Chapter 250

For Mu Jiu, she was really moved by the sudden appearance of so many people who were willing to treat her as family. She doesn't have many friends and is not good at making friends.

So when there are so few people who are willing to treat her like family, I am touched in my heart.

These are Jiang Dingcheng's good brothers, so it can be said that Jiang Dingcheng brought her warmth.

"We don't need such guests. We and the second child are a family, so you are also our family. The family doesn't talk about two families. The eldest brother only has one wish. I hope you two can be happy for a long time." Duan Jinhong is already an elder brother. He looked at the two of them and said.

Although it is not yet the wedding scene, this can be regarded as some early blessings, very sincere blessings.

Mu Jiu could feel it, and really had an illusion that the two of them were together, which was obviously not real, but it made her feel so real.

However, some illusions really should not be there.

"Also, give birth to a precious son early." Gu Xiao, who didn't think it was a big deal, followed suit, and even touched Mu Jiu's empty cup with his cup.

One sentence made Mu Jiu's face burn.

She thought it was probably because of the glass of red wine that she just drank that her face was burning.

What about giving birth to a precious son early, this Gu Xiao really likes to make trouble.

Between her and Jiang Dingcheng, there is no such thing as giving birth to a precious son early.

"Second sister-in-law, remember my blessings, give birth to a precious son and be united forever, let me become an uncle sooner, you must know that sister-in-law is not born yet, you must be ahead of sister-in-law and elder brother." Gu Xiao winked at Mu Jiu Said with a wink.

As soon as these words came out, Mu Jiu's face became even more reddened.

This Gu Xiao was still going to finish, but it was not easy for him to refuse his words, so he had to hold Jiang Dingcheng's hand and motioned him to speak for him.

"We won't be able to keep up with the baby of elder brother and sister-in-law." Jiang Dingcheng said indifferently.

Hearing this, Gu Xiao's eyes widened.

"What do you mean?" Gu Xiao didn't react for a while, and could only look at Jiang Dingcheng quietly, what did the second brother mean by this, and why he couldn't understand?

Did he lose his IQ after drinking?
"Ask Brother." Jiang Dingcheng turned the question to Duan Jinhong, and then led Mu Jiu to sit on the sofa next to him. She specially put on high heels today, so she couldn't stand for too long and needed to take a good rest.

Jiang Dingcheng's thoughtful care was all in the eyes of Duan Jinhong, it seems that this time the second child really fell.

When Luo Shiyang left suddenly, the second child spent three days in a bar, and then locked up at home for a month without going out. Duan Jinhong knew best how he got here during that period of time.

He thought that Jiang Dingcheng would be like this all his life, but fortunately Mu Jiu appeared, maybe the two of them didn't even realize that they cared about each other very much, but he could see that he was someone who had experienced it.

"Big brother, what does second brother mean?" Gu Xiao asked in front of Duan Jinhong while holding a glass of wine.

A good student is not ashamed to ask, but it is a pity that Gu Xiao will never be a good student.

"It literally means that the second child will not have children in a short time." Duan Jinhong said directly. Among the five people, the two of them have the most similar personalities. They are not impulsive people. It wasn't going to happen before.

Therefore, it is impossible to have an unmarried pregnancy and a marriage with a son.

But now that the two of them have received their certificates, that's another matter.

But still can't keep up with him, but why does the second child know that he is about to become a father?He obviously kept his mouth shut all the time so well.

"Big Brother is still Big Brother, as expected, Jiang is still old and hot." Gu Xiao said with a smile on his face.

In addition to being too noisy, this guy has another advantage that he has a sweet mouth and can flatter.

Of course, there are also times when the filming is bad.

"Okay, drink your wine well. I heard that you recently fell in love with a girl. Don't be the kind who comes out to play again." Although Duan Jinduan is the eldest brother, he never cares about their personal affairs. Everyone is the same Yes, if there is something that you want to talk about, you will take the initiative to say it, but if you don't want to, no one will ask more.

But Duan Jinhong couldn't help but ask Gu Xiao, after all, this is Gu Xiao who caused them the most headaches and worries, and he was a completely unreliable man.

Can you not worry?
"Brother, how did you hear that?" Gu Xiao immediately became serious when he heard this topic.

You have to know that he has fallen in love with Niu, but he hasn't told his brothers, no one knows, and how did the eldest brother hear about it.

And as soon as this girl was mentioned, he felt very sad. That Xiao Jing didn't say who it was, but the people he sent searched the entire SWAT team's female police officers, but they couldn't find one that met his requirements.

It's really been a ghost.

Ouch, what a shame, then a real living person disappears as soon as he says he’s gone, it’s not like he’s changed into a living person.

It must be the old man Xiao Jing who messed up, usually he has a close relationship with the second brother, he never listens to what others say, an old guy who doesn't take hard things.

It really made Gu Xiao feel angrier the more he heard it. It was not easy for a woman to interest him so much, but this woman played with mystery.

Really don't let the young master find him, otherwise it will definitely not make it easier for that woman.

It's just that women who were born as special police officers should be very difficult to provoke. Just as he kicked his military boots on the table in front of him that day, he knew that this woman was really not easy to provoke.

But what?He, Mr. Gu, just likes to challenge difficult things. The more difficult the challenge, the more he has to take it down. Only then will he have a full sense of accomplishment, won't he?
It's just that, until now, he doesn't even know who that woman is. This woman is tickling around his heart like a kitten, but he has no way to start.

"Don't worry about who I heard it from, is there such a thing?" Duan Jinhong actually doesn't want to care about Gu Xiao's bad things. Among the five, he likes to play the most and can afford to play, such as young models, actresses and socialites, but Gu Xiao Xiao has always had his own degree, and he deserves the title of playboy.

"Brother, I can only truthfully say that I fell in love with a woman, and this time I promise to be the daughter of a decent family." Gu Xiao swore.

Not only serious people, but also super serious.

Policewoman, what a dignified and dignified profession, it's not something that ordinary people like him can compete with, but he just wanted to provoke her, so she was the one who pointed the gun at him first.

Gu Xiao had lived for 27 years, it was the first time someone pointed a gun at him like this, and he was still a woman, how could he swallow this breath.

(End of this chapter)

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