cute in his palm

Chapter 288 1 new friends

Chapter 288 A New Friend
When Mu Jiu drove the car to the business compound, Shang Jinglu was standing at the door waiting for her.

As soon as the black shepherd stopped, Shang Jinglu walked over.

"Xiao Jiu, we're here." Shang Jinglu said happily, even his eyes were full of smiles, and the gentleness was so strong that he couldn't get rid of it, which made Mu Jiu feel a little embarrassed.

This Shang Jinglu has become as gentle as before.

very nice.

"Where's Grandpa Shang?" Mu Jiu glanced at him and asked.

Shang Jinglu's gaze has always been on Mu Jiu, and he has seen Xiao Jiu several times when he came back, but he has never dressed up so deliberately. Today's Xiao Jiu is really different, with a stunning beauty, very ladylike as before . "Grandpa, in the house, when he heard that you were coming, he was very happy..."

Before Shang Jinglu could finish speaking, an old but energetic voice sounded, "I said who is missing me, so it's our little Jiu, come on."

"Grandpa Shang!" Mu Jiu rushed over, and shouted happily at Old Master Shang.

"Xiao Jiu, come and let Grandpa take a good look, is there anything you want?" Old Master Shang immediately said to Xiao You.

Xiaoyou immediately stood there obediently.

"Grandpa Shang."

"My Xiaojiu has become more beautiful and taller." Mr. Shang said with a smile.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu was a little speechless, she was already so big, how could she grow taller? "Grandpa Shang, are you joking?"

"Yes, grandpa, are you joking?" Shang Jinglu joined their conversation.

When the old man heard that his grandson was like this, he immediately became unhappy. "Brat, how dare you doubt your grandfather's words."

"Don't dare, Xiao Jiu has become prettier, but the same height." Shang Jinglu said seriously.

"Stinky boy." The old man slammed on him with a crutch.

"Xiao Jiu, please protect me." Shang Jinglu would find an opportunity to hug her and hide behind her.

"Grandpa, don't hit Brother Jinglu." Mu Jiu said with a smile, looking at Old Man Shang, and she couldn't help but think about what happened to them before.

That period of the past seemed to appear before her eyes.

It really seems that there has never been a gap of three years.

"But..." At this point, Old Man Shang, who had a smile on his face, suddenly changed, and his face became serious.

"Grandpa Shang, what's the matter?" Mu Jiu looked at the old man with some anxiety.

"I'm ashamed to say what's the matter. Tell me why you haven't come to see me, old man, for the past three years. It's fine if the brat went abroad, but you didn't come to see me. It made me miss you." The old man said Being charming is not to be underestimated.

"Grandpa Shang, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's either my fault or my fault, so I came here today to make amends. Look, I bought you a lot of presents." Mu Jiu immediately said with a smile, and then turned to open the back door.

The back seat is full of gift boxes.

"Yo yo yo, it's rare that Xiaojiu of our family still has a heart for me, an old man, as long as he can come and see me." Seeing the gift in the back seat, the old man really smiled from ear to ear.

Although he said that he didn't need to bring gifts, the old man's heart was instantly satisfied when he saw that so many gifts were all for him.

"Is it really all for me?" The old man asked again worriedly.

"Of course, it's all for you, Grandpa Shang." Mu Jiu nodded affirmatively.

The old man immediately laughed happily.

"It's still Xiaojiu who has a heart, unlike the brat who didn't bring me any gifts when he came back. It's really not happy." The old man said there immediately.

"It's because you don't like the gift I bought." Although Shang Jinglu looked calm, there was some grievance in his invitation.

"Hmph, no heart." The old man ignored Shang Jinglu and turned to look at Mu Jiu.

"Xiao Jiu, come and help grandpa go in, let this stinky boy help me move the presents in here."

"Okay, Grandpa Shang," Mu Jiu obediently went over to take Old Master Shang's arm, and helped him walk into the house.

Seeing the old and the young enter the house, Shang Jinglu's mood became exceptionally better. He was worried that Xiaojiu would have some lumps in his heart when he came again, but now it seems that there is no such thing at all, just like three years ago exactly the same.

It would be nice if there is no heart in this way.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, all the people who should go to work in the business are at work, so only Mr. Shang and Shang Jinglu are there, which can also make Xiaojiu more relaxed.

As soon as he sat down, the old man began to count there. "Xiao Jiu, I asked the kitchen to make you your favorite chestnut strawberry cake, Portuguese egg tart, fruit ice cream..."

"Grandpa Shang, you are too kind to me." Sitting beside the old man, Mu Jiu offered him a cup of tea.

"I didn't want to prepare anything at first, why didn't you come to see me for three years? I know it was the brat who made you angry, but my old man didn't make you angry." The old man said seriously .

"It's all my fault. If I hadn't made Xiaojiu angry at the beginning, I wouldn't have let her stop seeing you, grandpa." Shang Jinglu just came in with his things and heard the old man's complaint, so he said with some self-blame.

"Grandpa Shang, you can't blame Brother Jinglu for this incident..."

"Master, the cake and ice cream are ready." The cook came out and interrupted their conversation, and then saw Mu Jiu obediently sitting next to the old man.

"Oh, Miss Mu is finally here, long time no see." The cook walked up to Mu Jiu excitedly and said.

At the beginning, Mu Jiu's innocence won the hearts of all the merchants. From the old man to the helper, there is no one who doesn't like the obedient and sensible Mu Jiu.

"Aunt Fu, I'm here, do I miss the cake and ice cream you made for me?" Mu Jiu said immediately.

Everything now gave her a sense of familiarity. It turned out that everything she was worried about would not happen, and the people here treated her as well as before.

"You lied to me, so why don't you come to eat?" Aunt Fu said pretendingly angrily.

"It's not that I don't have time, Aunt Fu, don't be angry, I will finish eating the cake in a while." Mu Jiu said embarrassedly.

She is actually very afraid to face everyone and ask her why she doesn't come to the store once every three years?

When Aunt Fu heard this, she immediately laughed.

"It's so good. It'll be delicious in a while, and I'll get it right away." Aunt Fu smiled and entered the kitchen.

After the cake was served, Mu Jiu ate it unceremoniously, the taste was still her favorite, it didn't change, it felt like nothing had changed, it was great.

"Xiao Jiu, is it delicious?"

"Very good, Grandpa Shang."

"It just so happens that not only Xiaojiu came over today, but Grandpa also invited a friend who was hard to get together to have dinner with him today. He should be here soon." Mr. Shang said, looking at the wall clock.

(End of this chapter)

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