cute in his palm

Chapter 1594 Just Like Him

Chapter 1594 Just Like Him

Anyway, Ms. Qiao has grown up for more than [-] years, and has seen all kinds of men. Besides, the few in Qiao's family are very eye-catching, but she is still attracted by Su Yaoting.

Want to know more about this man.

You know, Qiao Muzi never bothered to fall in love at first sight, but when she really met her, she believed it.

The feeling of love at first sight is so beautiful.

"Mr. Su, where are you from? Are you traveling or working in Zurich?" Qiao Muzi asked directly, just wanting to know more about Su Yaoting.

"Come here for a sojourn." Su Yaoting looked calm. He didn't like people asking him too many personal matters, especially if they were unfamiliar.

After knowing that Qiao Muzi is from Huaicheng, he will not say that he is from Huaicheng.

I just don't think it's necessary.

In his opinion, the girl in front of him is just treated as a simple compatriot.

If she clings to him again, he'll just dump her.

"Sojourn, that means temporarily settling here." Qiao Muzi said with a little disappointment.

Because she can't stay in Zurich for too long.

At most half a month, if she doesn't go back, Qiao's family will come to arrest her.

She has a marriage contract.

She just graduated from university and was about to be arrested and married, so she was very unhappy. This time she said she was traveling, which was considered a type of escape from marriage.

However, when she saw Su Yaoting for the first time, she felt that this man had secrets to dig out, but she also knew that he didn't seem to like people asking too much, so she didn't ask for it for now.

"Can we leave a number? After all..."

"No need." Su Yaoting calmly refused.

Qiao Muzi didn't say anything more.

She knows what to do without being offensive.

Now that Su Yaoting repulses her so much, if she pushes forward and asks too much, it will only annoy him even more, so take your time.

She still has to stay in Zurich for half a month.

Of course, Joe's family could not know that she had met a man in Zurich who interested her.

"Here we are." When the restaurant arrived, Su Yaoting got out of the car first.

This is a very old restaurant in Zurich.

"It looks very good. Mr. Su just has vision."

Su Yaoting ignored her boast and went in directly.

He has been to this restaurant several times, so the shop assistants basically know him.

"Mr. Su, come to eat again."

"Oh, it's a good day, I brought a beautiful woman here."

"It's beautiful, lady."

"Beauty, what's the relationship with Mr. Su?"

"George, this is not something you should care about. What is the main dish today?" Su Yaoting relieved Qiao Muzi with one sentence.

The two went to a seat by the window and sat down.

"Mr. Su, you are really amazing..."

"Order, just order what you like." Su Yaoting handed the menu in front of her.

"You are familiar with this place, you can order for me."

Su Yaoting was also polite, and directly ordered lunch for two.

Because he doesn't like trouble very much.

Seeing Su Yaoting's clean and neat attitude, Qiao Muzi's favorability for this man suddenly increased a lot.

Sure enough, it was the man she, Qiao Muzi, fell in love with.

What the waiter said just now, plus her observation of Su Yaoting, without a wedding ring, she should be single.

There are two reasons for not getting close to women so much. One is that she has been hurt by love and is still in the healing period, and the other is that she has a crush on someone in her heart. Qiao Muzi hopes that the first one is best.

Su Yaoting's visit to Zurich was a healing period.

"Mr. Su, I just graduated from university and went on a graduation trip. Zurich was my first stop, so I want to leave some good memories here."

Su Yaoting took a sip of coffee, turned his head and looked out the window, and didn't want to pay attention to her.

He doesn't like to get too close to girls, especially girls who are too energetic. Although Su Yaoting has never had a serious relationship, he can clearly see a signal from this girl's eyes, that is, She is interested in him.

No matter it was a momentary or love at first sight, he would never let this kind of thing happen, strangling his stomach before it germinated.

Because he knows that, as far as the purpose is concerned, he has no plans to develop a relationship with any woman.

"Mr. Su?"

"Well, what's the matter?" Su Yaoting turned his eyes back from the window to look at Qiao Muzi.

This man... Why was she so careless when she was talking, which caused great physical and mental harm to Qiao Muzi.

You know, when the title of Ms. Qiao's family was released, many rich and powerful men from the business circle came to her, and she had always been a school belle-level figure in school.

But in front of Su Yaoting, she was worse than ordinary women.

"I was talking to you, and you kept ignoring me, which made me feel very frustrated. Did I make you feel annoying and troublesome?" Qiao Muzi stared at Su Yaoting with wide eyes.

Su Yaoting was distracted for a moment, but actually wanted to say, yes, I think you are very troublesome.

However, Su Yaoting still couldn't say such hurtful words.

"Miss Qiao, I think you misunderstood me. I'm not good at chatting with women."

Well, Qiao Muzi admitted it, so it means that he doesn't chat with all the women very much, Su Muzi got a little bit of balance and comfort in his heart.

This meal was the happiest she ate, and she wanted to eat it all at once, but Su Yaoting who was opposite had already put down the knife and fork.

"Miss Su, I still have something to go back to. Just walk back to the hotel after eating. I'll ask them to write down the bill. You don't need to pay again. I wish you a pleasant trip in Zurich." After speaking, Su Yaoting said Get up and leave.

"Hey, Mr. Su..."

"Anything else?"

"Can't I ask you to be my guide?"

"I don't have this hobby."

This time Su Yaoting left without looking back, his slender and tall figure was really handsome beyond the sky.

She secretly took a photo of his back with her mobile phone. What Qiao Muzi wanted more was a photo of his face, but she didn't have the face to take a photo. It would be best if they could take a photo together.

Just think about it.

It's just that there is no man who doesn't take her so seriously. It's really rare.


Su Yaoting went straight back to his home in the village.

Ready to video with my sister.

"Brother, how are you doing?" Su Luotong looked at his brother happily.

"Not bad, is the money I gave you enough? Where's my little boy?"

Su Luotong pulled Xiao Guai over, and the little guy could now walk slowly while supporting things. "Come here, little boy, call me uncle!"

"Ninety-nine~" The little girl was as white as a porcelain doll, and happily called uncle to the video.

"Brother, Xiaoguai and I are fine, my aunt will come to see us, and Xiaoguai's godfather will also come to help, so it's fine."

(End of this chapter)

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