cute in his palm

Chapter 251 Do You Like Them

Chapter 251 Do You Like Them

Maybe others don't know Gu Xiao, but Duan Jinhong and the others still know Gu Xiao. The brothers who have been brothers for so many years are not for nothing, so it is really surprising to hear this from Gu Xiao's mouth.

"Really? Someone's girl, the elder brother will take care of you." It is rare for Duan Jinhong to hear a serious daughter from Gu Xiao's mouth, so it is not surprising.

Gu Xiao loves to play by nature, and of course what he dislikes the most is forcing others to play along with him, so the women who can play with him are not good women.

Usually they don't care about Gu Xiao's private life, as long as he doesn't break the law and discipline, he can do whatever he wants. Young people are unhappy and enjoy life, wait until they are old?

"Okay, then elder brother help me find out whose family she is from, so that I can pursue her." Gu Xiao said without a straight face.

When Duan Jinhong heard his words, he frowned unhappily.

I knew that Gu Xiao would become out of shape if he couldn't say a few serious words, which made people want to twitch.

"So, that's a legend. Since that's the case, don't provoke other people's daughters anymore, so as not to ruin a good girl." Duan Jinhong said seriously.

When Gu Xiaoye heard this, he was unhappy, and took a sip of the wine in his hand.

Oh shit, big brother, you are my big brother, or the big brother of the special police sister.

"Brother, it's not me who provoked him, it was the girl who provoked me, slapped my ass and disappeared, who do I turn to to complain, brother, why don't you help me?" Gu Xiao said with an aggrieved expression.

He is a special police officer, what ability does he have to provoke him.

Little policewoman, little policewoman, you'd better pray that you don't get caught by me, otherwise... Hmm, there will definitely be good fruits for you to eat.

Seeing Gu Xiao's amusing expression, Duan Jinhong smiled and said nothing.

He thought it was because Gu Xiao had found a new pleasure to play, and he lost interest after a few days, based on his understanding of Gu Xiao.

"Brother really won't do me this favor?" Gu Xiao suddenly said very seriously.

Originally, Gu Xiao pinned his hopes on Jiang Dingcheng, but unfortunately Jiang Dingcheng didn't help him at all, but now he can ask his elder brother to go to the special police team to ask, Xiao Jing, the deputy bureau, doesn't give face, isn't there a positive situation?
"What identity?" Duan Jinhong was also a little curious. What kind of person made Gu Xiao miss so much day and night, and that woman was not simple.

"A policewoman from the city's special police team." Gu Xiao said it coolly.

When Duan Jinhong heard it, he had no rhythm at all.

So Gu Xiao played big this time.

"You didn't mess with the special police, what did you do?" Duan Jinhong frowned and asked him.

Could this special police be something they can mess with casually?

When Gu Xiao heard this, he didn't like it very much. What did he do wrong? He should be obedient.

"That day I was here drinking and chasing girls, but they sent the special police to catch the big fish, but they drove me into the police car, and then put me down in the car after saying that I was fine. Big brother, what do you think I can do, I respectfully abide by it." Your lesson, don't do anything illegal, don't you know what kind of person I am, Gu Xiao?" Gu Xiao said flatly.

Is this still his eldest brother? Is there such a way to bury him?

"It's because you know who you are that you think like this." Duan Jinhong said bluntly.

He just knows Gu Xiao too well, there is nothing in the world that he dare not do, of course, if he hadn't been talking about Gu Xiao all the time, he still doesn't know what earth-shattering things this guy has done.

So it's just a special police officer, he has the ability to mess with it.

"Brother, I can assure you that there is really not a single bit..."

"Okay, I understand, but you can solve this matter yourself, I won't help you." Duan Jinhong said completely indifferently.

Hearing this, Gu Xiao expected it.

What's wrong with the eldest brother and the second brother, everyone is so cruel, why doesn't everyone care about his little brother's happiness?
These two inhumane guys won't care about their brother's happiness when they have wives.

The eldest brother and the second brother should be very active in helping them pursue happiness.

Having hit a wall with the second brother, Gu Xiao never thought that he would run into a wall with the eldest brother now, he really has no love.

"Brother, are you really desperate?" Gu Xiao looked at him and said.

Duan Jinhong patted him on the shoulder heavily, then took a sip from the wine glass.

"Fourth, happiness must be won by oneself in order to know how to cherish it." Duan Jinhong said to him with other meanings.

Gu Xiao nodded his head half-understood, then called him belatedly.

"Brother, no, I want to fight hard, but... can you help me find her out?"

Of course Duan Jinhong ignored him.

One's own happiness is not to be fought for by oneself, what's the use of relying on others.

It seems that relying on others is never as good as relying on yourself.

Girl special police officer, I still don't believe that you can't be found by digging three feet, don't worry, you will just wait to be found by me, and you will be a fool when the time comes.

Jiang Dingcheng sat with Mu Jiu on the sofa next to him, and chatted with her while handing her stomach-warming fruit tea.

"How do you feel, Jiu'er?"

It was the first time Jiang Dingcheng brought Mu Jiu to meet his brothers in such a formal way, so he was very concerned about how Mu Jiu saw them. This was very important to Jiang Dingcheng. It was related to whether Mu Jiu could really accept his friends. , Can you get along well with them in the future?

These are brothers that he will get along with for the rest of his life, so he hopes to have a good relationship with Mu Jiu, just like his sister-in-law and them.

Since we want to be a family, we must feel like a family.

"Very good, big brother and I like them all very much," Mu Jiu said sincerely, not flattery, while holding warm fruit tea, listening to Jiang Dingcheng's soft whisper was very heartwarming.

"But I'm afraid they won't like me?" Mu Jiu said nervously.

"Brother and the others also like you very much, so there is no need to worry." Jiang Dingcheng said while holding her hand.

It really is the right time today, Mu Jiu's feeling like this makes him very happy.

"Second sister-in-law, how did you and second brother meet? I'm curious." Cheng Yichen came over and sat next to Mu Jiu and said.

Mu Jiu didn't know what to say, how did she know each other?
"Second sister-in-law, I heard that you are Yan Rui's designer, is that why I met my second brother?" Cheng Yichen continued.

Mu Jiu thought for a while, and thought that the first time they met was at the launch event of designer Yan Ruixin's work, so she just nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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