cute in his palm

Chapter 1580 The Long Wait

Chapter 1580 The Long Wait

Mu Jiu looked at Chi Heyu, and then spoke. "Well, I came down after waking up, Heyu, go and rest, you must be tired if you haven't slept all night."

Although Chi Heyu seemed in good spirits, he would still be very tired if he didn't sleep all night.

This point, Mu Jiu is quite clear.

"Second sister-in-law, I'm fine. The doctor will come later, and I'll just ask him to find out about my second brother's situation." Chi Heyu looked at Mu Jiu and said.

"Well, I'll just wait for the doctor to come, you go to rest first." Mu Jiu insisted on letting him rest.

Chi Heyu has been doing his best to take care of Jiang Dingcheng here for so long, and Mu Jiu is already very guilty and satisfied.

Now that she is here, naturally Chi Heyu can't be so tired anymore.

"Then I'm going to take a rest. If the second sister-in-law has anything to do, just call me." Chi Heyu looked at Mu Jiu and said.

"I know, you go to rest, He Yu, if you can, take some time to go back, if you don't go back for so long, the family will be worried." Mu Jiu reminded him.

Chi Heyu hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"Second sister-in-law, I understand, then I'll go up first." After speaking, Chi Heyu went upstairs.

Mu Jiu wrapped up her clothes and went straight to Jiang Dingcheng's room.

Still the same, he lay there motionless, eyes closed.

Mu Jiu sat on the chair next to him, and then held his hand. "Jiang Dingcheng, are you awake? I woke up and didn't fall asleep all night. I was thinking about you. Can you hear my voice? I know you are too tired and want to rest. I I can wait for you, but don't sleep too long, okay, I don't want you to miss Jiang Tianen's growth."

"You are his father. It is best for a son to be with his father when he grows up."

After sitting with Jiang Dingcheng for a while, the doctor came over.

Mu Jiu got up directly and went out to greet her.

"Ma'am, Dr. Zach is here. He is Mr.'s attending doctor and an authoritative brain doctor in the world." Hansen introduced to Mu Jiu.

This doctor seems to be quite authoritative.

"Hello, Doctor Zach, I'm Mu Jiu, Jiang Dingcheng's wife, how is my husband doing?" Mu Jiu asked him directly.

On the way here, Dr. Zach had already heard from Hansen that Jiang Dingcheng's wife already knew about his situation and flew over from China.

Therefore, I will come here in person.

Dr. Zac's normal visit time is once a week. If Jiang Dingcheng has any problems, he will come again.

But basically, Jiang Dingcheng's situation is stable.

The gunshot wound is slowly healing, so it's not a big problem.

The biggest question now is when will he wake up, which even he can't be sure of directly.

Chi Heyu also came down, and they went to Jiang Dingcheng's room together, and told her about the situation.

"Mrs. Jiang, Mr. Jiang's situation is not too bad, but it may be difficult to wake him up in a short time, but it is good for Mr. Jiang to recover now that you are here. If his lover often talks to him, It will help him wake up earlier." Mr. Zach said seriously.

Mu Jiu could understand what he meant.

"Thank you, Dr. Zach, I know how to do it." Mu Jiu said seriously.

As long as Jiang Dingcheng has no other conditions or sequelae, she will be at ease.

Dr. Zach left quickly.

Mu Jiu and Chi Heyu sat there.

"Second sister-in-law, you heard what Dr. Zach said just now. The second brother's condition is neither bad nor bad, but it is still a little serious. That is, I don't know how long the second brother will sleep." Chi Heyu said with a heavy tone .

This is the most serious problem.

"Second sister-in-law, don't think too much, after you come, second brother will definitely wake up early." Chi Heyu comforted Mu Jiu.

Although I know that these are just comforting words, hearing them in my heart will make me feel much more at ease.

"Well, I know, this is not something that can be resolved in a short while, I will wait for him to wake up." Mu Jiu said calmly.

Anyway, now that I have accepted this fact, there is not much time to wait.

"Second sister-in-law, let's go out to eat first, you didn't even eat breakfast." Chi Heyu looked at Mu Jiu and said.

Lan Qin has already prepared lunch, so come over and call them.

"Madam, come out to eat. Lunch is ready, and you didn't eat much for breakfast. Your body will collapse sooner or later." Lan Qin looked at Mu Jiu and said.

Mu Jiu like this is really worrying and distressing.

Mu Jiu didn't delay any longer, and went out to eat with them directly.

After eating, Mu Jiu took Jiang Tianen to accompany Jiang Dingcheng in the room for a while.

After staying like this for three consecutive days, Mu Jiu probably knew that Jiang Dingcheng was really in a deep coma, but she would hold Jiang Tianen by Jiang Dingcheng's side every day, and use Jiang Tianen to make more contact with Jiang Dingcheng.

They are father and son, and they are connected by blood.

This way it will be more telepathic.

Let Jiang Dingcheng know how much they long for him to wake up.

Under Mu Jiu's persuasion, Chi Heyu decided to go back, and he will be back in about a week.

"Second sister-in-law, you and Tianen are here well. I will go back and come here soon." Chi Heyu didn't want to go back at first, but he hasn't been back since the New Year. It's a bit embarrassing to say something.

"It's okay, Heyu, you can go back and stay for a few more days. With Hansen and I here, nothing will happen." Mu Jiu comforted Chi Heyu and said.

"Second sister-in-law, if you have anything to do, please contact us directly." Chi Heyu told Mu Jiu, afraid that she would not know how to deal with things when she was alone here.

"Master Chi, don't worry, my wife is here, we will take care of it." Hansen promised.

Jiang Dingcheng was so kind to them before, now is the time for him to repay his favor.

"I believe you can take good care of the second sister-in-law and the others, so I'll go first." Chi Heyu said and got into the car directly.

It has been a week since Chi Heyu left, and Mu Jiu's daily task is to talk with Jiang Dingcheng, talk about their past events, and count them one by one.

"Jiang Dingcheng, you have to wake up quickly. When Tian En grows up day by day, you will regret not growing up with him properly." Mu Jiu said, patting Jiang Dingcheng's hand.

The little guy now knows how to sit on his father's bed, and then quietly looks at his father's face without saying anything, but his little face is very serious.

Although the child is still young and doesn't know what coma is, he already knows what sadness is.

Jiang Tianen would feel sad if Dad didn't wake up and didn't play with him.

Every day when I saw my father, I would think, when will my father wake up and play with Tianen.

(End of this chapter)

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