Chapter 484

Today's mind is so messed up, it must be because I have soaked in hot springs for too long, and my brain has been soaked, so I can think so wildly.

Yes, it must be one of the reasons for this, which makes the brain swollen and cranky.

Mu Jiu decided to get up and go to the window to blow the cool night breeze, so as to let her mind relax.

As a result, Shang Jinglu was seen flashing past in the hotel courtyard.

She thought it was because she was dazzled, and when she wanted to look again, there was no sign of Shang Jinglu on that path at all.

It's really weird.

Is it because I mentioned Shang Jinglu in my heart, so I think about it day and night, I will be dazzled to see a shadow and think it looks like Shang Jinglu.

However, Mu Jiu still wanted to make a call to Shang Jinglu, but in the end, no one answered the phone.

When Mu Jiu woke up the next day, Jiang Dingcheng had already packed everything and woke up.

"Good morning, Jiang Dingcheng." Looking at Jiang Dingcheng sitting by the window, drinking coffee and reading magazines, Mu Jiu suddenly felt that the two of them are living in the same way as newlyweds.

This feeling, let alone how weird it is.

"Good morning, Jiu'er, did you sleep well last night?" Jiang Dingcheng asked with concern, looking at her face and mood, it can be seen that she slept well last night, so there is no need to worry.

"Very good." Mu Jiu nodded with a smile.

"Would you like coffee?" Jiang Dingcheng raised the coffee in his cup and said to her.

Mu Jiu immediately shook his head and said.

"If you want a buffet breakfast, should I ask the people from the restaurant to bring it to your room?" Jiang Dingcheng asked her opinion.

"Let's go to the breakfast buffet. After all, we've come to the hot spring villa. Only by eating the buffet can we experience the characteristics of the hot spring villa. Don't you think so?" Mu Jiu looked at Jiang Dingcheng and said very seriously.

In fact, she just wanted to see if she was dazzled yesterday, and if she met Shang Jinglu here by such a coincidence, if he also had breakfast here, she could just see it.

Of course, if she happened to meet Shang Jinglu, she couldn't tell Jiang Dingcheng about it, because she would definitely get jealous and angry.

She knows this all too well.

So, it's better not to say it.

"Well, it's ok. Have you packed it? Let's go to the restaurant now." Although Jiang Dingcheng agreed to go to the restaurant for a buffet breakfast with her on the surface, he was actually very negative in his heart. Shang Jinglu, Jiang Dingcheng didn't want Mu Jiu to see him at all.

If possible, it is best to settle the breakfast directly in the room, and then drive directly home.

But since Mu Jiu brought it up, he didn't want to spoil her interest.

"Let's go, I'll pack it up." Mu Jiu said with a gentle smile, but she was actually looking forward to it in her heart.

Mu Jiu was very happy.

Although Jiang Dingcheng didn't know why she was so happy, he was as happy as Mu Jiu in his heart.

"Go." Jiang Dingcheng put down the magazine and got up.

Mu Jiu walked outside with a touch of excitement, and when she reached the door, she deliberately turned her head to look at Jiang Dingcheng. "Hurry up, Jiang Dingcheng, there won't be anything delicious to eat if it's late."

For the sake of Mu Jiu being so happy, no matter whether she is genuinely happy or not, Jiang Dingcheng is always happy.

"Don't worry, if you go at this time, there will still be a lot of breakfast." Jiang Dingcheng caught up with her and said in a gentle tone.

Mu Jiu's intuition was right, the figure she saw last night that looked like Shang Jinglu's back was not an illusion, it was real.

Because, just as she walked into the restaurant, she saw Shang Jinglu coming out of the bathroom. Although Mu Jiu was not particularly excited, she was also very happy to see him.

"Brother Jinglu." Mu Jiu greeted directly.

Mu Jiu's cry made Shang Jinglu tremble slightly, he thought he could avoid Mu Jiu in peace, but in the end he met him face to face.

Of course, when he saw Mu Jiu and Jiang Dingcheng walking into the restaurant, it was too late for him to avoid them.

In addition, Mu Jiu called him to stop first, so it is impossible to pretend that he didn't see it.

"Xiao Jiu, Mr. Jiang, good morning." Shang Jinglu greeted him simply.

Shang Jinglu has only one idea now, just leave here, because that woman Ni Ya is also in the restaurant, if he goes in with Xiao Jiu, Ni Ya will definitely be jealous.

Although, Shang Jinglu didn't mind any of Ni Ya's thoughts at all.

"Brother Jinglu, what a coincidence, you are really at the Hot Spring Villa. I saw you in the front yard of the hotel last night. I thought it was my eyesight, so I called you to confirm. You didn't answer my call." Mu Jiu said directly.

Although she seemed to be in a good mood, she didn't realize it at all. She no longer had the excitement of seeing Shang Jinglu as before, but was just happy to see her old friend like that.

It's just that Jiang Dingcheng next to her is in a bad mood. No wonder Mu Jiu is so happy to come to this place for a meal. It turned out that it was because she saw Shang Jinglu's shadow last night, and then came here to have breakfast, just to be able to be with her. It was right for him to meet by chance, it was not because he wanted to have a good experience of the breakfast in the villa.

What's even more coincidental is that they met each other as soon as they arrived at the restaurant, and it was really a close relationship.

It was really the fate that made Jiang Dingcheng extremely depressed.

"I'm sorry Xiaojiu, I didn't see the phone, so I didn't answer your call." Shang Jinglu said very flatly, he didn't see Mu Jiu's call yesterday, he just didn't want to answer it.

Thinking of Mu Jiu and Jiang Dingcheng soaking in the hot spring, with her leaning against him so dependently, this scene made Shang Jinglu feel uncomfortable.

Therefore, if he didn't answer her call, he was afraid that if he did, he would directly want to go to Mu Jiu.

Hearing what Shang Jinglu said, Mu Jiu immediately shook his head and waved his hands.

"Brother Jinglu, it's okay, if you didn't see it, you didn't see it. It's just a coincidence that we would meet here." Mu Jiu still couldn't hide his joy.

Jiang Dingcheng was really dazzling when he saw it.

"En." Shang Jinglu said a word very simply, and then glanced at Jiang Dingcheng. Sure enough, this man showed that he was not very happy.

Who gets happy when their wife has a happy interaction with another man?

"Brother Jinglu, since we met here by such a coincidence, let's have breakfast together, Jiang Dingcheng, do you agree?" Mu Jiu turned to look at Jiang Dingcheng and asked.

At this time, can he still say a word of disagreement?He could only nod helplessly.

"Eat together by fate, of course it's a happy thing." Jiang Dingcheng said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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