Chapter 285
When she got off work, Mu Jiu happened to meet Luo Shiyan, she was as proud as ever, she raised her chin and gave Mu Jiu a defiant look.

"Director Luo, okay." Luo Shiyan can pretend that she didn't see her, but Mu Jiu can't pretend that she didn't see Luo Shiyan. After all, her identity is there, one boss and one subordinate.

Naturally, the subordinate should take the initiative to say hello to the boss.

So Mu Jiu could only bite the bullet and say hello, in exchange for Luo Shiyan's expected indifferent glance.

"Mu Jiu, I heard from Sixing that you promised to return to the main design team?" Luo Shiyan was silent for a while and then said.

"Well, isn't this what Director Luo expected?" Mu Jiu looked at her face and said.

Although Ou Sixing did not directly explain the reason, Mu Jiu should have guessed it. If Luo Shiyan disagreed with her going back, Ou Sixing would not tell him.

After all, Luo Shiyan has always been in charge of this season's new design, while Ou Sixing is just assisting at the side, and has no right to decide whether to stay or not.

"It's smart, I know that I am the one who can talk to the main design team of this season." Luo Shiyan said without hesitation.

If Ou Sixing hadn't approached her for no less than three times and tried to persuade her to let Mu Jiu go back, Luo Shiyan would never have agreed.

Ou Sixing's stalking skills are not covered, Luo Shiyan is just a little annoyed by being stalked.

"I know, Director Luo, I've always known that this season's new design team is you. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be so lucky to be in." Mu Jiu said seriously.

She is really grateful to Luo Shiyan for giving her this opportunity.

If Luo Shiyan had known about her relationship with Jiang Dingcheng from the beginning, she probably wouldn't have had this chance. It was really a surprise for people by accident.

Mu Jiu has no extra ideas, but really wants to finish her first design of the main model well, so that she won't have any regrets.

This is the reason why she promised Ou Sixing to go back again, she didn't want to make herself feel regretful.

"Oh, do you still know how to be grateful? Just remember, remember, since you promised to come back again, you must listen to me carefully, understand? My team will not accommodate two kinds of people, one is disobedient , and there is another kind of useless trash, so Mu Jiu, don't make me regret letting you come back again." Luo Shiyan stepped on her high heels and left after finishing speaking.

The ten-centimeter shoes were particularly crisp on her feet.

Mu Jiu also wore high heels, knowing how difficult it is to master, she was really worried that Luo Shiyan would twist her feet directly.

After standing there for a few minutes, Mu Jiu didn't even intend to leave, so the phone in his hand rang.

"Sister Mu, why are you in a daze? The phone has rang several times." Fang Caicai walked over to her and said with a smile, and even waved her hand twice in front of her eyes.

"Well, it's okay." Mu Jiu glanced at the phone, it was Shang Jinglu calling, and immediately laughed.

"Brother-in-law called?" Seeing Mu Jiu's happy face, Fang Caicai couldn't help gossiping again.

"Brother-in-law, stay here and go back earlier." Mu Jiu said with a glance at Fang Caicai.

Fang Caicai immediately disappeared with her bag on her back. "Sister Mu, goodbye, have a good chat with brother-in-law."

After watching Fang Caicai leave, Mu Jiu answered the phone.

"Brother Jinglu, what's wrong?" Mu Jiu was talking on the phone with Shang Jinglu while walking towards the road.

"Xiao Jiu, do you have time on weekends? Grandpa wants you to come to our house for dinner. The old man was very happy when he heard that you wanted to come and see him." Shang Jinglu's slightly excited voice came from the other end. .

"It's the weekend, let me see if I have time, lunch or dinner?" Mu Jiu asked him.

"Dinner, but you can come over in the afternoon. Grandpa told the kitchen to make cakes and biscuits for you. Come here earlier, or do you want me to pick you up?" Shang Jinglu said relaxedly.

"No, no need, I can just drive there by myself, anyway, I know how to get to your house." Mu Jiu directly refused.

She drove there by herself, and she could drive back by herself at night.

So it's better to go by yourself, and let Shang Jinglu pick him up, it's not good to let Jiang Dingcheng see it then.

No matter what she does now, she has to subconsciously worry about Jiang Dingcheng's thoughts,

"Well, at three o'clock in the afternoon on Sunday, I'll wait for you at the gate." Shang Jinglu said happily.

"Okay, see you this weekend."

"Xiao Jiu, remember to drive carefully." Shang Jinglu told her seriously.

If possible, he is willing to pick up Xiaojiu himself, so as to ensure her safety, and then send her back at night.

In this way, you can spend more time alone with her back and forth.

He simply wanted to spend more time with her, but if Xiaojiu didn't want to, he didn't force it too much. After all, he came back after three years this time. Although he wanted her to return to him earlier like before, but Some things cannot be rushed, take your time.

Anyway, it's normal to come to Japan.

"Okay, brother Jinglu, let's do it for now, bye." Mu Jiu hung up the phone reluctantly.

As soon as Sunday arrived, Mu Jiu deliberately woke up early, and then began to wash and dress in the room. She changed three or four sets of clothes, and she didn't know which one she was going to wear.

Grandpa Shang's favorite girl is a well-behaved girl, but now that three years have passed, I wonder if Grandpa Shang still likes a well-behaved girl?

Really worried about her.

Going to the store now is much more nervous than going to the store for the first time.

There is a feeling of meeting the parents formally, which is too nervous and scary.

Jiang Dingcheng had already made breakfast, and stood back and forth at her door, listening to the voices inside, this girl had been tossing all morning, and she didn't know what she was tossing about.

She has been in such an excited state for the past two days, and asked her what good things happened to her, she just said that she has returned to the main design team, and then she has a date on the weekend.

Ouch, a date.

As soon as he heard this word, Mr. Jiang was not very happy.

Is my genuine husband just for display?She said it was a fake marriage, but she didn't intend to let her fair and honest Hongxing go out with other men.

Just when Jiang Dingcheng was about to knock on the door, the door opened, and Mu Jiu looked at Jiang Dingcheng in surprise.

"Jiang, Jiang Dingcheng, why are you at my door?" Mu Jiu looked at Jiang Dingcheng in surprise, so silent, it almost scared people to death.

early in the morning.

"Breakfast is ready." Jiang Dingcheng said in a calm tone as he watched her carefully dressed up.

"Well, today is the weekend, you don't have to get up so early to prepare breakfast for me." Mu Jiu was a little embarrassed when she heard that.

(End of this chapter)

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