cute in his palm

Chapter 287 Feeling Heartwarming

Chapter 287 Feeling Heartwarming

Mu Jiu left the villa with this complicated and worried mood, even when she saw Guan Xiaotong in the shopping mall, she was still in a daze.

"Hey, beauty, who are you waiting for? Want to make an appointment!" Guan Xiaotong saw Mu Jiu stunned at the entrance of the mall from a distance, so he went over to tease her.

Just hearing this, Mu Jiu knew who the target was.

"You are the one waiting, Miss Guan." Mu Jiu said with a slight smile at her.

"What are you doing here alone in a daze at the door? Sister, I'm here, but you still haven't reacted yet." Guan Xiaotong said, patting her on the shoulder.

"It's okay, I'm waiting for you." Mu Jiu said with a smile.

"He said he was fine, with a look like spring has arrived." Guan Xiaotong reached out and pinched Mu Jiu's face.

"Okay, let's go in, we still have to prepare a gift for Grandpa Shang." Mu Jiu turned away, not wanting her to take advantage of her like this, the purpose of calling this dead girl out today is to choose a gift for Grandpa Shang, Because she was afraid that she would not be able to decide on her own and would not be able to choose a good gift.

After all, I haven't seen Grandpa Shang for three years, so it should be more grand.

"How about preparing a gift for Grandpa Shang? This appearance of the granddaughter-in-law coming to visit is really envious of my sister." Guan Xiaotong looked at her well-dressed appearance from head to toe.

Be darling, this girl is dressed like a lady today, she is beautiful, an obedient girl who would be liked by elders very much.

Hey, if it wasn't for Grandpa Shang, if he just wanted to choose a gift for Shang Jinglu, why would Guan Xiaotong not accompany her to choose a gift?

After all, Grandpa Shang treated them all very well back then, he was really a good old man.

"What, don't talk nonsense, okay, what is a grandson-in-law!!" As soon as Mu Jiu heard these words, she immediately yelled at her sharply.

"Okay, okay, if it's true, you know it best in your heart, so I don't bother to care about you." Guan Xiaotong patted her on the shoulder and said.

"Go in and choose gifts, what else does the old man like, remember?" Guan Xiaotong asked her while pulling her into the mall.

"Uh, tea, tea sets, pipes, but Grandpa Shang seems to have given up smoking three years ago, so I can't buy him a pipe, or can I use a stick?"

Mu Jiu said while counting, but said the same thing and denied the same thing.

The two walked around, walking the entire shopping mall from the first floor to the seventh floor, and then from the seventh floor to the first floor.

From boutique shopping to jade cabinets.

"How about, let's choose a piece of high-quality jade for the old man. The old man has a hobby of collecting jade. Does Grandpa Shang have any?" Guan Xiaotong continued to ask.

After all, Mu Jiu got close to Grandpa Shang back then, and knew that Grandpa Shang's preferences were normal.

"Jade, it looks pretty good. If we choose a good piece of jade and give it to Grandpa Shang, he will definitely like it very much." Mu Jiu nodded and said.

In the end, Mu Jiu bought a lot of gifts from shoes to jade.

"My little Jiujiu, are you sure you sent so many things over there? Not the outfits for going back to your in-law's house?" Guan Xiaotong looked a little dizzy looking at her pile of things.

"Going back to my in-law's house!! Don't talk nonsense!!" Mu Jiu was really confused, why Guan Xiaotong couldn't explain clearly.

"Okay, I won't say whether it's okay for you to go back to your in-law's house." Guan Xiaotong said seriously.

"But today, thank you very much for accompanying me to choose gifts, otherwise I can't do it alone." Mu Jiu said seriously.

"Okay, in order to express my gratitude, then go to the countryside with me. That damn girl Guan Linlin must go to the countryside to play, of course, to pull Xiaojie. The two little guys go alone. Your family That Guan Yijie will definitely not go, and accidents are likely to happen, so if we all go together, we should go to the countryside to relax and stay for one night." Guan Xiaotong said so seriously.

When Mu Jiu heard it, it seemed that she had already made the arrangements early in the morning, so there was no way for Mu Jiu to refuse.

"Okay, let's go." Mu Jiu nodded and said.

"I knew you would definitely go, the more people the better, isn't Officer Tao back, let's go together." Guan Xiaotong said happily.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu nodded affirmatively.

"Mianmian, I'll contact her. I don't know if she has time. Tao warns that she's a busy person right now." Mu Jiu said with a smile.

Tao Mian's work is unique, unlike her work, where she can stop going to the company at any time.

But Mu Jiu really hoped that Tao Mian could go with them. Tao Mian had been alone in the United States for four years and finally came back. She wanted to give Tao Mian more care and let her have a kind of gentle embrace of returning to the motherland.

This is an opportunity.

It depends on whether Tao Mian has time.

"That's right, let's call it out. If you have time, let's go together. It's more fun if there are more people. You can have a barbecue. I will bring a professional chef team to go." Guan Xiaotong said with a smile.

"That's all right, all right, I'm going to play and bring a team of professional chefs, aren't you crazy?" Mu Jiu couldn't believe it, looking at Guan Xiaotong, she was really crazy.

"Forget, am I the boss of Girlfriends Time? My coffee shop has two chefs, okay?" Guan Xiaotong said directly.

"So, take them there, do you want to take a two-day vacation for girlfriend time?" The more Mu Jiu heard it, the more she became crazy. This Guan Xiaotong couldn't be for real.

"It's not impossible. This is the advantage of being a boss. You can take a vacation whenever you want. It's cool." Guan Xiaotong said with a smile.

And she has always said that the wind is the rain.

If you say this, you must have such a plan.

Mu Jiu wasn't prepared. When she went out to play, she brought the two chefs from the coffee shop with her. Only Guan Xiaotong could do this kind of thing.

"Of course, don't worry, I will bring a professional coffee machine, so that I can grind the purest handmade coffee for you, be happy." Guan Xiaotong continued to describe there.

"Happy you big head, we can go, but don't bring any cooks and coffee machines, sister, I'm begging you." Mu Jiu was powerless.

"Okay, okay, I won't tell you these things anymore, I'm going to eat, and you have to go to your brother Jinglu's house after eating." Guan Xiaotong said jokingly.

Lunch was settled directly at the restaurant on the top floor of the shopping mall. After lunch, Guan Xiaotong and Mu Jiu separated, one went back to girlfriends time, and the other went to the business.

As soon as Mu Jiu got into the car, Shang Jinglu called.

"Xiao Jiu, where are you?"

"In the past, it will take about half an hour. Brother Jinglu, see you later."

After receiving the call, Mu Jiu felt a warm feeling in her heart. Now that she is going to the store again, does it mean that she has a chance to be with Brother Jinglu again.

(End of this chapter)

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