cute in his palm

Chapter 208 I Can Warn You

Chapter 208 I Can Warn You

Su Huan looked at Mu Jiu, and decided to go to Director Luo to talk about the cooperation first, at least she and Mu Jiu's private affairs, this matter will be discussed slowly.

She still doesn't believe that she has no ability to subdue this girl.

"Mu Jiu, I'll let you go like this today, but I can warn you that our business is not over so quickly." Su Huan threw a harsh word at her, and followed the manager away.

After Su Huan left for a long time, Mu Jiu stood there in a daze, letting the people who came in and out cast strange glances on her.

When I think of the piles of things that happened today, I feel really irritable.

I really want to drink, but when I think about drinking, I think about drinking, so I don't want it.

Anyway, she was not in the mood to go to work today, so she simply drove her Wrangler and left Yan Rui. Designers have more free time, as long as they don't delay work.

As soon as Mu Jiu left in the car, Ou Sixing came out to look for her, only to see the rear of the car.

Xiaojiu was at work, so she just left. What does that mean?

Luo Shiyan directly kicked her out of the design team. He heard that Luo Shiyan's decision will not be changed so easily in a while. It is only her decision, so Xiao Jiu cannot be allowed to come back for the time being.

But he can comfort Xiao Jiu first, and hand over a new project design to her.

In the end, seeing a car butt was really enough when no one was around.

The phone rang, and seeing it was from Jiang Dingcheng, he quickly picked it up.

"Mr. Jiang."

"Where's Jiu'er? Why hasn't she answered my calls?"

"Xiao Jiu just left the company in a car, she doesn't know where she's going?" Ou Sixing could only answer truthfully.

"I see." Jiang Dingcheng hung up the phone immediately after finishing speaking.

Originally, he wanted to tell Mu Jiu in advance that he would invite her to dinner at night, but he made several phone calls but no one answered, and finally simply turned off the phone. This behavior was very abnormal, and Jiang Dingcheng was very worried and afraid. What would happen to Mu Jiu, that's why he called Ou Sixing, but he just left Yan Rui.

It's not Mu Jiu's style to drive away without saying a word.

So he called Luo Yang directly.

"Send someone to find Jiu'er's whereabouts, and then inform me."

"Okay, President Jiang."

Jiang Dingcheng left directly with the car keys, ready to drive out first, and then wait for the address from Luo Yang to find Mu Jiu.

After Ou Sixing was hung up by Jiang Dingcheng, he felt a little complicated.

After a while, the phone rang again.

After a glance, it was Luo Shiyan calling.

"Sixing, Su Huan is here, where are you?"

"Shiyan, I'm going up now."

After dialing the phone, Ou Sixing's mood eased a little. They called Su Huan over today because they wanted Su Huan to do the endorsement and catwalk for the new clothes this time, and he couldn't delay for too long.

Now the only thing that makes Ou Sixing feel relieved is that Luo Shiyan has no intention of going back to Paris and is willing to stay. This is the happiest thing for Ou Sixing, so other things become less important.

As for Mu Jiu's matter, Jiang Dingcheng can just worry about it.

When will she be willing to announce the marriage between Mu Jiu and him?


When Jiang Dingcheng found Mu Jiu, he saw her bring a lot of things out of the supermarket. He knew that Mu Jiu must be in a bad mood for leaving Yan Rui so angry, so he thought she would find some way to vent it. this.

This scene reminded him of the last time Mu Jiu took him to the orphanage.

Should go again today.

If he guessed right, Mu Jiu drove the car directly to the orphanage, parked the car and got off, then went in with two big bags of things.

This time Jiang Dingcheng didn't bother her, but quietly followed her in. When a person is depressed, his sensitivity to the surrounding things will decrease.

That's why accidents are most likely to occur.

Sometimes, you don't necessarily have to let her know when you are waiting, and silently following Mu Jiu like this, watching everything she does, is also an expression of love.

Jiang Dingcheng just kept the distance, put one hand in his pants, and followed Mu Jiu leisurely step by step, watching her enter the orphanage, and then followed her across the lawn of the main courtyard to the big classroom at the back. Sometimes all the children will play games in the big classroom.

When the noisy children's voice came, Jiang Dingcheng finally saw a smile on Mu Jiu's face. All the way here, she was cold and dark and scary.

Children are the easiest medicine for her.

"Children, I'm here to see you." Mu Jiu brought two big bags of food into it, happily interacting with the children, the smiles on his face became relaxed and sunny, which matched the innocent smiles of the children.

As expected, Mu Jiu is more suitable to stay with children, because there is a child living in her heart, a childlike innocence that she has deliberately pretended to be under the tough appearance.

Abandoned by their mother at the age of three or four, and not long after that, their father will take it again. Children who lose their mother's love and then their father's love will mature much earlier than ordinary children.

"Sister Xiaojiu."

"Sister Xiaojiu, you finally came to see us again, so happy, so happy."

The children cheered for a while, which shows how popular Mu Jiu is in the hearts of the children.

Seeing Mu Jiu surrounded by a group of innocent children, Jiang Dingcheng's uneasy heart finally let go at this moment.

As long as Mu Jiu is okay, as long as he sees the smile on her face, no matter what he does will become meaningful.

This is the first time that Jiang Dingcheng has been so stupid in his 30 years of life, because he was worried about being alone, so he left all the work at hand and drove the car to follow him carefully for so long, just to see a smile on her face again .

Never found that he would have such low requirements.

"Just be happy, come and see what you want to eat, line up, and I'll post them one by one." Mu Jiu immediately said to the children pretending to be serious.

These are children who were abandoned by their parents, so Mu Jiu feels very sorry for them, because they all have the same experience, the only difference is that she has never lived in an orphanage.

Therefore, I feel sorry for these children even more.

"it is good!"

The kids lined up very quickly.

"Sister Xiaojiu, we have lined up."

"Okay, I'll send you something to eat." Mu Jiu has now rekindled her vitality, her face is no longer dark and her eyes are gloomy like before.

Mu Jiu happily handed out things to them, and the children obediently took their own things. The scene was very warm.

This is the truest side of Mu Jiu, and it is also the side Jiang Dingcheng likes to see the most.

All he wants to do is to have Mu Jiu by his side, so that he can always maintain the most childlike and innocent side.

(End of this chapter)

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