cute in his palm

Chapter 1589

Chapter 1589

Ni Ya now loves Aunt Shang very much. Although there are Shang Jinglu and the merchant's uncle who care and love her, she has never had a child of her own. It seems that she really loves her.

Moreover, Ni Ya knew that Aunt Shang liked Xiao Jiu very much, and the two hit it off very well, they were like mother and daughter together, if possible, Ni Ya hoped that Mu Jiu could visit Tao Shuqin.

But I dare not make decisions on my own, I am afraid that the merchants will be unhappy, and I am even more afraid of angering Aunt Shang.

Because a few days ago, Aunt Shang heard that Mu Jiu and his family had returned to China, and she was happy for a while, but then she was full of disappointment, expressing that she wanted to see Mu Jiu, and finally gave up, because she didn't want to see Mu Jiu in such a ghostly manner.

Aunt Shang like that made Ni Ya feel even more distressed.

I just wanted to meet, but Aunt Shang didn't want to.

So after Ni Ya ran in, she stood there and waited anxiously.

If Mu Jiu catches up, she will say.

If Mu Jiu doesn't catch up, this matter will be over, and she won't tell Mu Jiu.

So Niya left everything to God.

As a result, Mu Jiu and Jiang Dingcheng appeared in front of her.

So it was God's will, she decided to tell Mu Jiu about Tao Shuqin's illness.

"Miss Ni, long time no see." Mu Jiu looked at Ni Ya and said hello.

Ni Ya looked at Mu Jiu and Jiang Dingcheng. "Long time no see, President Jiang, Mrs. Jiang."

"Why did you run away when you saw us?" Mu Jiu asked directly.

This time, Niya was really embarrassed.

But finally he spoke. "Xiao Jiu, Aunt Shang is in the hospital."

When Mu Jiu heard this, she was taken aback, but she quickly realized it.

When she was preparing to go to Zurich, she still remembered Aunt Shang's face. The unhealthy Yabai was a little worrying, but she was really sick.

"What disease?" Mu Jiu asked directly. ,

"Stomach cancer is in the late stage. When you went abroad, it was still in the middle stage, but because of her heart, she refused to do chemotherapy, so it got worse."

Ni Ya gave a general explanation of Tao Shuqin's situation.

Probably, I understand.

Stomach cancer is advanced, waiting is hopeless.

"When will it be serious?"

"About two months ago, there was still half a year to a year to be conservative. It depends on God." Ni Ya said a little uncomfortable.

Mu Jiu just found out about the joy of having twins, but all of a sudden it was gone.

Aunt Shang has terminal gastric cancer!

"Dingcheng..." Mu Jiu turned her head to look at Jiang Dingcheng with an uncomfortable expression on her face.

Jiang Dingcheng knew her feelings, after all, she was the biological mother, and the same blood was still flowing on her body, so if something happened to Tao Shuqin, Mu Jiu would not be unaware.

"Xiao Jiu, let's go see Aunt Shang." Jiang Dingcheng said, holding her hand tightly, with a very serious tone.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu nodded. "Well, let's go see her." Then he turned to look at Ni Ya. "Miss Ni, can you take us to see Aunt Shang?"

Niya thought for a while, then nodded.

"I'll take you to see Aunt Shang, but Mrs. Jiang, let me remind you first that Aunt Shang is very weak and tired." Ni Ya wanted to give Mu Jiu a vaccination first.

You know, the current Aunt Shang is very haggard, afraid that she will be frightened.

"It's okay, take us there." Mu Jiu was a little anxious.

In the ward, except Shuqin who was still resting, but with a tube inserted into her body, she was very haggard and painful to watch, especially Mu Jiu, who couldn't bear it, and was full of heartache.

Especially after she became a mother, it was the worst thing to see such a scene.

"When did it get so serious?" Mu Jiu asked Ni Ya.

"It was so serious a few months ago, but Aunt Shang has been reluctant to come to the hospital, and finally persuaded her to come in last month." Ni Ya followed suit and her eyes turned red.

You know, I really don't want Aunt Shang to suffer such a big crime.

"Could it be that you can't eat?" Mu Jiu knew it when she saw her thin body.

With stomach cancer, I can't eat at all.

"Well, I can't eat, I can't sleep, I have to rely on drugs to control it." Ni Ya said in a distressed way.

"They didn't let me tell you that I met you by accident today, so I..." Ni Ya said with a sob.

"Ni Ya, it's not your fault." Mu Jiu said calmly.

You must know that Mu Jiu can understand the reason why the merchants do this, and it is completely understandable.

After all, they were not very close, and it was understandable for Aunt Shang not to tell her when she was sick.

"But... Aunt Shang, she really wants to see you. She heard that your family has returned to China, and she happily asked, when can I see you?" Ni Ya said directly.

Jiang Dingcheng at the side heard the reason.

It is normal for Tao Shuqin to want to see her children.

Especially now that I am seriously ill, I would like to have children by my side.

However, she couldn't recognize each other, which is also a kind of retribution for Tao Shuyu.

Jiang Dingcheng really wanted to tell Mu Jiu that the seriously ill woman in front of him was her mother, but he had promised Tao Shuqin that he would not tell Mu Jiu first, for fear that she would not be able to bear it.

After all, Mu Jiu is not Mu Liangchen, she hates the woman who abandoned their siblings.

"Jiu'er, everyone has their own destiny." Jiang Dingcheng said with his arm around her shoulder.

All said that if people do bad things, they will be punished sooner or later.

This can be seen from Tao Shuqin.

"Well, I want to accompany Aunt Shang." Mu Jiu looked at Jiang Dingcheng and said.

Just in time, Shang Jinglu came over and was a little surprised to see their husband and wife.

"Xiao Jiu, Mr. Jiang, long time no see." Shang Jinglu greeted him calmly.

He knew that Mu Jiu and the others had been back to China for a while, but they hadn't met each other. Mu Jiu, who hadn't seen him for half a year, was even more beautiful and charming.

Sure enough, following the right person is like this, and you will be a princess for the rest of your life.

It was Jiang Ding who gave Princess Mu Jiu the same life.

"Brother Jinglu, long time no see, Aunt Shang is so serious, why didn't you tell me?" Mu Jiu glanced at him, with a somewhat reproachful tone.

"I'm afraid you're worried."

"How do you know?" Shang Jinglu's eyes fell on Ni Ya.

He thought, maybe this woman is talking too much.

"I brought Jiu'er here for a pregnancy test, and we met." Jiang Dingcheng said calmly.

Pregnancy test?

When Shang Jinglu heard this, he was taken aback, and then laughed again.

So soon, I got pregnant again.

It seems that what I said before to have a second child has come true.

"Congratulations, your wish has come true." Shang Jinglu congratulated very seriously.

By now, he was completely relieved.

For Mu Jiu's feelings, he just became a friend completely.

"Well, Young Master Shang, we have to work hard." Jiang Dingcheng said calmly.

This is totally a demonstration,

Look, he is ready to become a father for the second time, and Shang Jinglu is not married yet.

Regarding his demonstration, Shang Jinglu just smiled faintly.

(End of this chapter)

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