cute in his palm

Chapter 1597 Don't Follow Me

Chapter 1597 Don't Follow Me

The next day, Serena went to look for Su Yaoting early in the morning.

"Ting, are you awake?"

Su Yaoting was just getting ready and wanted to go for a morning jog, but now it's impossible.

You don't need to be so early to buy clothes.

However, Su Yaoting didn't say much, knowing how excited Serena was, this was the first time they did something together, Su Yaoting glanced at her before saying: "Have you had breakfast?"

Serena spoke directly. "No, Ting, I want to treat you to breakfast, is that okay?"

Su Yaoting smiled. "Well, let me invite you!"

Su Yaoting's idea is very simple, he doesn't need a woman to treat him to breakfast, especially Serena has other ideas, he doesn't want to owe her, let her have a chance to pester him again.

Serena is not stupid, she can hear the meaning of his words, but it doesn't matter, it is already very good for him to treat her to breakfast.

So this is a good thing for Serena.

It's a great start for the two of them.

With the first breakfast, there will be the first lunch, and then there will be dinner.

Thinking about it makes me feel pretty good.

But how to say, getting him to agree to attend the reception is already a very difficult task.

At the reception tomorrow night, she will definitely make Su Yaoting the most attention-grabbing man.

Because this is the man she picked by Serena, he must be one in a million.

"Okay, Ting, where do you want to eat?" Serena asked him.

Su Yaoting thought for a while and looked at her. "You just have to have some, I have no objection."

Serena smiled. "Of course, let's go to Nika Restaurant for breakfast. The Italian black coffee there is pretty good. Ting, I remember that your favorite is black coffee."

Su Yaoting's eyes flickered, thinking of something, but finally had no objection.

"Let's go."

The two drove to the Nika restaurant.

This is a restaurant with a good reputation in the local area. There are a lot of locals and foreign tourists who usually come here to eat. Su Yaoting went to this restaurant on the second day he came here.

The taste is not bad.

"Ting, let's go to the second floor, where we can see the street view in the distance." Serena led him directly to the second floor.

Su Yaoting followed behind her and walked up.

Su Yaoting's favorite is the open-air place on the third floor of this restaurant, where he can see the most beautiful street view, very beautiful.

But I came later today, so there is no open air.

The second floor is not bad.

"Ting, what do you eat?"

"Anything is fine." Su Yaoting is not picky about food.

While waiting for Serena to order something, Su Yaoting kept looking at the street scene outside slowly.

Then, among the crowd, I saw a familiar white figure.

In fact, familiarity is not too familiar.

It was Qiao Muzi who had met once.

However, today she is not alone, she is followed by a young and handsome man in white business casual clothes, obviously very handsome.

The two of them made Su Yaoting feel that they were a perfect match.

But obviously Su Muzi was not very friendly to him.

"Jin Xuanrui, how many times do you want me to say, don't follow me, do you hear me! You can go back." Qiao Muzi said angrily.

This man, from yesterday to today, has not been enough.

"Qiao Muzi, how much do you think I want to follow you, if you agree to my request, I will not follow you." Jin Xuanrui said in a very shallow tone.

Qiao Muzi simply stopped and turned to stare at the man.

He is handsome, has a high IQ, and has a strong background, but this man has a problem with his brain. Why did he agree to the marriage contract with the two elders?
As the eldest young master of the Jin family, Jin Xuanrui didn't manage their Jin family company well, and wanted to come out and marry her.

Qiao Muzi doesn't think she looks like she needs to marry someone else urgently.

Moreover, she doesn't like this man's self-righteous appearance very much, as if everyone in the world has to listen to him, compared with that gentle Su Yaoting, I don't know how far it is.

Qiao Muzi wandered the street in order to meet Su Yaoting again.

But Jin Xuanrui happened to come out.

"Qiao Muzi, I heard from my elder brother that you lost your passport. I'll come pick you up."

Jin Xuanrui's words made Qiao Muzi clenched his fists hard.

What big brother, that's her big brother, what's the matter with him.

One mouthful and one big brother's call is quite smooth.

"This is a real matter, none of your business. I have already reported the loss to the embassy. I will deal with my own affairs. can go wherever you want." Qiao Zimu was very rude.

All along, she has no good temper towards what she doesn't like.

Especially this Jin Xuanrui, when the two families were going to make a shitty marriage contract, she kindly begged this man not to agree to such a marriage contract, as long as he didn't agree, the two parents would have nothing to do.

But in the end, the man agreed easily.

It was simply unbearable.

Therefore, he couldn't listen to her request well at the beginning, why should he let him take care of himself now.

Is it really her fiance?

There is no engagement ceremony, so what kind of unmarried couples.

"Qiao Muzi, my patience is limited." Jin Xuanrui took a step closer to her, and Qiao Muzi took a step back.

"You don't like me, and I don't like you, why bother?" Qiao Zimu originally wanted to sarcasm him, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.

After all, it's not her style to say hurtful things.

I just want to take this opportunity to speak clearly so that he can die as soon as possible.

"Who said I don't like you." Jin Xuanrui raised his eyebrows.

"Anyway, it's fine if I don't like you. I have someone I like, and it's impossible for us." After finishing speaking, Qiao Muzi still didn't forget to give him a look.

Qiao Muzi likes that man named Su Yaoting.

She didn't intend to tell anyone about this, especially the one in front of her.

She made it clear early on why this man doesn't have any self-knowledge.

After all, how clearly does she have to speak, that I am ugly, before he is willing to give up.

"Someone you like? I remember that someone didn't have one before going abroad. How come you have someone you like after only a few days abroad? Foreign handsome guy?" Jin Xuanrui raised his eyebrows lightly, completely disbelieving that she would fall in love with him so soon people.

What foreign handsome guy, Su Yaoting is an authentic Chinese handsome guy. "This has nothing to do with you."

"Anyway, I can get a new passport in two days. I will go back to China by myself at that time. Don't worry about it, Young Master Jin. Go wherever you like."

"How long do you want to stay here?"

Qiao Muzi ignored him directly.

"You really think I'm here to catch you?" Jin Xuanrui couldn't help laughing this time.

"Otherwise, you belong to the eldest brother at all..." Dog leg, of course she didn't have the guts to say the last three words.

"I don't have that idle time. The day after tomorrow, there will be a wine party of a century-old winery. I was invited. You will be my girlfriend, OK? Otherwise, I will just pick you up on the plane." Even if Qiao Muzi didn't say it, Jin Xuanrui I also knew what she was thinking, so I smiled.

"Let me tell you earlier, I promise you, it's just a female companion." Qiao Muzi naturally agreed to exchange a female companion for freedom.

(End of this chapter)

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