cute in his palm

Chapter 1590

Chapter 1590

When she came back from the hospital, she had the good news of her pregnancy, but because of Tao Shuqin's condition, Mu Jiu was in no mood at all.

No matter how high the joy is, it will fade away.

Seeing her so unhappy, Jiang Dingcheng was a little worried.

"Mother-to-be, a bad mood will affect the baby."

Mu Jiu looked back at him, she didn't want to be in a good mood, but Guan Jian couldn't get well.

"Dingcheng, I think Aunt Shang is too pitiful..."

"If you have time, you can come and accompany her and tell her about your pregnancy, so she might be happier."

"I really don't want her to get sick." Mu Jiu spoke from the bottom of her heart.

"I don't want her to get sick either, but there is no cure for her now, so in her limited life, you can spare time to come and spend more time with her." Jiang Dingcheng was very calm.

He knew that Mu Jiu was in a complicated mood now.

Even if there is no mother and daughter who directly recognize each other, they are mother and daughter who are directly related by blood.

This point cannot be changed.


Back at the Jiang residence, Mu Jiu's face looked much better.

"Xiao Jiu, the second child is back."

"Grandma, parents, Xiaojiu has good news to announce to everyone." Jiang Dingcheng said with his arms around his beloved wife.

Mu Jiu adjusted her mood, then looked at everyone happily.

"It's twins."

As soon as Mu Jiu's words came out, the Jiang residence was blown up.

Although they knew when they were in Zurich that Mu Jiu was pregnant with a second child, they never thought it would be twins.

It really was a surprise.

So the Jiang family was overjoyed.

"It would be great if it was two daughters."

"Dragon and phoenix twins are also very good."

"...Just don't come here with two brats again."

Mu Jiu was a little speechless, how much did she dislike her son?

That's right, Jiang Dingcheng already has four brothers, and the Jiang family has no daughters in two generations, so naturally they are looking forward to having a daughter very much.

In order for Mu Jiu to have a good pregnancy, they were not asked to move back to Lanwan to live. The old lady moved up and asked someone to build a baby room for twins. That's positive.

No one dared to stop her.

Mu Jiu just let them go, anyway, seeing such a loving family busy with her child, Mu Jiu will only feel very heartwarming.

So, marrying Jiang Dingcheng, she really found a treasure.

Jiang Tianen now sleeps completely independently, and doesn't need to nurse before going to bed.

Jiang Dingcheng can completely occupy his wife and sleep with her in his arms.

"Honey, sleep well and don't think too much."

Jiang Dingcheng knew that since seeing Tao Shuqin that day, Mu Jiu had been in a low mood, but in order not to worry the Jiang family, she would act very happy again.

This really made him feel bad.

"I'll go see Aunt Shang tomorrow."


Jiang Dingcheng didn't have any extra opinions.

He will do whatever his wife wants to do.

The next day, Mu Jiu played with Jiang Tianen at home for a long time, and in the afternoon, she was going to drive to the hospital.

When the old lady heard that she wanted to drive by herself, she didn't want to, so she just asked the driver to take it.

to the hospital.

Mu Jiu went directly to the ward.

Ni Ya was sitting there talking with Tao Shuqin. Now Tao Shuqin was awake, but her speech was unusually slow. When she saw Mu Jiu coming in, her eyes lit up, and then a slight smile appeared on the corners of her mouth.

"Xiao Jiu, you're here." Ni Ya was also happy to see Mu Jiu.

Although Mu Jiu once liked Shang Jinglu, it was also in the past.

"Aunt Shang, I'm here to see you, are you feeling better?" Mu Jiu walked to the side of the hospital bed and looked at Tao Shuqin and said.

Still looking tired and haggard.

It looks really distressing.

After all, he is an elder, and Mu Jiu has no way to completely ignore it.

"Well, it's much better." Tao Shuqin's mood suddenly improved.

With a daughter to see me, no matter how serious the illness is, it will be cured.

Although such feelings were stolen, she did not regret it.

After that, Mu Jiu came a few times, and Tao Shuqin became very relaxed and happy every time she saw her, which made Ni Ya a little jealous.

Since Tao Shuqin was seriously ill and hospitalized, she has been with her all the time.

However, Tao Shuqin has never seen her so happy before, but Ni Ya is not a bad-hearted woman, as long as she thinks that Tao Shuqin can be happy, everything she does is worth it.

"Aunt Shang, there is one piece of good news I haven't told you?" Mu Jiu sat there and looked at Tao Shuqin. Her mood has improved in the past two days.

Although I still can't eat, the cancer doesn't have any intention of being put on hold, but my spirit is much better.

"Well, what a good thing."

"I'm pregnant with my second child, twins."

Hearing Mu Jiu's words, Tao Shuqin was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, and her eyes became moist.

When she gave birth to Xiaojiu siblings, they were twins.

This time, Xiao Jiu will also be twins.

Tao Shuqin really has no regrets.

Except that you can't hear a word of mother before you die.

"Really, Xiao Jiu, you and Boss Jiang are too good, you actually hit two shots at once." Ni Ya was more excited than anyone else, and said happily there.

When Mu Jiu heard this, she didn't know how to respond.

What is too powerful.

It's about genes.

She and her brother are twins, so maybe this time she is pregnant with twins.


Ever since he told Su Luotong about Cheng Mingfeng, Su Luotong hadn't contacted Mu Jiu for a long time. I don't know if it was because she hated her, or because she couldn't get over that hurdle in her heart.

About two months later, when Mu Jiu went to buy baby products, she saw Su Luotong pushing a cart in the children's area to buy clothes.

"Su Luotong." Mu Jiu called Su Luotong directly.

Su Luotong had actually seen Mu Jiu a long time ago, but she wasn't ready to say hello to Mu Jiu yet.

For some reason, she felt that she didn't have the courage to come to Mu Jiu.

"Still don't want to see me?" Seeing her turning around to leave, Mu Jiu spoke directly.

"No, it's just that I can't go through this hurdle by myself." Su Luotong looked at her with a sad face and said.

Cheng Mingfeng is dead, how can he be... dead?

It took Su Luotong two months to digest this news, but he still couldn't digest it.

"Su Luotong, I know that people cannot be resurrected after death, Cheng Mingfeng's death..."

"I know that it was an accident, and he asked for it. These days, my brother has been doing my ideological work, and I have thought about it all. I don't mean to hate you, because this matter has nothing to do with you. nor."

"Then you still want to hide from me?"

Su Luotong shook his head. "I just don't know how to face you again."

"Little girl is so old, I haven't bought new clothes for her yet? Which one do you like, Auntie will buy it for you." Mu Jiu looked at Su Yue'an in the small cart and said.


(End of this chapter)

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