cute in his palm

Chapter 483 It's Impossible

Chapter 483 Don't Do It

Jiang Dingcheng was a little stunned when she called her husband so straightforwardly.

When they first got married, Mu Jiu would call his husband half-jokingly for fun, but after the fun passed, she started calling him by his first name.

He hasn't heard Mu Jiu call the word "husband" for several days.

Therefore, Jiang Dingcheng was a little confused when Mu Jiu said it so casually just now.

But the heart is already in a state of ecstasy.

"Jiu'er, call again and listen." Jiang Dingcheng said with a smile on his lips.

Mu Jiu didn't bother to talk to him.

"You're used to it, you can just bark if you want, I don't want it." Mu Jiu said with such a proud face on purpose.

If you tell a lie, someone will believe it.

Jiang Dingcheng clearly knew that she was joking and not telling the truth, but he just liked it so much.

"Jiang Dingcheng, it's really late, I want to sleep, we have to get up early tomorrow and go back?" Mu Jiu said, pulling the quilt.

It's cool in the mountains at night.

"Okay, I'll watch you fall asleep first, and then I'll leave." Jiang Dingcheng said as he tucked in the quilt for her.

Jiang Dingcheng's meticulous arrangements really made her feel very heartwarming. If she could really let him stay by her side for the rest of her life, it would actually be a very good thing.

Mu Jiu knew that this was just her own extravagant imagination, because it was impossible for her and Jiang Dingcheng to guard her forever like this.

'I know, then you watch me fall asleep first, and then you leave, is this really okay? Of course Mu Jiu was happy for him to stay and watch her fall asleep before leaving.

In this way, she might be able to sleep more peacefully.

'Sleep, I'll watch over you. 'Jiang Dingcheng sat there, looked at her and said.

Mu Jiu's heart suddenly warmed up, and she became extraordinarily happy.

'Then close your eyes and go to sleep, I'm here for everything. Budingcheng told her gently.

Mu Jiu's heart warmed up all of a sudden, she closed her eyes and fell asleep there, without saying anything more.

Anyway, as long as Jiang Dingcheng is by her side, everything will be different, and it will make her feel very at ease.

Mu Jiu slept for a while, but still didn't fall asleep. When she was not used to falling asleep, there was a man beside her who kept staring at her.

'Jiu'er, I can't sleep. Jiang Dingcheng looked at Mu Jiu's uncomfortable appearance, and asked her.

Mu Jiu originally wanted to close her eyes and pretend to be asleep, but finally opened her eyes and looked at Jiang Dingcheng.

'Why don't you go back to your room first, I can do it by myself. ' Mu Jiu hesitated for a moment and said.

Instead of letting her sit here so uncomfortable, it's better to let him leave earlier, so that she can sleep more easily and naturally.

"Then I'll go back first. Is it okay for you to be alone?" Jiang Dingcheng knew her feeling very well. If there was such a person standing beside the bed when he fell asleep, he would not be able to fall asleep, so I understand. Mu Jiu felt that she was planning to leave first and let her rest alone.

Anyway, he lives in the next room, if Mu Jiu has anything to do, he can come directly.

"If you have anything to do, remember to call me, I'm in the next room." Before Jiang Dingcheng left, he reminded her again, so that she wouldn't know to speak to him if something happened later.

"Well, if there is anything, I will definitely speak up." Mu Jiu nodded obediently.

For Jiang Dingcheng's words, Mu Jiu readily nodded in agreement.

"I see, you go back first." Mu Jiu nodded obediently.

Jiang Dingcheng didn't say anything more, and after taking another look at her, he turned around and left.

Hearing the sound of the door closing, Mu Jiu, who was lying motionless on the bed, immediately sat up from the bed, stretched out her hand on the quilt to wipe the sweat in her palms, you must know that her hands were all sweaty just now, because She was so nervous that knowing that Jiang Dingcheng was standing beside her bed would make her feel inexplicably nervous and uneasy.

After a moment of nervousness in the heart, the palms tend to sweat, and this is the result.

Her whole body was tense just now, her muscles were so tense that she couldn't sleep if Jiang Dingcheng continued to stand there.

Since he couldn't sleep, pretending it would only make him more uncomfortable, he might as well get up earlier, that's why he dictated Jiang Dingcheng to leave.

It's not a normal reaction for a person to be so nervous.

Generally, there are two possibilities, one is to like that person, the other is to hate that person.

Obviously, Mu Jiu's current situation does not belong to the second type at all, because she does not hate Jiang Dingcheng from the bottom of her heart, so it can only be the first type.

Does she like Jiang Dingcheng?
As soon as this possibility popped up in her mind, she immediately vehemently denied it. How could she like Jiang Dingcheng?
Impossible, she must be thinking too much.

Sitting on the bed, Mu Jiu rubbed her head fiercely with both hands, and suddenly each head became like a chicken coop.

Mu Jiu, you can't like Jiang Dingcheng.

Can't like Jiang Dingcheng.


Mu Jiu said there as if she was brainwashing herself.

The whole person is neurotic.

It's just that her so-called brainwashing is not so simple.

The more you think about something impossible, the more likely it will happen.

So it's just that, she told herself not to like Jiang Ding, the more Jiang Dingcheng's tenderness towards her was in her mind.

It's obviously not like this, but she just can't control it.

The whole person rolled up into a worm with the quilt on the bed, rolled back and forth on the bed several times, and finally sat up irritatedly.

How is he doing now? Why is he so influenced by Jiang Dingcheng?

Obviously, she has always been a person with her own opinions, and she will not be influenced by anyone to change her original intention.

Now he is so influenced by Jiang Dingcheng.

Why in the end, except for the possibility that she likes Jiang Dingcheng.

Because she won't let herself fall in love with a man who can't love a woman at all, it is destined to be a tragedy, why bother to push herself to a desperate situation.

If she really fell in love with a G man, Mu Jiu would definitely suffer for the rest of her life.

She clearly said that if she only loves Shang Jinglu in her heart, it is impossible to fall in love with other men.

Suddenly having such thoughts about Jiang Dingcheng is purely because Jiang Dingcheng has been too kind to her for a while.

Women's love is often not rational, but emotional. It depends on how well a man treats her. If a man treats her well, then he will easily fall in love with that man.

Hui's impression of Jiang Dingcheng is getting better and better, purely because Jiang Dingcheng treats her better and better.

(End of this chapter)

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