cute in his palm

Chapter 1588 Aunt Shang is seriously ill

Chapter 1588 Aunt Shang is seriously ill

At the family banquet, Mu Jiu didn't have a chance to talk to Su Luotong about Cheng Mingfeng, and she was prepared to follow Jiang Dingcheng's wishes. She would not tell her about this matter again, and she would never tell her about Cheng Mingfeng's death. Luotong still had hope for that man, and planned to wait for him to come back, Mu Jiu felt very uncomfortable in his heart, it was impossible for Su Luotong to still have hope for a dead man.

So, after thinking about it for a few days, I decided to talk to Su Luotong in private.

"You're in such a hurry to find me, what's the matter?" Su Luotong said while teasing his daughter while looking at Mu Jiu.

Mu Jiu took a sip of water to suppress her emotions, and then looked at her before speaking. "Su Luotong, tell me the truth, are you still waiting for Cheng Mingfeng?"

Upon hearing Cheng Mingfeng's name, Su Luotong's originally smiling face froze.

"Why mention him again?"

"Cheng Mingfeng is dead." Mu Jiu said these words calmly.

Su Luotong froze all of a sudden.

"You, what are you talking about, Mu Jiu, this kind of joke is not very funny." Su Luotong said sadly, choosing not to believe it was true.

"You also know that this kind of joke is not funny, so I didn't joke with you. Cheng Mingfeng died. He was shot and killed by An Tenglong's men in Italy when Ding was injured and fell into a coma." Mu Jiu endured Feeling uncomfortable and said to her.

Mu Jiu knew very well in her heart how hurtful those words would be.

But it was the truth, she had to say.

It took Su Luotong a while to digest Mu Jiu's words, but he still chose not to believe it.

"Mu Jiu, this joke is too much." Su Luotong looked at Mu Jiu with a serious face and said.

Anyway, she has only one attitude now, that is, she doesn't believe the fact that Cheng Mingfeng is dead.

How can he die?She and her daughter are still waiting for him to come back, even though he has done all the bad things.

"Su Luotong, this is not a joke, it's the truth, I know it's hard for you to accept, but..."

"Okay, Mu Jiu, don't say anything, just pretend that we haven't said anything today, I don't believe he will really die." After saying that, Su Luotong got up directly, and Su Yuean in her arms began to cry .

"Hey, let's go home." Su Luotong directly hugged her daughter and prepared to leave.

Mu Jiu wanted to say something, but she couldn't say a word.

Su Luotong still has Cheng Mingfeng in his heart, so how can he accept the fact that he is dead.

Mu Jiu would also not be able to accept it.

But this is the fact.

Su Yaoting from outside came in.

It was Mu Jiu who asked him to come here, because Mu Jiu knew that Su Luotong would definitely not be able to accept it after hearing about it, and was afraid that something would happen to her.

"Xiao Tong, are you okay?" Su Yaoting asked his sister after taking Su Yue'an, seeing her pale face, he knew something must be wrong.

Regarding the news of Cheng Mingfeng's death, Su Yaoting knew something about it, so the younger sister knew about it because she knew about Cheng Mingfeng's death.

"Yao Ting, you can take her back to rest first, you have worked hard these days." Mu Jiu looked at Su Yao Ting and said.

"I know, I'll take care of them."

Seeing Su Yaoting leaving with his sister in his arms, Mu Jiu was a little helpless.Because she didn't know if it was right to do so, she felt that she was a bad person, very cruel.

Mu Jiu really hated herself a little.

Jiang Dingcheng knew that she met Su Luotong today just to talk about Cheng Mingfeng, Su Luotong would feel uncomfortable, and Mu Jiu would also feel uncomfortable. As her husband, Jiang Dingcheng knew this well. So come and get her.

"Did you tell her about Cheng Mingfeng's death?" Jiang Dingcheng asked his wife after he hugged her into the car.

Mu Jiu was silent for a moment before speaking. "Well, I said, Su Luotong still has him in his heart, so it's really uncomfortable."

"I see that you are also suffering."

"What should I do, Dingcheng, I think I've been a bad guy once."

Jiang Dingcheng reached out and rubbed her head to comfort her. "Take a good rest these days. I've made an appointment with a doctor for you. We'll go to the hospital for an examination in two days."

Mu Jiu suddenly remembered that there was still a little life in her stomach.

Three days later, they went to the hospital.

What I got was shocking news.

"Boss Jiang, congratulations to Mrs. Jiang, it's been eight weeks, and the two children are developing well."

Mu Jiu thought for a moment that she had heard wrong.

"Doctor, what are you talking about? Two children?"

"Well, the two children are twins." The doctor said with certainty.

Mu Jiu was going crazy with joy.

Actually, it's twins, she never thought about it.

"Honey, they are twins." Mu Jiu said excitedly.

Jiang Dingcheng put his arms around her, and finally saw the smile on her face after so many days of gloom, Jiang Dingcheng was also very happy. "Well, twins, so you have to work harder, wife."

It's just that when I saw Ni Ya at the entrance of the hospital, Mu Jiu didn't think anything at first, but anyway, I haven't seen each other for so long and wanted to go over to say hello.

Unexpectedly, when Ni Ya saw her, she ran directly to the building next to her.

He actually avoided her.

Mu Jiu felt very abnormal.

"Dingcheng, wait for me, I'll go and have a look... That person was Ni Ya just now, I always think it's not normal for her to hide from me." Mu Jiu looked at Jiang Dingcheng.

Jiang Dingcheng also agreed with her words. "I'll take a look with you."

Jiang Dingcheng also saw Ni Ya just now, and found that she looked at them a little strangely.

The presence of Ni Ya means that there should be people from the business, and maybe Tao Shuqin is in this hospital.

Jiang Dingcheng did not forget that Tao Shuqin was sick.

Heart disease plus stomach cancer.

Neither disease is minor.

Moreover, he hasn't told Mu Jiu yet, if he lets her know, he still doesn't know what kind of mood he will feel.

More importantly, that woman is the biological mother who abandoned her.

Thinking of this, Jiang Dingcheng's heart was tied together, very uncomfortable.

"Are you going too?" Mu Jiu looked at Jiang Dingcheng in disbelief.

When did you gossip like this.

"Well, let's go, I won't be able to find her in a while, you are a pregnant woman, how can I rest assured." Jiang Dingcheng held her hand and said.

Well, pregnant women.

She is now a big belly woman again.

When she was pregnant with Jiang Tianen, she worked very hard, but now she felt the happiness of having her husband to accompany her and worry about her.

"Well, hurry up."

They quickly chased after them. Ni Ya actually ran into the building and didn't leave. She stood there blankly, still hesitating. Although she knew that Mu Jiu and Aunt Shang were not related, every time she saw the two of them When they got along together, Ni Ya felt that the two of them were related.

Now that Aunt Shang is seriously ill, when I met Mu Jiu here, Ni Ya really wanted to talk about it, but when she thought that both Shang Jinglu and Aunt Shang insisted that she not tell Mu Jiu, Ni Ya hesitated again.

(End of this chapter)

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