cute in his palm

Chapter 1600 A pestering girl

Chapter 1600 A pestering girl

When Su Yaoting saw this uninvited guy, he felt very headache. How could he be a guest like this? He had never been invited before.

However, Su Yaoting is not stupid, if she understands that she can stand here, she must know where he lives?
It seems that he underestimated this little girl.

Although his address is not so mysterious, it is tantamount to semi-public, but this is a foreign country after all, and it will take some time for her as a foreigner to check his address.

It's so easy to find, if you don't have money, you have skills.

Before, Su Yaoting was worried that she, a little girl, would be bullied abroad, but now it seems that he was worrying too much.

You don't need to worry about her at all.

"Don't you want to?" Seeing the look on his face, Qiao Muzi guessed the result.

Who would casually accept a stranger as a guest in their own home?
Or maybe the way she felt about him before was a delusion and he just wasn't that into helpful people.

It's not that Su Yaoting is not willing to help others, but that he only helps people as much as he wants.

Looking at Qiao Muzi now, she just wanted to stick to him.

Su Yaoting really doesn't like being pestered by little girls, because he is not good at dealing with matters between men and women, so he will try to avoid them as much as possible.

"Of course, I also know that I let a person go to my house for no reason." The smile on Qiao Muzi's little face disappeared, and was replaced by a full of disappointment.

With such an expression, Su Yaoting couldn't bear it.

Originally, I wanted to ask her, what about the man who appeared on the street with her?

But after thinking about it, what qualifications does he have to ask.

Obviously, Qiao Muzi was very familiar with that young man.

Or the young couple had a fight.

"Let's go." Su Yaoting thought for a moment and said.

People have come to guard him at the entrance of the village, so can he really keep people away thousands of miles away?
At least, this Qiao Muzi made it impossible for him to refuse.

"Huh?" When hearing Su Yaoting's words, Qiao Muzi still hadn't reacted. "Can I... go to your house?"

Seeing her joyful expression, Su Yaoting shook his head helplessly. "Well, it's not far ahead."

Seeing Su Yaoting walking forward, Qiao Muzi hurriedly followed, her little face was full of excitement.

Ouch, Su Yaoting is still caring, he is a kind and warm man.

What she didn't know was that Su Yaoting couldn't refuse her patience.

The two arrived at Su Yaoting's small house, and before entering the courtyard, they met enthusiastic villagers.

"Mr. Su, you're back, friend?"

"Girlfriend, see how beautiful this young lady is, and she matches Mr. Su very well."

"Mr. Su, Miss is very beautiful, is she your girlfriend?"

Most of the villagers still speak French, and Su Yaoting's French has also been studied, so communication is completely barrier-free, but Qiao Muzi doesn't understand it so well.

However, one thing she could guess was that the villagers were discussing her.

Say she is pretty?
Or is it about her relationship with Su Yaoting?

"It's just a friend, thank you for boasting." After answering in French, Su Yaoting opened the door and went in.

Seeing that Qiao Muzi didn't come in, Su Yaoting turned around and called her. "Come in, why are you still standing outside?"

"Oh, come in. The scenery of this village is so beautiful, and the villagers are very enthusiastic. Did you speak French just now?" Qiao Muzi asked after entering, looking at Su Yaoting.

Su Yaoting nodded lightly. "Switzerland is a multilingual country. German, French, Italian, Latin Romansh and English are all commonly used. This villager mostly speaks French and English."

"So, you also know French very well?" Qiao Muzi looked at him curiously.

His admiration and liking for him have risen again.

"It's okay." Su Yaoting nodded and walked to the back room.

Qiao Muzi took a look at Su Yaoting's house. It was a typical local two-story house. It was old but very cozy. Even the yard was tidy.

It seems that she has to work harder to understand Su Yaoting, there are really too many things about this man, she can't put it down.

The closer you get, the more mysterious you feel.

"Mr. Su, you really impress me. What do you do abroad? You are not engaged in language education, right? Which training institution? I will definitely go to you to study when I return to China." Qiao Muzi Entering the room, watching Su Yaoting speak excitedly.

"I work in the company, so sit down freely, what do you drink, water or coffee?" Su Yaoting turned to ask her.

"Coffee is fine, thank you." Qiao Muzi was not polite, and went directly to the small sofa by the window and sat down. Looking out of the window, all she could see was greenery, and she could see the mountains in the distance, which was very beautiful.

Su Yaoting really knows how to choose a place, he is indeed a man who knows how to live, a man who understands the joys of life, living with him will definitely not be boring.

"Miss Joe, coffee."

"Thank you, but you don't need to call me Ms. Qiao, you can call me Muzi or Xiaozi." Qiao Muzi took the coffee, then looked at him seriously and spoke.

Su Yaoting thought for a while and nodded. "Then don't call me Mr. Su."

"Yao Ting? Or Big Brother Su?" Qiao Muzi smiled and looked at him with corners of his eyes. "Then it's Brother Su, it sounds full of majesty, and it's very close."

Su Yaoting didn't listen to what her little girls said, and sat on another small sofa.

"Brother Su, how long have you lived here, the scenery here is really beautiful." Qiao Muzi said sincerely.

If she can, she will live here, and she doesn't want to live in a hotel.

"It's been more than a week." Su Yaoting took a sip of coffee, looked at the scenery outside the window, just in time to see the house where Mu Jiu and the others lived.

At the beginning, the only reason he came to rent this old and old house was that he could see Mu Jiu's house. There are actually a few houses with better conditions in the village, but he thought the old house was comfortable to live in. Yu refused.

No one will know the only reason he is renting the house, and he has no intention of telling anyone.

"Then, how long do you want to stay?" Qiao Muzi asked very directly.

But she knew that if she didn't plan to stay for a long time, she didn't need to rent a house, just live in a hotel.

"Well, it depends on the situation." Su Yaoting said quietly, his eyes were always on Mu Jiu's house.

If Mu Jiu and the others still lived here, they would definitely go to the yard to bask in the sun on this sunny morning. Su Yaoting would feel very warm when he thought of that scene.

Unfortunately, he will never see it.

However, even if you can look at the house Xiaojiu lived in every day, at least there is still one thought.

(End of this chapter)

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