cute in his palm

Chapter 209 About Having a Child

Chapter 209 About Having a Child

When Mu Jiu handed out the last item, her mood had completely improved.

This place is really the sustenance of her heart. The children's smile is her sweet medicine. No matter how bad her mood is, as soon as she comes here and sees the pure smiles on the children's faces, she will become very good .

"Sister Xiaojiu, there's an uncle following you all the time. I've seen it since I entered the gate." A cute little girl walked up to Mu Jiu while sucking milk and said in a low voice. With big eyes, he cautiously looked out of the activity room.

Mu Jiu had her back to the outside door, so she didn't know who was standing at the door now, and her heart was always on the children, so she didn't pay much attention to what was outside.

Now that Tianbao said this, Mu Jiu suddenly felt a chill behind her.

What kind of person followed her all the way, she didn't find out.

It is said that three or four children will see some unclean things, could it be...

Mu Jiu was frightened. Although she was not superstitious, she would believe in some things, that's why she suddenly felt chills on her back, and she didn't dare to look back.

It's broad daylight.

Mu Jiu really never realized that her courage could be so small.

"Mr. Jiang, you're here too. You came here with Xiaojiu." The dean's voice sounded from behind, which made Mu Jiu's nervous heart relax. When she turned her head, she saw the dean and Xiaojiu standing at the door. Jiang Dingcheng.

Mu Jiu's eyes naturally fell on Jiang Dingcheng.

"Well, I'll accompany Jiu'er over to see the children today." Jiang Dingcheng nodded indifferently to answer the dean's words.

"It can be seen that the relationship between you young couple is really good." The dean smiled and looked at the newlyweds. The dean has known Xiao Jiu and her brother for a long time. She knows that the two brothers and sisters are kind-hearted children. So I hope that both of them can get real happiness.

Now that Xiao Jiu has Jiang Dingcheng, the dean is relieved.

But Liangchen is still sick all over her body, which really makes her worry.

"Dean." Mu Jiu walked over, looked at the dean and said.

"Xiao Jiu, it's really hard for you to come to see the children again." The dean smiled at her and said.

Mu Jiu has been helping the orphanage wholeheartedly. Many things in the orphanage were bought with the money from Mu Jiu's brother and sister. This made the director very grateful. Mu Jiu also brought things over to visit the children from time to time. This made her even more grateful.

Xiaojiu is the kindest girl she has ever seen, so she should get a good return.

"It's not hard. I like these children. I feel very happy and happy when I see them. I want to spend more time with them." Mu Jiu couldn't help but smile when he mentioned these cute children.

Why is such a lovely child abandoned?
If they were really unwilling to raise them, they shouldn't have been born in the first place.

"Xiao Jiu likes children so much, when will she have a baby with Mr. Jiang?" The dean is not an idiot, but asked naturally as an elder, because she really cares about Xiao Jiu.

Now that I have obtained the certificate and got married, it is normal to have children next.

As soon as Mu Jiu heard the dean said that she would have a baby, she was stunned and looked at Jiang Dingcheng blankly.

Jiang Dingcheng looked at her like this, and couldn't help but want to laugh. Just such a question stumped her, so what would she do with the Jiang family who was going to meet next.

But as her husband, it was his job to clean up all the troubles for her.

Jiang Dingcheng naturally hugged Mu Jiu in his arms, then looked at the dean and smiled, "Dean, I know you care about Jiu'er, but we just got married, and Jiu'er is still young, and the two of us haven't lived enough together yet. I'm not in a hurry to have a child, I've discussed it with Jiu'er, and we'll think about having a child after another three to five years until Jiu'er's 25th."

Jiang Dingcheng said it in a serious manner, as if it was really the same thing.

In his arms, Mu Jiu could only be surprised.

This is something that Jiang Dingcheng decides on his own. When did he discuss it with her? It's purely his own personal behavior.

Jiang Dingcheng accepted the surprise in her eyes very frankly.

Of course he knew how surprised Mu Jiu would be if he said such a thing.

But while Mu Jiu was surprised, she was relieved that fortunately what Jiang Dingcheng said was not the case, they will have a child as soon as possible.

Wait three to five years, and the two of them will have divorced long ago.

"Really, Jiu'er?" Jiang Dingcheng said to Mu Jiu, holding Mu Jiu's arm tightly.

Mu Jiu nodded without hesitation.

"Yes, it's like this, Dean, I'm still young and my career has just started, how can I have a baby so soon." Mu Jiu immediately said to the dean with a smile.

In Mu Jiu's mind, she always treats the dean as her elder.

"That's right, play for a few more years while you're young, or you won't have so much energy and time to play when you have children." The dean also agrees with Jiang Dingcheng's point of view.

Xiaojiu is still young now, so it doesn’t matter if she plays for another three to five years. If Xiaojiu really has a baby now, it feels like an older child with a small child. She is not ready to be a mother yet, and she will be very tired of.

"Yes, I know." Mu Jiu nodded obediently.

Of course she knows how hard it is to raise a child.

I also know that if you are not mentally prepared to welcome this child, you should not consider giving birth first, because no one is qualified to bring a life into the world, but abandon it casually.

Mu Jiu and her elder brother have already been abandoned by others, and she is determined not to allow her children to be treated like this.

"Every time the children see you coming, they are very happy. If you are free for a while, you can teach the children to draw here. What they like most is that you come and teach them." The dean looked at her and asked with a smile .

As soon as Mu Jiu heard about Huahua, she thought of another thing.

"Dean, um, Mr. Shang, will he still come here often to teach children how to draw?" Mu Jiu never asked whether Shang Jinglu would come to the orphanage to teach children how to draw for a long time.

"Mr. Shang just told me that he would come over to teach the children to draw whenever he has time. Oh, yes, he came over yesterday and sent a full set of drawing tools. The children each have a set. I am very happy. It is." The dean said with a very kind smile on his face.

When Mu Jiu heard this, the corners of Mu Jiu's mouth curled up unconsciously.

It turns out that Brother Jinglu is really caring, he will care about these children from the bottom of his heart, and he knows what they want. The painting tools that the children are using now are all bought by Mu Jiu three years ago. During this time, she has been busy As for the design, I have long forgotten to change the painting tools for them.

Unexpectedly, Shang Jinglu did it for her, it was really heartwarming.

(End of this chapter)

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