cute in his palm

Chapter 1567 The Woman She Sent

Chapter 1567 The Woman She Sent
Guan Linlin and Jiang Tianen had a good time, probably because Guan Linlin was the closest in age to him here, although they were still ten years behind.

"Jiang Tianen, you call me aunt, it seems that I am too old, you should call me sister, the generation is wrong, it's really embarrassing." Guan Linlin pinched his chubby face and liked it very much.

Guan Xiaotong glanced at Mu Yijie who was sitting next to Mu Jiu, and that kid was looking towards Guan Linlin.

"Guan Linlin, what's so embarrassing, just ask Jiang Tianen to call you little aunt." Guan Xiaotong said with a smile.

The adults understood in an instant, and even Mu Yijie understood the meaning of Guan Xiaotong's words, but Guan Linlin hadn't reacted yet, so she asked her sister directly. "Sister, what does this mean, why..." Then suddenly knowing what the little aunt meant, the little girl blushed like a big apple.

"Sister, how can you make a joke? This joke is not funny at all." Guan Linlin blushed and stared at Guan Xiaotong. How could there be such a filthy sister?
Dare to make any jokes, Mu Yijie is still there, how embarrassing it is for him to hear, what would he think of himself, and he would feel ashamed when he thought about it.

Although she really likes Mu Yijie, from the current point of view, he is the one she wants to marry the most, but she can't just be Jiang Tianen's aunt just like that.

"Oh, I'm so shy, did I say something wrong, you actually don't want to..." Guan Xiaotong planned to tease her again, but before she could finish speaking, Guan Linlin interrupted her.

"Sister, that's enough, I'll get angry if you say it again."

Going on, it would be a bit too much, how embarrassing it would be.

"Xiaotong, don't always make jokes about Linlin, she is just a child." Mu Jiu reminded Guan Xiaotong that this guy just likes to make jokes regardless of the occasion.

Mu Jiu had already seen that the ears of Mu Yijie who was sitting next to her were turning red.

It is estimated that hearing the word aunt also thought of some other things.

Although he has always said that he hates Guan Linlin, in fact, he still has special feelings for Guan Linlin in his heart. Even if it is not love now, it is at least beyond friendship. Otherwise, it would be unbearable for Mu Yijie With a strong personality, she will never tolerate the unreasonable demands of ordinary girls.

But when Guan Linlin brought it up, he endured it.

"Okay, I'm not kidding anymore." Guan Xiaotong said with a smile.

Guan Linlin continued to play with the little guy, and now the little guy knew how to interact with others, so it was time for fun, and Guan Linlin was particularly interested in playing with him.

Just in time, the rare sun came in through the glass window and sprinkled on the two children, one big and one small, on the carpet.

Guan Xiaotong squeezed to Mu Jiu's side and sat down.

"I really didn't expect that Linlin is such a girl who loves children so much. Even though she is only an older child, she can take care of her so well." Guan Xiaotong said with a smile.

"Because Linlin is an older child, they can play together." Mu Jiu said with a smile. "But it's really rare. Linlin likes children so much. A girl who is destined to have children will be a very good mother in the future."

Mu Jiu's words didn't have any other meaning, but she simply said what was in her heart, but Mu Yijie at the side had a different feeling.

I have never seen Guan Linlin with such a side.

Let him have a new understanding of Guan Linlin.

"Sister, let's have a barbecue tonight. It's rare that the weather is so good today." Mu Yijie said in order to divert his inner thoughts.

"Today's weather is indeed very suitable for barbecue, I support it." Guan Xiaotong was very happy, she is a guy who enjoys pleasure.

"Okay, I'll get someone to prepare things now." Mu Yijie left directly.

He was just looking for a suitable reason to leave here. For some reason, when he saw the picture of Guan Linlin and Jiang Tianen together, he thought of Guan Linlin's face as a mother in the future.

Sure enough, if you watch too much, it will be poisonous and you will not dare to watch it again.

Guan Xiaotong smiled when he saw him running away. "It seems that the brat doesn't have any feelings for Linlin at all, yo, first love, it's really wonderful."

Mu Jiu patted Guan Xiaotong directly. "If he really didn't feel anything, he wouldn't bother Linlin."


Now this age is when you are young and ignorant, and it is also the time when love is the most beautiful and pure, and you don't need to mix anything into it.

"Sister, why did Mu Yijie leave?" Guan Linlin didn't realize that Mu Yijie had left.

"Go prepare something for the barbecue at night." Guan Xiaotong said with a smile.

"It's great to have a barbecue tonight." Guan Linlin said happily.

After the barbecue in the evening, it was almost 12 o'clock, and Mu Jiu asked Jiang's driver to pick them up. He didn't plan to stay at Mu's house today, so he didn't bring the little guy's things.

Although Mu Andong was a little disappointed, he was already very relieved when Mu Jiuken came back.

Mu Jiu and Guan Xiaotong left Mu's house together, but they separated at the first intersection. The Jiang family's car went to the left, and Xu Yanke's car went to the right.

Guan Xiaotong wanted to send some barbecue to Tao Mian, it was specially baked at Mu's house just now, a big box full of it.

As soon as I arrived at Tao Mian's apartment building, I saw her seeing off someone. A middle-aged woman in gorgeous clothes. Their car was parked at the gate of the community and they didn't rush in. They waited for the woman to get in the car, and then her car drove away. When they came out, Xu Yanke and the others saw the face of a woman driving the car.

That's the little aunt of Shang Jinglu's family.

How could I know Tao Mian, and the scene just now looks very familiar.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have appeared downstairs in Tao Mian's apartment in the middle of the night.

"Mianmian!" Just as Tao Mian was about to turn around and enter the corridor, Guan Xiaotong stopped her.

Tao Mian turned her head and saw the three people getting out of the car.

The official sisters and Xu Yanke.

"You, why are you here?" Tao Mian was a little surprised.

She was happy to see them, but she was more worried about whether they had seen Tao Shuqin just now.

If she saw it, she didn't know how to explain it.

"Sister Mianmian, happy new year." Guan Linlin said obediently.

"Happy New Year, did you just come from Mu's house?" Tao Mian asked them directly, it seemed that they didn't see Tao Shuqin, so she was relieved.

Regarding the fact that Tao Shuqin is Mu Jiu's biological mother, Tao Shuqin doesn't want people to know about it now, and Tao Mian can't say too much.

"Sister Mianmian, we made a barbecue at Sister Xiaojiu's house, and I specially grilled it for you, look." Guan Linlin lifted the two boxes on her handle.

(End of this chapter)

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