cute in his palm

Chapter 289 She Was Overthinking

Chapter 289 She Was Overthinking

"Friend? Which family's grandfather?" Shang Jinglu asked curiously.

Because it is rare to hear that his grandfather would specially invite a friend to come to the house. When these old men get together, they usually go to the elderly commune to play cards, play mahjong and chat, or go fishing, or drink tea and chat in a tea house. , rarely come to the house.

That's why Shang Jingli was so curious.

However, he also knew all the old men who were closer to grandpa.

"No, it's about the same age as you." Mr. Shang said with a mysterious smile.

He is about the same age as him, isn't he only in his thirties, when did grandpa make such young friends?Wangnianjiao? Shang Jinglu was really surprised.

However, grandpa has always been the director of the Shang Corporation, so the business dealings of the Shang Corporation are actually handled by Grandpa, and naturally he will deal with some young people.

Besides, Grandpa's mentality has always been very young, and it is normal to have something to talk to young people.

"Grandpa Shang has a friend as young as Brother Jinglu, so what should Brother Jinglu call him? Is he called Grandpa by your generation? Or is he called Big Brother by his generation?" Mu Jiu suddenly thought Asked a more serious question.

When Old Man Shang heard what Mu Jiu said, he really amused him, or this girl could make him happy, like Shang Jinglu came back for a few days, never made him laugh so happily.

"Xiaojiu, you girl are just trying to tease me, the old man." The old man really couldn't laugh or cry.

"Since it's grandpa's friend, then it's also my friend. I can call him whatever he wants." Shang Jinglu said in a very cooperative manner.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu smiled.

Just when the butler came in, "Master, Mr. Jiang is here."

Hearing Mr. Jiang's three words, Mu Jiu's first reaction was, could it be Jiang Dingcheng? Could it be that Grandpa Shang's friend is really Jiang Dingcheng?

The Shang Group and the Jiang Group should have some cooperation and some contacts.

"Okay, invite Mr. Jiang to come in right away and prepare some tea." Mr. Shang immediately got up with a smile and went to meet Mr. Jiang in person.

Mu Jiu and Shang Jinglu went to greet him together, but Mu Jiu's mood became more and more nervous as Mr. Jiang became more and more nervous, which was really inexplicable.

In the end, the facts told her that she was right.

Because the moment he saw Jiang Dingcheng appearing, Mu Jiu was going crazy.

"Mr. Shang, hello, I'm here today to bother you." Jiang Dingcheng walked up to Mr. Shang with a gift, and greeted him in a very gentlemanly manner.

"It's my honor to finally be able to invite you over. I have invited you many times but have no time to come over. I know Mr. Jiang has been very busy." Mr. Shang smiled happily.

To know this is really true.

Jiang Dingcheng is a myth that exists in the entire Huaicheng commercial district. He is young, brave, decisive, ruthless, and has skills. That's why Jiang's business is getting bigger and bigger.

In the past, Mr. Shang didn't pay much attention to the young people, but since Shang Jinglu came back, he has been actively contacting the young managers of various families, hoping to use his low face to replace Shang. Jing Lv paved a smoother path. After he took over the Shang family, he would not be alone and helpless. It would be best for him to make a few allies himself. A young talent like Jiang Dingcheng is very good.

I had asked him a few times before and used a new project as a replacement price, but Jiang Dingcheng shirked it. I didn't expect to receive a call from him today saying that he would come and pay a visit to him. This is an excellent opportunity. The old man directly agreed.

"Come on, let me introduce you. This is my grandson who just came back from France, Jing Lu, the future successor of the business. This is the little girl of the Mu family, Mu Jiu. Come and meet Mr. Jiang. We Huai The second young master of the Jiang family, who is upstart in the city's business world." The old man happily introduced the three young people.

"Mr. Jiang, it's an honor to meet you. Please take care of me in the future."

"Master Shang, it's also a pleasure to meet you. Welcome back to Huai City. I hope there will be more opportunities for cooperation in the future."

Jiang Dingcheng and Shang Jinglu shook hands and greeted each other calmly.

The two big men behaved as usual, only Mu Jiu was very disturbed, especially the expression on his face became a little nervous, obviously the two men knew each other, but they pretended not to be serious at all Come.

It's too fake.

Although Mu Jiu wanted to imitate them, she found it really difficult for her to do so.

As soon as Jiang Dingcheng blinked at her, Mu Jiu's mood calmed down slightly.

Then treat it as the first meeting, otherwise Grandpa Shang will definitely ask her a lot of questions that she can't answer, so just save yourself trouble, and if you find out that they are husband and wife in the future, you can explain it later.

Mu Jiu could only feel a little sorry for Mr. Shang in his heart. He likes him so much, but now he wants to lie to him and act in front of him.

"Hello, Mr. Jiang." Mu Jiu said with a heavy smile to Jiang Dingcheng.

This was the first time they appeared in front of others in such an embarrassing capacity, and it was really a bit dramatic.

"Hello, Miss Mu, I didn't expect to meet you here. It's really a great honor." Jiang Dingcheng said to Mu Jiu very seriously.

What did not expect to see her here.

It was clear that he knew that he was a guest at the merchant, so he chose to come here today.

It's intentional, Jiang Dingcheng is a little too dark-bellied.

"Boss Jiang, let's go into the house." Mr. Shang looked at Jiang Dingcheng and said.

"Xiao Jiu, Mr. Jiang is here today to talk to me about a new cooperation between Shang and Jiang. Jing Lu also needs to listen to it. If you feel bored, you can go to the kitchen to make food with Aunt Fu, or go to Help me repair roses in the backyard." Mr. Shang said apologetically.

Originally, he never thought that Jiang Dingcheng would agree to come over to talk to him about the new cooperation today, so he would feel a little bit ashamed to take care of Xiaojiu, so he felt sorry for her.

"No. Grandpa Shang, go and discuss things. I'll go to the kitchen to make fruit tea for you." Mu Jiu nodded obediently and smiled,

It turned out that Jiang Dingcheng came to see Mr. Shang today because he really had something to discuss. He thought he was going out to catch rape. It seemed that he was thinking too much.

Wishful thinking is too shy.

Some dare not look Jiang Dingcheng directly in the eyes.

"Okay then, let Xiaojiu make tea for us. Let's go to the study first." Grandpa Shang said with a smile, then turned and went into the study, Jiang Dingcheng followed, but gave her a very ambiguous look before going in.

What does Jiang Dingcheng mean?
(End of this chapter)

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