cute in his palm

Chapter 1601 Can Cook

Chapter 1601 Can Cook

"Brother Su, what are you looking at?" Qiao Muzi looked at him in a daze, and asked directly.

This man always gives her a mysterious feeling.

What makes Qiao Muzi feel even more is that this man is a man with a story, hidden deep in his heart, so that people can't see what he is thinking?Especially when his gaze is looking far away without focus, he always feels that his gaze can penetrate everything and see far, far away.

Qiao Muzi really wanted to know what was going on in his heart.

"Mountain view." Su Yaoting spit out two words lightly.

mountain view?


The mountain scenery in the distance is indeed very beautiful, but Su Muzi is very sure that his eyes are clearly not looking at the mountain scenery in the distance.

However, if he didn't want to say more, she naturally wouldn't ask more.

This is good for everyone.

"Brother Su, the house you picked is really good. It's too early to pick. The mountain and city views here are very beautiful. If possible, I would like to rent a house in this village. It would be nice to know where the hotel is." Qiao Muzi sighed.

Hearing that she wanted to rent a house, Su Yaoting frowned slightly.

Hope, Qiao Muzi is just talking verbally, and has no plans in this regard.

"I'm serious. I'm going to live here for a while anyway. Is there any short-term rental house in this village, Brother Su?" Qiao Muzi put down his coffee cup and became interested.

Su Yaoting frowned even tighter.

"There are no rented houses anymore, besides, you don't have a passport now, they won't just rent it to a foreigner." Su Yaoting looked at her very calmly and said.

Really just hope she doesn't come over to rent the house, this is no joke.

Because once Qiao Muzi came to rent a place, he would only be in endless trouble.

Trouble is what he usually hates the most.

"That's right, I haven't got my passport yet, but... I can get it in two or three days, and by then..."

"There is no house here." Su Yaoting interrupted rudely.

Qiao Muzi was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed at his serious expression.

How much he didn't want her to live here, he acted so directly, didn't he know that he was afraid that she would be hurt?
After all, she's just a girl.

"Brother Su, how many rooms do you have here? I think there are two floors and many rooms. Oh no, there is an attic here." Qiao Muzi casually looked at his house.

This kind of house usually has an attic, and at least it has six or seven rooms.

Therefore, Su Yaoting lived alone, obviously he was grown up.

There must be room to spare.

Qiao Muzi didn't dislike the dilapidated house, as long as there was a bed for her to live in.

The most important thing is that living in the same house with Su Yaoting, even if they don't share the same bed, being under the same roof is already very good.

She is an easily satisfied woman.

When Su Yaoting saw her like this, he knew what she was planning.

"There is a room, but I don't like to live with others." Su Yaoting dismissed her idea tactfully.

In fact, he originally wanted to say that he didn't like living with strangers. He was afraid that such words would be too hurtful, so he changed it after thinking about it.

Qiao Muzi is not stupid, she can hear the meaning of his words.

"I'm just asking, there's no other meaning. Brother Su doesn't need to be nervous or misunderstand." Qiao Muzi smiled lightly.

It's no wonder Su Yaoting doesn't doubt it, it's clear that this is not what she said in her mind.

However, it is best for Qiao Muzi not to have such an idea.

"It's noon, Brother Su, do you cook by yourself? Or, I'll treat you out to dinner." Qiao Muzi has already come to his house, which is a big step.

She doesn't want to go back to the hotel at all now, because there is an annoying Jin Xuanrui there.

Sure enough, the phone rang, and seeing that it was Jin Xuanrui calling, Qiao Muzi thought about it and answered it.

"what's up?"

"It's noon, what do you want for lunch?" Jin Xuanrui's tone was frivolous and direct.

Qiao Muzi hated talking to him, let alone eating.

After trying on the dress in the morning, she returned to her room, got Su Yaoting's address, changed her clothes and came out. Jin Xuanrui probably didn't know about her coming out.

"Eat whatever you want. I won't eat with you. I have lunch with someone. Bye." After speaking, Qiao Muzi hung up the phone with a very unhappy expression.

"Your friend?" Su Yaoting asked softly, thinking of the man who was with her on the street in the morning.

What is the relationship between the two?

Love?not like.

Siblings, obviously not.

That is the boyfriend and girlfriend at the beginning of the ambiguous relationship.

Su Yaoting was startled by his own brain hole, why should he care about the relationship between Qiao Muzi and that man?Now he just wants this Qiao Muzi to leave his side earlier, and it's better not to see each other again.

Therefore, it is best for her to have a relationship with that man, whether it is a couple or an unmarried couple, in short, it is best to let that man take Qiao Muzi away.

"Well, an annoying man, he wants to find me for lunch all the time, but I don't want to have lunch with him at all, what shall we have for lunch?" When Qiao Muzi turned to look at Su Yaoting, there was a smile on his face again.

Anyway, her good mood can be driven by Su Yaoting.

Unlike Jin Xuanrui, seeing him will only make her feel very bad.

"Does it matter?"

"Of course it doesn't matter. We grew up together. Oh no, it should be said that he grew up with my sister. Anyway, let's not mention him. He is a person who makes people feel bad." Qiao Muzi said carelessly.

Anyway, it's right not to have Jin Xuanrui anymore.

It's best, he keeps his word, and after accompanying him to the reception tomorrow, he will hurry back to the country.

Don't appear in front of her again.


What engagement, go to hell, she never said that she would marry Jin Xuanrui.

The old people of the two families had nothing to do, so they just messed around with the juniors. Mingming's sister and Jin Xuanrui were childhood sweethearts, and they grew up together, so they are the best match.

"What are we going to have for lunch? You came to Zurich first, so you should be familiar with this place. I'll invite you to eat in that restaurant if it's delicious, okay?" Qiao Muzi looked at Su Yaoting with anticipation.

Su Yaoting thought that there was still fish sent by Uncle Sam in the refrigerator yesterday, so let's cook fish today.

"Then you sit down for a while, I'll go to the kitchen to make lunch." Su Yaoting doesn't really like going to restaurants to eat, one advantage of renting a house is that he can cook for himself.

"You, can you still make things?" Qiao Muzi looked at him in shock.

You must know that few of the men around her can cook, all of them are a bunch of pampered young masters.

(End of this chapter)

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