cute in his palm

Chapter 1595 So Attractive

Chapter 1595 So Attractive

Su Luotong's words made Su Yaoting silent for a while. "Xiaotong, Cheng Yichen, you'd better not trouble him, after all..."

After all, the Cheng family can be considered a big family, not a family like them can climb up, especially Su Luotong with a child.

They have to be self-aware.

He didn't say the latter words clearly, but Su Luotong could still hear the meaning of his brother's words.

"Brother, I know what you want to say, don't worry, we won't have anything." Su Luotong smiled and assured that who Cheng Yichen was and who she was, Su Luotong knew very well.

If it is said that long ago, she wanted to marry a wealthy family with all her heart and mind, and be the young wife of a wealthy family, so that she could live a worry-free life for the rest of her life.

not anymore...

After having Xiaoguai, she wants to be a good mother even more.

Besides, it's not so easy to be a wealthy young mistress.

She doesn't even want to be attached to the Cheng family, she is a single mother now, what qualifications does she have to marry into the Cheng family, although Cheng Yichen hinted that she doesn't care.

"It's fine if you can think like this, the Cheng family is not something we can provoke." Su Yaoting didn't mention Gao Pan, but only provoked.

"Well, don't worry, I understand. By the way, brother, you have been abroad for almost two months, and you haven't had any affair? You must know that foreign girls have first-class hot bodies and direct personalities." Su Luotong said gossip.

Su Yaoting frowned.

Because there is indeed such a person in his mind, but it is not a foreign girl.

It was Qiao Muzi who I met today.

"If you can have an affair, don't think too much about it. I just come out to relax. You take good care of my little boy at home. Call me if you have anything to do."

"of course I know."

"By the way, Xiao Jiu, she..."

"Don't worry, Mu Jiu is taken care of by Jiang's family, it's great, brother, do you really have to wait until Mu Jiu has a baby before coming back?" Su Luotong asked again worriedly.


The smile on Su Luotong's face faded again and again. In fact, she knew very well that it was impossible for Su Yaoting to forget Mu Jiu so quickly. Even if Mu Jiu got married and had children, it was impossible for Su Yaoting to forget.

It's really a big infatuation.

Unfortunately, it is impossible for Mu Jiu to come back to him in this life.

It's the right thing to die as soon as possible.

"Okay, then you have to take good care of yourself when you're abroad. Xiaoguai has to go to bed. After playing with Cheng Yichen for two days, I go to bed very late every day." Su Luotong smiled.

"Little boy, good night to uncle."

"Uncle, An An..."

Then hang up the video.

Su Yaoting glanced at Mu Jiu's number, wondering if he should send her a text message.

But after thinking about it in the end, I still didn't fight.

Forget it, there are some things, let her raise her baby with peace of mind.

"Ting! Ting, are you back?" Serena's voice sounded from outside.

It was the mayor's daughter two blocks from the house where he lived.

When he came to rent a house, he happened to be looking for Serena. Serena was a straightforward girl. She fell in love with this handsome oriental guy at first sight and confessed her love directly.

Su Yaoting refused on the grounds that he had a fiancée at home.

However, after staying for a week, although Serena did not confess directly, she was still very kind to him.

Anyway, it's her business that she likes him, and she doesn't necessarily ask him in return.

"Well, Serena, I'm at home, what do you want?" Su Yaoting came out to greet her.

I saw her coming with a basket of apples and bread.

"Mom baked fresh bread, let me bring some for you to eat, and apples, very fresh, Ting, you can eat and see, if you like it, I will bring it over next time." Serena is a woman with five senses A deep standard beauty, coupled with a head of golden hair, is very dazzling.

"No, Serena, you are too kind to me."

"Ting, you don't need to be polite with our family. These are all our own. If you need anything, you can tell me. It doesn't matter."

The people in this village are warm and hospitable.

Especially for the guests from China, because when Jiang Dingcheng and his wife were here, they gave the villagers a lot of help and benefits.

So, they are grateful.

Su Yaoting's coming here can be regarded as enjoying the favor of Jiang Dingcheng and his wife.

"Mind if I go in and have a cup of coffee?" Serena looked at him with charming blue eyes.

"Of course, please come in." Su Yaoting took the basket and let her in sideways.

It's not the first time for Serena to enter this house, but it's the first time for her to come in since Su Yaoting rented it in. This is an old house left by her grandfather. It has some history. It used to be a dilapidated old house , after Su Yaoting moved in, he slightly remodeled it.

Clean and cozy.

It really doesn't feel like a place for a single guy to live.

"Ting, I really didn't expect that you would clean up the house. It's simply amazing." Serena praised him sincerely.

"Sit down as you please, I'll make coffee."

Serena looked at the tall figure entering the kitchen, and her favorability increased a few degrees.

This man is really attractive.

She didn't believe him when he said he had a fiancée in China?
If there really was one, he wouldn't have lived here alone for so long, and still had the intention of continuing to live, so Serena boldly guessed that he didn't have any fiancée.

I came here probably to heal my wounds.

If that's the case, she can help him.

It is said that the best way to forget a relationship or a person is to start a new relationship. If Su Yaoting is willing, she is willing.

"The coffee is ready, add sugar and milk yourself." Su Yaoting brought out two cups of coffee, as well as sugar cubes and creamer.

Su Yaoting is used to drinking pure black coffee, with half a sugar added at most, and the milk balls are just for others to use.

"Well, Ting's coffee is better, it's really fragrant." Serena praised Su Yaoting while adding milk and sugar.

Su Yaoting could tell the truth and falsehood of this kind of pure flattery.

"Thank you."

Su Yaoting drank pure black bitter coffee by himself, and then watched domestic news on his mobile phone.

The Jiang Group won another bid for a big project, and this time it directly cooperated with the government. Jiang Dingcheng is capable.

Although Serena didn't know Chinese characters, she knew that he was reading Chinese news.

"Ting, I've always wanted to know something about your country, can you tell me about it?" Serena looked at him curiously.

Because it is normal for a person to fall in love with a country and be curious about a country.

Because of Su Yaoting, Serena has a deep interest in China, and is considering whether to learn a Chinese?

Anyway, the ready-made Chinese teacher is in front of her, but I don't know if Su Yaoting will agree, he seems to be completely unwilling to communicate with people too deeply.

(End of this chapter)

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