Chapter 286

Seeing Mu Jiu's embarrassed look, Jiang Dingcheng felt much better.

After all, Mu Jiu still cares about herself.

That alone is enough.

It's just that it's a bit hard for him to accept the matter of dressing up so grandly and going on a date. In fact, even if Mu Jiu doesn't say who he's going on a date with, Jiang Dingcheng can probably guess it.

It should be dating Shang Jinglu.

It seems that Shang Jinglu, a lingering man, really intends to rob his woman.

"I'm used to it. Anyway, breakfast is ready, let's go downstairs and eat." Even if he knew that Mu Jiu was going on a date with Shang Jinglu, he couldn't bear to blame Mu Jiu.

Mu Jiu looked at Jiang Dingcheng with some embarrassment. Originally, she wanted to torment herself, but she didn't expect to let Jiang Dingcheng do it together, and she felt extremely embarrassed in her heart.

"Well, okay." Mu Jiu still nodded obediently.

In the end, he deliberately changed into a light-colored lady's dress, so he was a little uncomfortable in front of Jiang Dingcheng, and felt embarrassed.

So when Jiang Dingcheng came to knock on the door, she was a little nervous.

"Jiu'er?" Jiang Dingcheng took two steps, seeing that Mu Jiu hadn't followed, he turned and called her.

"Oh, I'm here." Mu Jiu followed with some embarrassment, how unnatural it was to walk.

"Jiang Dingcheng, do you think there is something wrong with me?" Mu Jiu finally asked directly.

"There's nothing wrong, it looks much better than usual." Jiang Dingcheng said directly.

I have to say that Mu Jiu's attire like this is indeed very different from usual, when the door opened just now, he was a little surprised.

When I thought about the fact that my wife had never been so grand when I met him to get the certificate for the first time, now it was so grand when I went on a date with another man.

There is really something unpleasant and sour in my heart.

"Really, really?" Mu Jiu was a little embarrassed immediately, and looked at Jiang Dingcheng nervously, wanting to be sure again.

"Really, I would never lie to you." Jiang Dingcheng said as he went downstairs.

When Mu Jiu heard this, she felt relieved. Both Grandpa Shang and Shang Jinglu would like it. If she had known that she had spent an hour in the room by herself, she might as well have let Jiang Dingcheng come over to choose clothes for her.


When Mu Jiu drank the soy milk, he was in a particularly good mood.

And Jiang Dingcheng, who was sitting opposite her, was particularly uncomfortable,

Normally, his working hours have never been settled on a weekend. Since he got Mu Jiu, his schedule has changed a lot, and he even postponed his weekend work to make breakfast for her.


"Jiang Dingcheng, why don't you eat? You don't seem to be in a good mood? Did you not have a good rest? Let's go back to rest after breakfast." After Mu Jiu took two sips of soy milk, she saw that Jiang Dingcheng had no expression at all. Sitting there drinking porridge, looking depressed.

"I'm fine, where are you going later?" Jiang Dingcheng asked her.

Mu Jiu didn't want to say it at first, but she dressed up so grandly, and then told him that she was fine, would he believe it?Who would believe that he just wanted to go to the hospital to see his brother.

"That me, Jiang Dingcheng, if I say it, you won't be angry." Mu Jiu thought for a while, how unhappy he would be after telling the consequences.

"Well, tell me, the only thing I'm not happy about is cheating." Jiang Dingcheng's meaning is very simple and clear, except for cheating, other things are trivial things that can make him unhappy.

That is to let Mu Jiu understand his bottom line, no matter what happens, it cannot be a lie to him.

"Okay then, I'm going to go shopping with Xiao Tong later, and then..." Mu Jiu looked at Jiang Dingcheng cautiously at this point, because what he was going to say next might make Jiang Dingcheng very unhappy.

"Then, after buying the presents, I'll go to the store in the afternoon to meet Grandpa Shang." Mu Jiu said in a low voice.

After Jiang Dingcheng listened, it was exactly as he guessed.

But it was better than he expected. After all, he didn't go to see Shang Jinglu alone, but went to the merchant to meet Mr. Shang. There is a way to solve this matter.

This is no longer a simple two-person date.

And he knew about the relationship between Mu Jiu and the merchant. Back then, she had a good relationship with Shang Jinglu, and she could come and go to the merchant freely. It was no accident that the old man liked Mu Jiu very much.

"Well, I see. When you meet the elders, you must bring some gifts that suit the elders." Jiang Dingcheng said calmly.

When Mu Jiu heard this, she was a little surprised. Originally, she thought that Jiang Dingcheng would be super angry, but now she put on such a calm look, which really surprised people. Very surprised.

Did Jiang Dingcheng suffer from something evil?

"Jiang Dingcheng, are you... are you sincere?" Mu Jiu asked him in disbelief.

Shouldn't he be upset to hear that she went to another man's house? Now that she is so calm, Mu Jiu feels a little bit disappointed.

Does this mean that Jiang Dingcheng actually doesn't care much about her at all.

Thinking of this question, she yelled at herself very strangely, Mujiu Mujiu, what do you mean? He clearly knew that Jiang Dingcheng didn't like women, so how could he care about you.

Stop being so sentimental, be sober.

"Do you need me to prepare the gift?" Jiang Dingcheng ignored the complicated and changeable emotions in her eyes, and directly brought the topic to the business.

Now Mu Jiu is Jiang Dingcheng's wife, so no matter what purpose she goes to the business, she is still Jiang Dingcheng's wife, so it represents Jiang Dingcheng's face.

It's just that, for the time being, he doesn't want to force such an identity on her, which will make Mu Jiu feel uncomfortable.

"No, no need, I know what Grandpa Shang likes, I will prepare it myself, you don't have to worry." Mu Jiu immediately rejected Jiang Dingcheng's kindness, and then her tone changed, "Jiang Dingcheng, it's not that I don't accept your kindness, Rather... I want to do it myself."

"Well, good." Jiang Dingcheng agreed lightly.

Mu Jiu just felt that today's Jiang Dingcheng was too quiet, not like the Jiang Dingcheng in her impression, but what was wrong?I can't say it for another hour and a half.

"Do you need me to take you there?" Jiang Dingcheng asked.

Mu Jiu immediately shook her head.

"No, no need, I can drive there by myself. If this is the case, I can drive back by myself at night." Mu Jiu said seriously.

"Okay, if you need me to pick you up or if there is anything else, remember to call me." Jiang Dingcheng reminded again.

Because he didn't want the same thing to happen last time.

"Mmm, yes, yes." Mu Jiu immediately nodded obediently in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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