cute in his palm

Chapter 1572 She is very haggard

Chapter 1572 She is very haggard

It took Mu Jiu a while to speak. "Auntie, let's go back to Zurich tomorrow."

When she heard that she was going back to Zurich, the aunt didn't react.

"Ma'am, what do you mean by that? Why are you going back to Zurich?" Aunt looked at Mu Jiu and asked suspiciously.

They just came back from Zurich a few years ago, so why did they have to go there again.

Auntie just can't understand at all, what is the reason for returning to Zurich this time?

I don't know why, but my aunt's premonition is that something bad has happened.

Judging from Mu Jiu's reaction, he knew it was definitely not a good thing.

"Auntie, I won't play around with you, I'll just say it, and I will be at home in Zurich." Mu Jiu said sadly. "At the moment he is unconscious."

When Mu Jiu said the following words, his expression was extremely heavy.

Auntie felt very heavy when she heard her say this.

"Madam, what's going on here? Why is the husband on a business trip in Italy, but now he's in a coma at home in Zurich? Is the injury serious?" Auntie said very worriedly.

Mu Jiu looked a little uncomfortable.

The aunt also felt very uncomfortable seeing her like this.


"Auntie, what's going on with Dingcheng now, they can't explain clearly on the phone, I can only go there and see Dingcheng to find out what's going on, I've booked a ticket, tomorrow afternoon at the earliest, so we Let's go together, this matter cannot be let anyone in the Jiang family know for the time being, Auntie, please." Mu Jiu looked at Auntie sincerely and said.

Auntie naturally knew how heavy Mu Jiu's heart was, and they couldn't let them know about this matter.

"Don't worry, madam, I won't let them know."

"That's why I wanted to go out for a stroll. I didn't want to stay at home anymore. I was afraid that my emotional breakdown would make them find out." Mu Jiu explained his behavior.

"Madam, let's go to the coffee shop on the top floor and sit down." Auntie understood Mu Jiu's mood very well.

Jiang Dingcheng's accident was the last thing she wanted to happen, but it still happened, so she could only try her best to convince herself to accept it first, and then look at the situation.

"Well, sit outside for a while and go back later." Mu Jiu said with a heavy breath.

To be honest, what she wants most now is to fly directly to Zurich instead of waiting until tomorrow, because she knows that this short day will be very difficult for her.

When they took the elevator to the third floor, they stopped for a moment. The elevator door opened, and they saw the merchant's aunt and Ni Ya. Ni Ya was holding her hand affectionately, like a mother and daughter. It looks very haggard, far worse than what it looked like years ago.

"Aunt Shang." Mu Jiu called her first.

Tao Shuqin also saw Mu Jiu's mother and son, and she was going to leave as if she hadn't seen them, because she really didn't want Mu Jiu to see her ghostly appearance, but she still stopped her.

"Aunt Shang, Miss Ni, do you want to go up?" Mu Jiu asked them with a smile.

Ni Ya wanted to speak, but Tao Shuqin interrupted.

"Let's go downstairs." Aunt Shang said calmly.

"Aunt Shang, do you have time? Let's have a cup of coffee together. I'm going to Switzerland tomorrow, and I don't know when I'll be back." Mu Jiu looked at Tao Shuqin and said.

Mu Jiu felt that when she saw Aunt Shang this time, not only did she look haggard, but she was not as enthusiastic as before. You must know that Aunt Shang would greet her warmly and proactively every time she saw her, but this time she had to pretend not to It's not normal to ignore someone who knows the same thing.

Therefore, Mu Jiu felt a little strange.

Mu Jiu's words really caught Tao Shuqin's attention.

"Xiao Jiu, what did you say?" Tao Shuqin asked her again.

"Aunt Shang, we are going to Switzerland to attend a friend's wedding tomorrow, and we may need to stay for a while, so we won't be back for a while, and I'm afraid we won't see each other for a long time." Mu Jiu said to her with a faint smile.

Tao Shuqin went into the elevator with Ni Ya without hesitation.

Because Tao Shuqin never thought that Mu Jiu would go abroad, and the return date has not yet been set.

You know, even the doctors don't know how long she can live with her current illness.

She wanted to spend more time with Mu Jiu, but now it seems to be her extravagant wish.

A group of people arrived at the coffee shop on the top floor.

"Aunt Shang, Miss Ni, order what you want to drink." Mu Jiu looked at the two of them and said.

"I want coffee, just give my aunt the juice." Niya ordered something politely.

Mu Jiu ordered a glass of juice for herself, and a cup of coffee for her aunt.

"Aunt Shang, I see that you look very haggard. Is there something wrong, sick?" Mu Jiu asked her directly.

Ni Ya wanted to speak, but Tao Shuqin preempted her.

"Xiao Jiu, don't worry, it's just that I had a little cold a few days ago, so I look a little haggard, but I'm actually fine." Tao Shuqin smiled hard and said.

She never thought that she would run into Mu Jiu here today, and she really didn't want Mu Jiu to see the haggard look on her face, but she wanted to spend more time with Mu Jiu.

"You have to pay attention to the cold, otherwise you will become sick if it is serious." Mu Jiu reminded her.

"I know, by the way, Xiaojiu, you said you're going to Switzerland, when are you leaving?" Tao Shuqin turned the topic to Mu Jiu, not wanting Mu Jiu to keep paying attention to her, for fear that she would slip up and reveal her illness. come out.

This was not what Tao Shuqin thought, she didn't want Mu Jiu to know about her illness, and she didn't want anyone in the Mu family to know, so she told Shang Jinglu not to reveal a word to Mu Jiu.

"Well, the plane is tomorrow afternoon." Mu Jiu said after taking a sip of juice.

"Not sure when you'll be back?" Tao Shuqin asked softly.

She doesn't want to undergo chemotherapy, and wants to spend the rest of her life well in the last time. She can live for two to five years without chemotherapy, so she doesn't know how long she can live.

Once it is delayed to an advanced stage, it will die at any time.

People in the business advised her to undergo chemotherapy, but she could not take the risk. If the chemotherapy failed, she would not even be able to live for the last two years, and she would be tortured to death.

"Well, not sure, maybe soon, maybe it will take a few months." Mu Jiu tried to say in a calm tone.

Because when they came back, we should take Jiang Dingcheng's situation as an example. If he woke up quickly and recovered well, they would return to China in the shortest possible time.

However, if the situation is not good, you can only delay your return home.

"Oh, I see." Tao Shuqin said a little disappointed.

Although she didn't know what Mu Jiu was going to do, she knew that she was there for business, if it took several months before she came back, maybe she would not even have time to spend with her daughter at the end.

Sure enough, God has always been cruel to punishment.

"Aunt Shang, do you have something to tell me?" Mu Jiu saw that her mood was not right.

Tao Shuqin forced a smile. "fine."

(End of this chapter)

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