Chapter 293

Mu Jiu propped her hands on the hood, and stared at Jiang Dingcheng, who seemed to be leisurely inside, with wide-eyed beautiful eyes. Jiang Dingcheng looked over from this angle, and happened to see a scenery under someone's neck.

This idiot, today is wearing a skirt with a slightly low collar, don't you know that if you hold it with your hands like this, the collar will automatically be pulled down?That's why Jiang Dingcheng sat here calmly and continued to watch, even if he watched for a little longer, it didn't matter.

Fortunately, he who is sitting now, if it is another man, he will be taken advantage of.

It seems that in the future, he will find an opportunity to throw away all of Mu Jiu's low-necked or slightly low-necked clothes and skirts, so as to ensure that the scenery that belongs to him will not be seen by other men.

"Jiang Dingcheng, did you hear what I said?" Mu Jiu was a little annoyed, really annoyed, did Jiang Dingcheng deliberately pretend that he didn't see or hear?Still sitting there pretending to be dead, you must be guilty.

Mu Jiu walked directly to the car door, opened the door, and looked at Jiang Dingcheng coldly.

"Jiang Dingcheng, did you hear me?" Mu Jiu's patience was running out.

This sanctimonious man, who was a villain when he was in the business, even learned to use text messages to tease her, but now he pretends that nothing happened, is too much.

She was almost drooling all by herself there, and he had absolutely no influence at all.

Jiang Dingcheng smiled at her, then nodded, "I heard you talking."

"Then you just..." Mu Jiu glared at him, really out of breath, this man clearly did it on purpose, on purpose.

Jiang Dingcheng didn't say anything, just took out a bottle of water from the car, unscrewed the lid and handed it to her, "Talking too much can make your throat dry, drink water first and slowly."

Mu Jiu glared at him, no matter how angry she was, she couldn't vent her anger at this time, so she directly took the water bottle and poured two sips of water into it, her throat really felt much better.

"Give back your water, and I won't forgive you just because of this." Mu Jiu stuffed the water bottle back into his hand heavily, and said in a bad tone.

Jiang Dingcheng smiled and took a sip of water from the bottle.

Seeing his natural and casual movements, Mu Jiu suddenly opened her mouth in surprise and was speechless, because it was the bottle she just drank from. How could Jiang Dingcheng drink it so casually?It's just a little unbelievable, okay?

"Jiang Dingcheng, why do you..."

"I still want to drink." Jiang Dingcheng deliberately ignored the disbelief in her eyes, and generously handed him another sip of water in front of her.

Mu Jiu tilted her head to avoid it, so as not to be fooled.

It almost made Jiang Dingcheng forget his business.

"Jiang Dingcheng, I haven't settled the score with you yet." Mu Jiu looked at him with a cold face and said.

"Well, settle the account, how do you want to settle it?" Jiang Dingcheng got out of the car directly, then leaned lightly on the car body, and said quietly looking into Mu Jiu's eyes.

"You ran to Grandpa Shang's house on purpose this afternoon, tell me if it was on purpose!" Mu Jiu stared at him and said.

Since Shang Jinglu came back, every time she wanted to be alone with Shang Jinglu, Jiang Dingcheng would appear by coincidence, even if she was going to be a guest at the merchant this time, Jiang Dingcheng would appear in front of her by such a coincidence.

It's really as scary as seeing a ghost in broad daylight.

"As I said, I'm going to talk to Mr. Shang about the new cooperation." Jiang Dingcheng said calmly, as if it was the same thing.

"You have to go on this day for the new cooperation. You did it on purpose, because you know that I'm going to be a guest at Grandpa Shang's house today, so you just pick this afternoon." Mu Jiu said emphatically.

When not to go, you have to choose today.

Today is today, why do you have to pick the afternoon and be with her.

It was intentional to stay for dinner at night, so that she couldn't even eat vegetables at the merchant's table tonight, and she wasn't full yet.

All of this has to be blamed on Jiang Dingcheng.

And the culprit didn't even have the slightest bit of recognition.

Jiang Dingcheng didn't say anything, just looked at her lightly.

"Tell me, did you do it on purpose?" Would Mu Jiu let Jiang Dingcheng go so easily?The purpose of her driving so fast is to settle accounts with Jiang Dingcheng, so let it be.

"Yes!" Jiang Dingcheng nodded without hesitation this time.

"Eh?" Mu Jiu was stunned this time, and he didn't expect the man who had been biting his lips to speak so easily to speak this time.

"Why are you doing this, I'm going to Grandpa Shang's house..."

"It's also Shang Jinglu's home." Jiang Dingcheng followed her words, saying that he came to see Grandpa Shang simply because he came to see Shang Jinglu.

"Even if it's in Brother Jinglu's house, it doesn't matter if I just go to eat, why don't you let me?" Mu Jiu said unwillingly.

She just went to have a meal, didn't do anything, and deliberately interfered like this, which made her feel wronged.

"Is there any man who would let his wife go to another man's house for dinner, and he is also the man she has a crush on." Jiang Dingcheng looked at her very seriously and said.

"What, you clearly know that our marriage is fake, we agreed at the beginning, not to interfere with each other's private life and relationship." Mu Jiu said in a particularly aggrieved manner, expressing all the dissatisfaction in her heart .

Jiang Dingcheng was there to destroy all her good deeds.

"So, you are telling me, do you like Shang Jinglu?" Jiang Dingcheng asked her directly.


"No!" He said simply and decisively.

"Why? You're not..."

In the end, before she could finish speaking, Jiang Dingcheng grabbed her, kissed her on the face, and whispered in her ear, "Jiu'er, I'm actually not..."

But before he finished speaking, Mu Jiu's cell phone rang, especially loudly in this silent night. This was the ringtone she set for Shang Jinglu through the door, and she knew it was Shang Jinglu's ringtone as soon as she heard it, Mu Jiu Jiu pushed Jiang Dingcheng away with some embarrassment.

Jiang Dingcheng looked at her with some confusion, and his strength suddenly increased so much that he almost pushed him onto the hood.

Women are really cruel.

"Jiang Dingcheng, I want to answer the phone." Mu Jiu said apologetically, then walked into the room with the phone.

Jiang Dingcheng looked at her hurriedly leaving figure, feeling extraordinarily complicated, what he almost escaped just now was interrupted by a phone call.

He was about to confess, to tell her about his sexuality.

But I still missed it.

(End of this chapter)

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