cute in his palm

Chapter 292 The Erupting Volcano

Chapter 292 The Erupting Volcano


After Jiang Dingcheng and Mu Jiu left, Shang Jinglu, who had always had a smile on his face, stopped the smile, and his expression became calm and gloomy. No one could see what was in his mind. Old Shang, who knows his grandson best, can't see through Shang Jinglu's thoughts.

Three years ago, he suddenly went to France to take care of his little uncle. After returning, Mr. Shang found out that Shang Jing's rhythm has changed a lot, but fortunately, he is still the kindest one.

"Ah Lu, do you have something to talk to Grandpa?" Mr. Shang said looking at his grandson with a worried look.

During the time he came back, he has been busy accepting the grind of work in the Shang family, and the two grandparents don't have much time to eat, so how can there be any time to chat.

"Grandpa, what do you want to say?" Shang Jinglu looked at Grandpa calmly and said.

In fact, he knew very well that Shang Lao was going to talk to him.

It's nothing more than Mu Jiu's matter. In fact, how could Shang Jinglu not know that from a very early age, grandpa liked Mu Jiu very much, and hoped that he could marry Mu Jiu as his wife. He is a good person and has the background of Mu's family, so he is good in every aspect .

But Shang Jinglu didn't have that thought before, and always treated Mu Jiu as a younger sister.

It's just that she must get married now, and Mu Jiu is a good choice. The most important thing is that Mu Jiu loves him, and only by marrying someone who loves herself can she treat herself wholeheartedly.

Of course, it doesn't have to be her.

"Ah Lu, you should know what I want to tell you, so tell me what you think of Xiao Jiu." Shang Lao asked him directly without hesitation.

Anyway, it would be better to explain these things earlier.

To know Shang Jinglu's thoughts on Mu Jiu, Shang Lao can make a better decision.

Hearing the old man's words, Shang Jinglu didn't say anything directly, but looked at the old man calmly, without denying or intending to say anything.

Because he will not know how to speak to his grandfather for a while. Regarding Mu Jiu, he originally planned to be very simple. He returned to the country and inherited the Shang family. If he must get married, then Mu Jiu is naturally the best choice. .

However, things were beyond his expectation, because Mu Jiu got married.

Moreover, he was still married to Jiang Dingcheng, so he wouldn't make a show of it until the matter was clarified, and besides, Mu Jiu and Jiang Dingcheng's marriage would definitely break up.

How long can an undisclosed marriage last.

As for why Mu Jiu chose to marry Jiang Dingcheng in a hurry, he didn't need to know more, because as long as he was sure that Mu Jiu's thoughts were on him, then he didn't need to worry about the rest.

Seeing that Shang Jinglu didn't intend to speak, Mr. Shang said directly, "You left in a hurry three years ago, and grandpa knew what was on your mind, and he didn't plan to force it."

Speaking of this, Mr. Shang felt very regretful. He really liked the child Xiaojiu. If Alu could marry Xiaojiu as his wife by fate, Mr. Shang would feel relieved.

However, who made Ah Li always treat Xiao Jiu as a younger sister, so even though he wanted to, he couldn't force the two of them to be together.

Mr. Shang knows Xiaojiu's thoughts on Alu.

Now as long as Shang Jinglu puts his mind on Mu Jiu, then this marriage will be a success immediately.

"If you really don't care about Xiaojiu, then don't force it. Grandpa is also a person who sees through everything, so everything depends on fate." Shang Lao said calmly.

"Grandpa, there is no need to worry about this matter for the time being. Xiaojiu is still young, and I just came back. I am still learning many things about the Shang family. We will talk about it when things stabilize." Shang Jinglu said, his tone very light.

As soon as Mr. Shang heard this, he felt that there was something to be said, as long as Ah Lu wasn't [-]% indifferent to Xiao Jiu, then it wouldn't matter.

Time is not a problem, he can afford to wait.

"Grandpa, you like Xiaojiu so much." Shang Jinglu turned to look at Grandpa and said.

"Xiaojiu is smart, kind and cute, don't you like it?" Mr. Shang couldn't help but give his grandson a blank look. This Shang Jinglu, the older he gets, the more impolite he is, and he even dares to tease his grandpa.

"I like it, why don't I like it? Well, grandpa should rest earlier." Shang Jinglu didn't want to discuss this issue anymore, grandpa's thoughts on Xiaojiu were too deep, if he continued, he was afraid that grandpa would urge him to go to Muyu tomorrow. The family proposed marriage.

"Okay, I know you don't like to talk to me as an old man now, okay, I'll go back to my room, don't go to bed too late, the company's affairs are not in a hurry." Shang Lao left after finishing speaking.

Shang Jinglu watched his grandfather go back to the room before going upstairs, and received a call from his aunt just as he went upstairs.

"Auntie, what's the matter?" Shang Jinglu said calmly.

What else could my aunt tell him?

"Jing Lu, you've been back to China for a while, how did you think about the things that Auntie mentioned to you?" Auntie said directly.

"Next week weekend." Shang Jinglu frowned, a little depressed.

What his aunt asked him to do was to go on a blind date. He had been evading it before, but if he could do it once, he couldn't push it twice, so let's go and meet her.

Mu Jiu was driving her Wrangler, which was handsome and fast, and Jiang Dingcheng was following her car, and he was very worried. He knew why Mu Jiu was acting like this.

When the merchant saw him, Mu Jiu must have been angry. How could he be happy when he appeared so suddenly and broke Mu Jiu's original plan.

It's just that when she drives like this, she is really worried that something will happen to her, so she keeps driving closely behind her car.

After arriving at Jinghe Garden, Mu Jiu slammed on the brakes first, and put the car in front of Jiang Dingcheng's car.

Then he handsomely opened the car door, slammed it shut, and then rushed to Jiang Dingcheng's car, with his hands resting on the hood of Jiang Dingcheng's car.

With a bang, the hood was almost blown off.

"Jiang Dingcheng, get out of the car." Mu Jiu yelled at him imposingly.

Jiang Dingcheng, who originally wanted to get out of the car, didn't want to get out of the car, so he sat in the driver's seat and quietly looked at the energetic Mu Jiu through the windshield.

This Mu Jiu is really different and attractive.

I really want to see Mu Jiu like this more, it is very different from the usual Mu Jiu, a volcano that has been waiting for a while finally erupts when the time comes, so how powerful is the eruption of the volcano.

It's just that the volcano Mujiu is extraordinarily beautiful and charming.

"Jiang Dingcheng, come down for me." Mu Jiu stared at Jiang Dingcheng and said.

Jiang Dingcheng smiled and said nothing, just liked seeing her like this, endured it for a day, and finally found an outlet to vent.

(End of this chapter)

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