cute in his palm

Chapter 1582 No more than 24 hours

Chapter 1582 No more than 24 hours
What is the most difficult day, and that is the endless waiting.

But fortunately, there is hope for Mu Jiu's waiting, as long as Jiang Dingcheng wakes up early, nothing will happen.

On this day, Mu Jiu came to wipe his hands and face for him in the morning as usual.

"Jiang Dingcheng, Dr. Zach said you will wake up soon, but it's been another month and you still haven't woken up. I wonder if I haven't influenced you enough, or are you simply unwilling to wake up?" Mu Jiu said while wiping his hands.

The tone is full of discomfort.

"If you don't wake up again, I'll take Jiang Tianen back and I won't guard you anymore. I'll let you stay here alone and sleep as long as you like."

Picking up fingers one by one and rubbing them, Mu Jiu said with a very heavy heart.

I have been in a coma for half a year, and I should wake up soon.

"Jiang Dingcheng, did you hear me? I said, if you don't wake up... I'll take my son back and ignore you..." Mu Jiu suddenly got angry and yelled at him.

No matter how good the patience is, it will be worn out.

Dr. Zach said that you should not blindly say pleasant and gentle words to him, but you should also say some unpleasant words appropriately to stimulate him.

Maybe such a stimulation can really wake him up.

"Jiang Dingcheng, I did what I said. I'm tired of you falling asleep like this. If you want to sleep, I'll let you sleep enough now..." After speaking, Mu Jiu turned around and was about to leave the room.

"Jiu... Jiuer..."

Although the voice was not loud, it really made Mu Jiu hear the word Jiu'er.

Only Jiang Dingcheng could call her like this.

Was it because she was too emotional just now to finish scolding, did she have hallucinations?
Looking back, Jiang Dingcheng was still lying there with his eyes closed, it didn't look like he was awake at all.

Sure enough, she was hallucinating.

However, she saw his fingers move.


Mu Jiu was overly excited all of a sudden, and hurried over.


The sound came from his mouth, because his lips were still trembling slightly.

This is sending a message to Mu Jiu.

That is, Jiang Dingcheng woke up.

At least conscious, although the eyes have not yet opened.

"Dingcheng, Dingcheng, are you awake? Can you hear my voice?" Mu Jiu said loudly while holding his hand, her own voice was trembling because she couldn't believe it.

Jiang Dingcheng was finally about to wake up.

Jiang Dingcheng moved his fingers lightly, and then a tear rolled down from the corner of his eye, and a very soft voice came out of his mouth.


This time Mu Jiu no longer thought that she was hallucinating, it was he who was really calling herself.

Whether it was in a dream or subconsciously, the two words he said were her name.

It turned out that even under such circumstances, the first thing he thought of was her, and a hot tear rolled down from the corner of her eye silently.

Then the tears fell uncontrollably.

Of course, it was tears of excitement.

"Doctor, doctor, aunt, aunt...Hansen, call the doctor quickly, Dingcheng is about to wake up..."

Mu Jiu was so excited that she was speechless.

The people outside heard Mu Jiu's voice and hurried in.

"Ma'am, ma'am, what did you say?"

"Is sir awake?"

"Sir, are you really awake?"

Four or five people all rushed in, looking at Jiang Dingcheng excitedly.

"I saw the lashes moving, sir."

"Mister's fingers are moving..."

"Doctor Zach, Dr. Zach, I'll pick him up now..." Hansen ran out excitedly after speaking.

Everyone stood there one after another, hoping that Jiang Dingcheng would wake up soon.

No one wants to miss that exciting moment.

They all want to wait for the second when Jiang Dingcheng wakes up.

However, Jiang Dingcheng didn't wake up when Hansen brought Dr. Zach over, but his fingers moved several times during this period.

"Doctor Zac, take a quick look, Dingcheng is about to wake up, he called me by my name a few times." Mu Jiu said excitedly, pulling Dr. Zac.

"Mrs. Jiang, don't worry, Mr. Jiang called your name, which means that he is already conscious, but not very strong, strong enough to wake him up completely, don't worry, I will give him a systematic examination, please All of you go out first." Dr. Zac looked at them and said.

A group of people all withdrew.

When Jiang Dingcheng lived here, Chi Heyu built it for him according to the advanced ward, so all the necessary machines were moved from the hospital just in case.

So, Dr. Zach checks here.

The people outside were fidgeting, especially Mu Jiu, who paced back and forth there, very uneasy.

"Ma'am, sir will be fine." The auntie said while holding the little guy and looking at Mu Jiu.

In fact, there is nothing to persuade.

Because my aunt is still very excited. They have been here for four or five months, and my husband has been in a coma for half a year. He should wake up.

Finally looking forward to the fact that he will wake up, no one is not excited.

"Ma'am, sir will wake up soon."

"Madam, sir must have felt your love, that's why he woke up so quickly."

Hansen is a big man, his eyes are wet by the side at this time, it really makes Mu Jiu look at him with admiration.

Jiang Dingcheng has touched the hearts of many people.

So, wake up sooner.

The door opened, and Dr. Zack and the assistant doctor came out.

"Doctor Zach, my husband..."

"Mrs. Jiang, Mr. Jiang is recovering very well. He should wake up within 24 hours, maybe tonight, or the next second." Dr. Zach said humorously.

Just now he had finished the examination for Jiang Dingcheng, and he recovered very well.

Mu Jiu felt relieved when she heard this. "Thank you, Dr. Zach, can I go in and see my husband now?"

"of course can."

Mu Jiu hurried in sideways and walked directly to the bedside. "Jiang Dingcheng, I will stay by your side until you wake up. It doesn't matter if you wake up slowly."

Dr. Zach said that if he can wake up within 24 hours, he is really about to wake up.

I have been guarding for five months, not bad for 24 hours.

Mu Jiu's mood was still extremely excited, even the little guy was a little excited, and kept shouting there.

"Come on, Tian En, this is Dad, Dad will wake up soon..."

"Ba... Poof..." Jiang Tianen said in a babble.

That puff made the atmosphere a little easier.

Originally, Mu Jiu thought that Jiang Dingcheng would not wake up until the little guy was one year old, could walk and call his father, but now it seems that he doesn't have to.

It seems that the task of teaching the little guy to walk and talk has to be handed over to Jiang Dingcheng, so that she can relax.

(End of this chapter)

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