cute in his palm

Chapter 1599 This Man Is Too Handsome

Chapter 1599 This Man Is Too Handsome

After breakfast, Qiao Muzi had to go to the hotel to find Jin Ruixuan. She had promised him that she would accompany him to the reception tomorrow, and he would prepare the dress for her.

So, I'm going to find him to try on the dress.

After they separated, Serena and Su Yaoting went to an old-fashioned suit shop to buy suits. It was an Italian handmade suit shop. Although it was Switzerland, this high-order handmade suit shop was still very popular.

When they arrived at the store, Serena was still a little unhappy. When she looked at Su Yaoting a few times, she always seemed hesitant to speak.

Su Yaoting saw her thoughts and spoke directly. "Serena, just say what you have to say, you don't need to keep it in your heart, it will make you feel more uncomfortable."

Serena spoke directly. "Ting, what's the relationship between that Miss Qiao and you just now? I know I'm asking too much, but I really want to know."

Su Yaoting glanced back at her. "Miss Qiao, it's just a compatriot I met here, I'm not familiar with it, that's all."

Su Yaoting didn't want to explain anything to her, but simply didn't want her to misunderstand anything, although he really didn't have that kind of feeling for Serena.

He has always done things frankly and doesn't like being misunderstood.

Besides, it's not good for Qiao Muzi's reputation.

"Really? Ting." Hearing Su Yaoting's explanation, Serena was very happy.

She knew that Su Yaoting would not have someone he liked so soon, besides, that Qiao Muzi was too fidgety, and he was totally unworthy of Su Yaoting.

Serena immediately became happy.

Although Qiao Muzi and Su Yaoting are from the same country and speak the same mother tongue, it doesn't matter, Serena can learn it. She plans not to learn Chinese directly from Su Yaoting, but first go to the cultural center to enroll in a Chinese training class. After learning some basics, she will come again. Trouble Su Yaoting,

Given Su Yaoting's willingness to help others, he probably wouldn't reject her.

Just thinking about it makes me feel so beautiful.

"Ting, let me help you choose a suit." Serena smiled again.

"Well, it's troublesome."

Serena picked two sets for him, one is a black retro suit that looks more stable, and the other is a dark blue suit with dark checks, which looks fashionable and aristocratic.

She thought, Su Yaoting should look good in these two sets.

Su Yaoting's figure is great, but Serena sees him in sportswear and casual clothes a lot, and she hasn't seen him in a formal suit yet.

I was lucky enough to see it today, it must be very seductive.

"Ting, go and try these two sets."

Su Yaoting glanced at it, and didn't have any extra opinions. He has had a closet of all kinds of suits since he worked in Mu's for so many years, so he has high requirements for the style and workmanship of suits. Once he entered this store, he knew The suits here are very good, and each set is a boutique.

Therefore, both of Serena's choices are acceptable.

Soon, Su Yaoting tried it out. Serena was casually flipping through magazines, but when she saw the handsome man wrapped in a retro black suit in front of her, all her attention was attracted.

Even other female customers and shop assistants in the store were attracted by Su Yaoting's handsomeness.

Originally, oriental faces were rare here, and with such a good figure, they were even rarer.

It's exactly the figure of an oriental male model, wearing this suit...a handsome word is not enough to describe it.

Anyway, it's right to make it difficult to look away.

"Ting, you are so handsome." Serena sighed sincerely.

With such a man, she really just wants to keep it for herself and close the door to appreciate it, and she doesn't want to let others appreciate it, so Serena must chase this man well.

"Thank you." Su Yaoting glanced at himself in the glasses, and it was no different from working in Mu's.

Seeing himself like this for five or six years, Su Yaoting was a little numb, would he be as exaggerated as Serena said?
Maybe it was because she saw him in a suit for the first time, though.

"You're really handsome. Have you seen that? You have successfully attracted the attention of all the women in the store." Serena said with a smile.

As if the man in front of her was hers, she could feel proud of him.

But Su Yaoting wasn't happy at all.

Just thought they were making too much of a fuss.

"That's it, I'll go change it first." Su Yaoting said in a calm tone, and then turned and entered the fitting room without any regrets.

This disappointed the women outside, as if they had to pay more attention.

"Beauty, is that handsome oriental guy your boyfriend?"

"Isn't it, it's really handsome."

"He's even more handsome than the oriental stars I've seen on TV."

Serena was very happy to hear these questions from them.

Although... they are not boyfriend and girlfriend at all.

"I will make him my boyfriend as soon as possible." Serena said tactfully.

"come on!"

"You certainly will."

"He's handsome, you're beautiful, and you two are really a match."

Everyone encouraged her one after another, which gave Serena full confidence.

When Su Yaoting came out, he met her affectionate eyes and was stunned for a moment, but he understood immediately.

"I've changed it, that's all."

"Ting, you look really handsome in a suit, I really want to see you wear it for the rest of your life."

"Huh?" Serena's words made Su Yaoting stunned for a moment.

"...The blue set is also very good, why don't you try it together?" Serena changed the subject in a panic.

"No need, anyway, I don't need so many suits, this one is fine." Su Yaoting took it directly to the counter to pay, but Serena quietly wrote it down, planning to find a chance to come and buy it as a gift for him.

After knowing each other for so long, she hasn't given him a gift yet.

"Let's go, do you have anything else to do?" Su Yaoting came over and asked her while carrying his clothes.

"I, I still have something to do, you go back first." Serena planned to stay alone to buy clothes.

"Okay, then I'll go back first."

But he didn't want to see Qiao Zimu sitting there eating ice cream on the side of the road back to the village.

Seeing Su Yaoting approaching, Qiao Muzi happily got up and walked in front of him, reaching out to stop him.

"Handsome guy, I opened this road, and I planted this tree. If you want to cross this road, save money to buy roads. I don't want the money, but I want you." Qiao Muzi said there in a very bandit tone. .

Su Yaoting was a little dizzy by her unreasonable behavior.

The only surprise is, how does she know where he lives?Waiting for him at this intersection, he must know that he lives in this village.

"Miss Qiao, why are you here?"

"I want you to invite me to your house as a guest, okay?" Qiao Muzi simply asked, if Jin Xuanrui hadn't gone too far, why would she have to eat three meals a day with her, she wouldn't have come to find him What about Su Yaoting's?
Su Yaoting's residence was found by her. She did not expect that money can be as useful as it is in a foreign country.

Found it for a little money.

(End of this chapter)

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