cute in his palm

Chapter 1596 No fiancee

Chapter 1596 No fiancee

Serena's curiosity completely failed to arouse Su Yaoting's desire to agree.

Su Yaoting actually understood very well that Serena's learning Chinese culture was just an excuse, and wanting to spend more time with him was the point.

Therefore, he will refuse simply, and will not let such things touch himself.

"Selina, I remember that there is a special Chinese language institution in Zurich, you can go there and sign up to learn." Su Yaoting refused very embarrassingly.

If it were a girl with a little less face, she would have shaken her head angrily and walked away.

But Serena is not like that.

Instead he laughed.

She admired a man like Su Yaoting who was clean and self-respecting.

She has seen too many men who do not refuse to come. In the hearts of many men, the relationship between a man and a woman is regarded as a game, so it is better to play with one woman, or to play with ten.

But Su Yaoting is not like this, he is really a very clean man from body to heart.

If she misses it, Serena doesn't know when she will meet again.

So I can't let it go.

"Ting, I know you don't have any fiancée, am I right?" Serena looked at him with a smile.

Su Yaoting's expression paused slightly, but he quickly came to his senses.

"Serena, you..."

Seeing his reaction, Serena smiled. "So I guess right, Ting, why do you keep telling me that you have a fiancée in China? Is this a way to refuse my confession?"

Su Yaoting was told by her, he didn't know how to answer, the answer he thought he could get away with was completely broken by Serena.

Sure enough, I am not a liar.

"Well, it's okay, Serena, we can't, I will naturally not accept your kindness and delay your future, I am only living here for a short period of time, my career and family are in China, I I will still go back." Su Yaoting simply said clearly.

"Ting, look at you, how scary you are. I know what you think, but I can't stop my interest in you. I really like you, but I won't force you, so you are here During this period of time, can you allow me to continue liking you?" Serena's blue eyes looked at him expectantly.

Su Yaoting was really going to be defeated by her.

He is considering whether to return home early.

"Don't worry, I won't trouble you. Do you dislike foreign girls and prefer Chinese girls?" Serena looked at him curiously.

Su Yaoting was silent for a while, he actually liked Mu Jiu regardless of nationality.

"It seems that there is a girl you like, but it's a pity that she doesn't like you, right?" Serena is good at observing the subtle changes on people's faces.

Su Yaoting really doesn't want to get along with Serena anymore, this girl's eyes are too cruel.

Like mind reading.

"Okay, Serena, thank you for the apples and bread, it's getting late, you go back first." Su Yaoting didn't want to stay with this eccentric girl anymore, it was too stressful.

His disguise is completely vulnerable in front of her.


Fortunately, he still pretends to be a good disguise.

"Ting, you're angry." Serena laughed instead of being angry when she saw him rushing away.

"No." How could a big man be angry with a little girl?

"If you're not angry, can I ask you a favor?" Serena put away the smile on her face and looked at Su Yaoting very seriously.

Since it was to help, Su Yaoting didn't have any unnecessary worries.

"Tell me."

"The day after tomorrow, Zurich's century-old winery Wessel will hold a reception. Can you accompany me to attend? I need a male companion." Serena looked at him expectantly.

Su Yaoting frowned, because he knew very well that many celebrities and celebrities would be invited to the reception of the century-old winery, even in Zurich, few people knew about him, but after all, he went there as Serena's boyfriend He was still somewhat resistant to the reception.

"Serena, I'm sorry, I think I might not be suitable for such a reception. Since it's a century-old reception, I will definitely invite famous people from Zurich." Su Yaoting easily rejected Serena's request.

It is estimated that not only the big shots from Zurich will be invited, but also relevant big shots from other countries and cities will be invited, that will put Su Yaoting under great pressure.

He has quit the business circle for almost two months, and he doesn't like to go to that kind of commercial reception.

Serena had expected him to say something like this, so she opened her mouth easily. "Ting, don't worry. Although the winery is a famous winery in Zurich, it is also my uncle's family."

So, this is her relative's winery.

Su Yaoting didn't even want to go, it was tantamount to meeting his parents in disguise.

We can't blame other countries for wanting to keep the old. Whoever made him a Chinese would have such concerns.

Because in Su Yaoting's thinking, only the man and woman who have established a relationship can see their parents.

"Ting, you're thinking too seriously, just treat it as an ordinary reception and accompany me to it, how about this, after accompanying me to the reception, I won't confess my love to you again, okay?" Celine Na blinked at her.

Needless to say, this is really useful.


"Okay, I promise you, I will go with you. After the reception, you have to promise what you said. I just want to live here quietly for a while, and I don't want to cause more trouble." Especially emotionally.

Hearing Su Yaoting let go, Serena smiled. "Okay, I promise you."

She just said that she didn't confess her love indiscriminately, she didn't say that she didn't mean to confess her love seriously.

This stubborn old man, but the more he watched, the more he liked him.

Why did he attract her like that?

"Then I will come to you the afternoon after tomorrow. Do you have a dress?"

Su Yaoting was stunned for a moment, he didn't even bring a suit with him when he went on a trip.

"Okay, I'll take you to buy a suit tomorrow."

"No, I can prepare it myself."

"No, a man must be accompanied by a woman to choose a good-looking suit, and are you familiar with me here?"

Su Yaoting admitted defeat.

"Then I'll come to see you tomorrow morning, Ting." Serena left with a very happy heart.

Su Yaoting was left with a headache.

How can I get rid of this girl? It's really annoying.

Su Yaoting never knew how to deal with girls. This was the biggest problem for him. He originally thought that he would use a fiancée he didn't have to evade Serena, but now it seems that he thought too easily.

If you want to blame, blame this girl for being too smart.

(End of this chapter)

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