cute in his palm

Chapter 1581 His finger moved

Chapter 1581 His finger moved

Mu Jiu has been thinking about how to tell Su Luotong that Cheng Mingfeng is dead.

Instead, he received a call from Su Luotong a few months later.

"Mu Jiu, you hid abroad and didn't come back, just give birth today." Su Luotong said directly, her tone was very happy, and she could hear how happy she was as a new mother.

"Daughter?" Mu Jiu asked directly.

"Well, daughter, the name is also decided, called Su Anyue, my brother gave it to me, I hope she can have a safe and happy life." Su Luotong said happily.

Su Anyue, a nice name.

The metaphor is also very good.

Grow up safely and happily.

But Mu Jiu thought of Cheng Mingfeng, the man who had been dead for several months, but Mu Jiu really didn't know how to tell Su Luotong about this matter, it was so hard to tell.

Mu Jiu sighed, forget it.

After Jiang Dingcheng woke up, they returned to the country, and then talked about it with Su Luotong face to face.

I always feel that telling her about Cheng Mingfeng's death on the phone is disrespectful to Su Luotong.

Although Cheng Mingfeng did many wrong things during his lifetime, he still needs a quiet and long sleep after death, and even more so, those who love him need to know about it.

What Mu Jiu is most worried about is that Su Luotong still loves Cheng Mingfeng in his heart, how will he accept the news of his death.

This matter really troubled Mu Jiu the most.

"Mu Jiu, are you still listening to me?" Su Luotong didn't hear Mu Jiu's response for a long time, so he called her directly.

Su Luotong's voice brought Mu Jiu back to reality.

"Well, I'm listening. Congratulations, you got a little princess." Mu Jiu sincerely blessed.

"When will you come back? I want to put a full moon wine." Su Luotong said with a smile.

"Not going back for now." Mu Jiu said calmly.

There was some helplessness in his tone.

"What's the matter, did something happen? You left the country in a hurry after the Chinese New Year, and Jiang Dingcheng never came back to show his face. I asked my brother, but he didn't know what happened. I don't know, or I don't want to say, I don't know." Su Luotong said in a anxious tone.

"Su Luotong, there's nothing wrong. You don't have to worry about these things. Now that you have given birth to a child, take care of your daughter and stop worrying about us." Mu Jiu said directly.

Apart from Jiang's family, only a few people know about Jiang Dingcheng's situation. She doesn't want more people to know about it.

At that time, it will only be detrimental to the Jiang family.

"Mu Jiu, if you have anything, you can tell me. Although it may not be of much help, you will feel better if you tell me." Su Luotong said.

When Mu Jiu heard this, she was a little moved, but she still didn't intend to tell her about it.

"Okay, I get it, I appreciate your kindness, but I'm afraid I won't be able to return to the country for the time being, you take your daughter well and grow up with her." Because she doesn't have a father anymore, Mu Jiu didn't dare to say the following .

The death of Cheng Mingfeng will only bring news of Su Luotong's collapse.

So let's not talk about it for now.

"Well, when will you come back, let me tell you in advance, I haven't seen Jiang Tianen for a long time, the brat has grown up a lot." Su Luotong said with a smile.

The stinky boy is sitting next to him, he has been very naughty for more than eight months.

After some calculations, it has been four months since she and Jiang Tianen arrived in Zurich, and it is now the end of May, the snow mountains outside the window have long since melted, and the flowers and plants in the yard are flourishing.

"It's very naughty, I'll send you a photo when the time comes, let's do this first, you should have a good rest." Mu Jiu finished talking and hung up the phone.

Looking at Jiang Tianen who was sitting on the carpet by his feet and playing, Mu Jiu had mixed feelings in his heart.

Then bent down and picked him up from the ground.

"Heaven, Aunt Su gave birth to a younger sister named Kuaiguai, Su Anyue."

"It must be a very beautiful sister. Mom will take you back to see her when the time comes, okay?"

Jiang Tianen's big dark eyes stared at his mother's face and turned around.

The half-understanding look is very cute.

"Play with Dad, Mom will take you out to bask in the sun." Mu Jiu carried the little guy to the bed and stayed with Jiang Dingcheng for a while before leaving with him.

The moment Mu Jiu turned around, Jiang Dingcheng moved his fingers.

Mu Jiu didn't see it, but Jiang Tianen saw it, he whimpered twice, and was still carried out by his mother.

Jiang Tianen really wanted to tell his mother that he saw his father move his fingers just now, but he still can't speak, he really hates it to death.

Every Monday, Dr. Zach will come over to check Jiang Dingcheng's body.

"Doctor Zach, how is my husband?" Mu Jiu asked him concerned.

"There is nothing wrong with Mr. Jiang's body, and his consciousness is slowly recovering, but the recovery is very slow. Mrs. Jiang, do you feel any slight changes in him, or can you spend more time talking to him? Some things that can stimulate his nerves, such as good memories, or things that can make him very sad." Dr. Zach said to Mu Jiu calmly.

Jiang Dingcheng's consciousness has been slowly recovering, but the recovery process is very slow, and it is uncertain when he will wake up.

It is undeniable that Mu Jiu has the greatest credit for this.

When Mu Jiu heard this, she was more than excited.

It's been a week since Dr. Zach came over last time, Jiang Dingcheng will have such a big change, which shows that the way she often talks to him is effective.

The time before he wakes up will be faster, that's what it means.

"Doctor Zac, is my husband recovering well now, right? If I talk more, it will be of great help to his recovery of consciousness, right." Mu Jiu said excitedly.

"Of course, Mrs. Jiang's contribution is the greatest, so please continue to work hard and look forward to better news." Dr. Zach looked at Mu Jiu and said.

"Of course, it must be good news." Mu Jiu said happily.

After so long, today is the happiest day for her.

"Mrs. Jiang, look how well the flowers are blooming outside. This is a good omen." Dr. Zac looked at the blooming flowers outside the window and said. Except for roses, there are all kinds of beautiful flowers and plants in the yard. , this season is when a large number of flowers bloom, so they are gorgeous and fragrant, very attractive.

Mu Jiu was very moved and shook Dr. Zach's hand to express her gratitude.

"Thank you Dr. Zach."

"Mrs. Jiang, this is my job as a doctor. The main credit lies in the hard work of you and Mr. Jiang. I hope there will be good news next week. I will go back first." Dr. Zach looked at him kindly. Mu Jiu said.

(End of this chapter)

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