and bring so many things." Mu Andong was very happy.

Even though he knew that Mu Jiu's friends came to the house today to meet Mu Jiu and the child, Mu Andong was also very happy for their presence.

"Uncle, we are going to find Xiaojiu, you are busy." Xu Yanke looked at Mu Andong and said.

"Go, Xiao Jiu and the child are in the greenhouse at the back." Mu Andong looked at them and said with a smile.

The two went directly to the greenhouse behind.

The little guy is crawling up and down on the carpet.

"Little Jiu."

"You guys are here, where is Mianmian?" Mu Jiu looked up at the two of them and asked.

"Mianmian won't come here if he's on duty at night." Xu Yanke replied calmly.

Mu Jiu didn't say anything, but she knew in her heart that Tao Mian was not very willing to come to Mu's house because of the current relationship between the two families. In fact, Tao's family was a little sensitive when they came to Mu's house.

Therefore, her not coming was also expected by Mu Jiu.

So she didn't feel too disappointed, but felt relieved, because she knew that if Tao Mian really came, she would be a little restless in Mu's house, and Mu Andong and Qin Kefang should also be very unhappy.

If she doesn't come, it will reduce everyone's embarrassment.

"Hey, little guy, your aunt Tongtong is here, call me auntie." Guan Xiaotong simply sat on the carpet to tease the little guy.

The little guy crawled directly on Guan Xiaotong's body to be hugged.

"The little guy still recognizes me." Guan Xiaotong looked at his initiative with a smile, expressing that he was very happy.

It was rare that there was some sunshine today, Su Luotong and Qin Kefang were basking in the sun in the yard.

Guan Xiaotong looked over, and then asked Mu Jiu. "Xiao Jiu, have you really forgive Su Luotong?"

Mu Jiu followed her gaze, and then smiled, "It doesn't do me any good to keep hating on. Su Luotong like this actually looks pretty good, and she should be a good mother."

Su Luotong was just wayward before, and what he did to her a lot was bad words, and he didn't really do anything to hurt her, so Mu Jiu looked at the child in her stomach and didn't want to hate any more.

"Yes, but it's hard to imagine that a woman like Su Luotong is willing to be a mother, and that child is... Cheng Mingfeng's." Guan Xiaotong also hesitated when he mentioned Cheng Mingfeng's name, and looked at Mu Jiu.

After all, Cheng Mingfeng caused the Mu family to go bankrupt.

"The child is innocent. Even though Cheng Mingfeng is guilty, the child is innocent. I will not force Cheng Mingfeng's crimes on this child. It is Su Luotong's business to be born." Mu Jiu said calmly.

After such a long time, she has long understood one thing, and only by letting go can she let herself go.

There are some things that you don't need to worry about, they are always in your heart, and the most uncomfortable thing is herself.

So, after forgiving Su Luotong, she suddenly thought of the woman who abandoned their brother and sister. If she came back, would she forgive her?
The answer is yes.

Mu Jiu decided to forgive that woman.

Although it was because of her that their brother and sister lost their mother's love since they were young, the marriage between her and Mu Andong was a mistake in the first place. A marriage without an emotional foundation should not have been together in the first place.

So, got married, then had a baby, and made mistakes again and again.

Everyone has the right to choose their own life. Later, that woman decided to abandon her children and choose her own life. She was selfish, but Mu Jiu was more willing to support her leaving than to stay by her children's side in pain all her life.

When a woman is less than 30 years old, she realizes that she has made a big mistake, and there is nothing wrong with correcting it, and there is still time.

If you grow up with a pair of children and regret it, it will be too late.

Mu Jiu has only one idea, to meet her in my lifetime.

Thinking of the question her brother asked her some time ago, if she came back to recognize their brother and sister, would she forgive her.

Mu Jiu's answer is that she can forgive her, but she won't recognize her mother.

A woman can be selfish, but she does not sacrifice her child's motherly love to fulfill her own selfishness.

"Xiao Jiu, I'm really surprised that you can think like this. I thought you would hate this Su Luotong for the rest of your life." Guan Xiaotong said quietly.

You know, ever since Su Luotong followed Qin Kefang to live in Mu's house, Su Luotong has always targeted Mu Jiu and treated him like an enemy.

She will grab everything Mu Jiu likes, and she will snatch it neatly, and she will always speak ill of Mu Jiu in school.

Really enough.

Guan Xiaotong wanted to rip this girl's mouth several times, but Mu Jiu didn't want to pay attention to it.

"Because I found out that people's hearts are not big in the first place, and you can't finish pretending to be someone you like. Why would you want to pretend to be someone you hate? So let it go, and my heart feels more relaxed." Mu Jiu said in a tone. Said calmly.

It really seems to be mixed with a deep life truth.

"Xiao Jiu, you have cultivated the Tao and become a fairy." Guan Xiaotong looked at Mu Jiu in disbelief.

"It's just that I just understood something, what about cultivating Taoism and becoming a fairy, can you think a little more normal." Mu Jiu couldn't help but glanced at her, and really had nothing to say to Guan Xiaotong.

This woman doesn't know what kind of golden sentences will come out of her mouth.

"Anyway, Xiaojiu, it's best if you can figure it out like this. It's good for everyone. Let go of some resentment and prejudice in your heart, and life will be easier." Guan Xiaotong expressed his feelings, Then hold the little guy and make trouble there.

Mu Jiu wanted to let go of everything, but what happened to Jiang Dingcheng made her unable to let go of everything for the time being.

I really don't know how he is doing in Italy, and the more I think about it, the more anxious I become.

"Sister Xiaojiu, let me see the baby." Guan Linlin's voice came from afar.

The young girl is full of energy, she is full of energy.

(End of this chapter)

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