cute in his palm

Chapter 1571 Brother 2 is in a coma

Chapter 1571 Second brother in a coma
A week later, Mu Liangchen called Mu Jiu.

"Brother, is Ding Cheng missing?"

Mu Jiu asked her brother eagerly.

Although he can receive Chi Heyu's safety information every day, Mu Jiu no longer chooses to believe what he said, that nothing is wrong anymore.

She knew something must have happened to Jiang Dingcheng.

Otherwise, it would be very abnormal for my brother to not even be able to find out their whereabouts after such a long time.

"Xiao Jiu, you should be mentally prepared. It is possible that they will not be in Italy long ago. All of their mobile phones have turned off the positioning system. They can't find their whereabouts, or if something happened to them, you first Don't worry, I'll let you know after I check it out." Mu Liangchen said calmly to his sister.

During this period of time, apart from looking at new projects, he spent most of his time looking for Jiang Dingcheng and the others.

Unfortunately, to no avail.

As soon as Mu Jiu heard what her brother said, she felt bad.

Although this was what she had expected, she was still very worried when her brother said that Jiang Dingcheng's whereabouts could not be found.

"Brother, I got it." Mu Jiu was full of loss, really feeling extremely uncomfortable.

"Xiao Jiu, Xiao Jiu, are you still listening to me? Don't worry about this matter, I will find a way." Mu Liangchen told Mu Jiu because he was afraid that Mu Jiu would be too worried.

Mu Jiu suppressed her mood. "Brother, it's okay, you go ahead."

After hanging up the phone for a while, Mu Jiu called Chi Heyu directly. "Heyu, tell me, where are you now, I know you are not in Italy anymore."

It took a long time to hear Chi Heyu's voice from the other end.

"Second sister-in-law, I'm sorry." Chi Heyu looked at Jiang Dingcheng who was still lying on the bed, and couldn't help but collapse.

He knew that this matter could not be concealed any longer.

The duration of Jiang Dingcheng's coma was longer than they had expected. It was impossible for Mu Jiu to believe that he had been hiding it for such a long time.

It has been almost a month since Chinese New Year.

"Don't say sorry to me, now tell me what happened to Jiang Dingcheng, where are you guys?" Mu Jiu choked him directly.

As soon as she heard Chi Heyu's sorry, Mu Jiu's heart sank.

It seems that she was right in her prediction all along, something happened to Jiang Dingcheng.

"Second sister-in-law, second brother is in a coma now." Chi Heyu said directly.

As soon as she heard that Jiang Dingcheng was in a coma, Mu Jiu was stunned for a moment, her whole body was in a bad mood, and it took her a long time to react after dropping her phone on the carpet, and picked it up again to ask Chi Heyu.

"He Yu, tell me the address." Mu Jiu asked directly, her voice was loud, and she lost control of her emotions.

"Zurich, your home."

"Okay, I see, I'll rush over now."

"Second sister-in-law, I will tell you about the specific situation later."

"Okay, okay." After finishing speaking, Mu Jiu hung up the phone directly, and then looked lost. She was afraid that going out by herself like this would scare the Jiang family, so she forced herself to calm down and ran to the bathroom After washing my face with cold water, I finally calmed down a little.

He took a deep breath, thinking about what to do now?
Yes, book your flight first.

Mu Jiu directly booked the fastest ticket to Zurich on her mobile phone, and the fastest ticket will be available tomorrow afternoon, so there is still one day left, how will she live.

In particular, he had to hide his emotions so that the Jiang family could not find any clues.

The best way to do that is to go outside.

When she went out of the room, she saw Lin Weishuang hugging the little guy, and Mu Jiu was shocked.

"Mom, you, why are you here?" Mu Jiu subconsciously said to Lin Weishuang.

Lin Weishuang was taken aback.

"Tian En is hungry. He is holding him and coming to feed you. What's the matter with you? You look like making a fuss, Xiao Jiu, what's the matter with you?" Lin Weishuang saw that her mood was not right, and asked directly.

Mu Jiu's mood was completely as if she was frightened.

"Mom, I'll feed him later, and then I'm going out. I'm going to Switzerland tomorrow. A friend is getting married. I'll go there." Mu Jiu simply talked to Lin Weishuang.

After all, she was going abroad, so at least the Jiang family had to know about it.

It's just that she can't tell them the specific places and things she's going to do now.

"To Switzerland?" Lin Weishuang looked at her in surprise and said.

"Well, a friend got married there, so I must take Tian'en to go there." What Mu Jiu hated most before was lying, but now she said it again and again.

Sure enough, the older a person grows up, the more he will become the self he hates more and more.

But in the current situation, she can't lie, she can't just tell Lin Weishuang what she is going to Zurich for.

Jiang Dingcheng is unconscious there now, and as his wife, she must go there.

However, she didn't want Lin Weishuang to know, she would be frightened.

"Is that so, are you going to go there in such a hurry?" Lin Weishuang didn't have extra doubts.

"Well, I was just informed that the wedding is three days away, but I want to go there earlier, we haven't seen each other for a long time." Mu Jiu looked at Lin Weishuang and said.

She really couldn't do it anymore, if Lin Weishuang continued to ask, she was afraid that she would collapse all of a sudden.

She can't hold on to lying for too long.

"That's fine, you can go out to relax, then you can feed Tianen first." Lin Weishuang thought for a while, and it was not a good thing to ask Mu Jiu to take the child out for a walk.

It can make their mother and son feel more relaxed.

"Mom, I'll go out for a while to buy a wedding gift for a friend. I may come back very late, so I don't have to wait for us for dinner." Mu Jiu looked at Lin Weishuang and said.

Mu Jiu just wanted to find a place to hide from the Jiang family. She didn't want them to find out that she was in an abnormal mood, and then she was afraid that she would say it out of control.

After Mu Jiu fed Jiang Tianen, she called her aunt over.

"Ma'am, Tian En is full, let me hug." Auntie thought that Mu Jiu asked her to come here just to hug the little guy.

"Auntie, you and I will go out for a while, let's go shopping." Mu Jiu looked at Auntie and said, and waited outside to explain the matter to Auntie clearly.

Since he was going back to Zurich, he naturally had to tell his aunt about Jiang Dingcheng's accident. Anyway, when he got there, his aunt would see him in a coma.

"Okay, I'll go out first and get ready." Auntie said and went out.

Mu Jiu put Jiang Tianen on the small bed, then quickly changed her clothes, packed up her things and was ready to go out.

"Madam, where should we go shopping?" Auntie asked Mu Jiu.

"Go to the mall."

Mu Jiu drove directly to the underground parking lot of the shopping mall, but she didn't intend to get out of the car for a long time.

The aunt looked at her like this, something was wrong. "Ma'am, are you really all right?"

(End of this chapter)

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