Chapter 496

"However, I can only say that your judgment is very correct." Mu Jiu is unwilling to admit it any more. This is also a fact. What Jiang Dingcheng said is not wrong. This time, he did not guess it alone, but she indirectly provided a reference clue. .

If you want to blame, blame yourself for being too careless.

It can be said that Jiang Dingcheng is observant, he is lucky.

"So, you planted these little tomatoes?" Jiang Dingcheng asked Mu Jiu, looking at the juicy little tomatoes.

As soon as this was mentioned, Mu Jiu's face flushed slightly with embarrassment.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Dingcheng noticed that her expression was wrong, and immediately became concerned.

"No, in fact, I didn't plant the things on this small plot of land. At first, this small vegetable plot was mine, but I would die if I planted vegetables. And then I entered Yanrui, and the workload increased. So I seldom come here to take care of the vegetable field, and I feel a little sorry to let the children help to look at it, so I simply stopped planting it and let the children grow it." Mu Jiu said with a smile, but she still felt a little bit reluctant in her heart.

After all, she herself likes all kinds of things, although everything she grows will die.

I don't know if she was born with bad hands or something, she always grows bad vegetables, and one will die.

So, in the end, she had no choice but to give up.

In fact, Mu Jiu really didn't have the nerve to tell Jiang Dingcheng about such a shameful thing, and it made him feel that he knew nothing, but she was still willing to share it with Jiang Dingcheng.

It feels good to say it.

In the past, she only talked about the orphanage with her brother. Of course, she only talked about good things with her brother, not bad things.

"Jiang Dingcheng, I'm such a black hand who grows and dies, so I gave up the small vegetable plot for the children to use. Do you think I'm too useless." Mu Jiu said a little embarrassed.

To be honest, she never intended to leave a good impression on Jiang Dingcheng, but she didn't intend to leave a bad impression either.

It's better now, and I've exposed all my shortcomings at once.

Not particularly good, but very enjoyable.

No matter how Jiang Dingcheng thinks of her, it doesn't matter.

"No, the way you did this is very correct. At least when you didn't have time to take care of this small vegetable patch, you found a more suitable owner for it, and you are very useful. You forget that you are now a Are you a cutting-edge designer? Many people have always wanted to have the title of a person, and now you have it, isn't it worth being happy?" Jiang Dingcheng looked at her and said seriously.

Mu Jiu became very happy when he heard his words of comfort, but comfort.

Jiang Dingcheng is actually a very coaxing person.

After saying a few words so lightly, her mood became exceptionally better.

"Of course it deserves to be happy." Mu Jiu nodded and said.

Now Jiang Dingcheng does what he says.

In the quiet small vegetable garden, the warm sunlight shone on the young couple, and the picture was extraordinarily warm, but Jiang Dingcheng's cell phone rang at this moment.

Glancing at the caller ID, Jiang Dingcheng frowned.

Seeing him like this, Mu Jiu knew that the call made him very unhappy. It should be the person who called him who made him unhappy.

"Jiang Dingcheng, answer the phone." Mu Jiu deliberately reminded him that the phone rang.

Jiang Dingcheng glanced at Mu Jiu, and picked it up anyway, but he didn't walk away to avoid Mu Jiu's presence.

"Hi, grandma."

As soon as she heard that it was Mrs. Jiang calling, Mu Jiu's mood dropped suddenly, and she also became nervous. She looked towards Jiang Dingcheng a little uneasy, and it happened that Jiang Dingcheng's eyes also came over, and the two people's eyes met. When it hit, Mu Jiu dodged subconsciously.

Does this count as eavesdropping on his phone calls?
Mu Jiu became a little embarrassed. Although Jiang Dingcheng was talking on the phone with the old lady, he didn't deliberately avoid her, so it shouldn't be considered eavesdropping.

"Dingcheng, didn't you agree to bring that girl Mu Jiu back to see me when you came back from the villa? Why haven't you received any news yet?" The old lady passed it on in an unhappy tone.

This is what Jiang Dingcheng expected.

The old lady must be asking about this matter, and it really is.

"Grandma, our Jiu'er came to visit the children in the orphanage today, so we postponed seeing you, is grandma angry?" Jiang Dingcheng said calmly.

It turned out that he spoke like this even when he was talking to the elders of the Jiang family.

Jiang Dingcheng is Jiang Dingcheng.

"Since I'm going to visit the children in the orphanage, I won't be angry anymore. I thought you were lying to me, the old lady again. If you drag on, I'll go see that girl myself." The old lady said threateningly.

Hearing this, Jiang Dingcheng subconsciously turned his gaze to Mu Jiu's face.

Mu Jiu didn't understand all of a sudden.

What does it mean that Jiang Dingcheng suddenly looked at himself like this?
Seeing that Mu Jiu felt a little nervous, could it be that what the old lady said to him was talking about herself?

"Okay, I will arrange the time as soon as possible." Jiang Dingcheng could only promise in this way. He and Mu Jiu haven't discussed the specific time yet, so naturally he couldn't just tell the old lady casually.

The time saved made the old lady even more disappointed.

"Arrange the time as soon as possible. I knew you were procrastinating. I asked someone to show you the days. The days at the end of this month will be very good. Don't you want to hold the wedding as soon as possible? Then come back earlier." The old man The wife said in a serious tone.

The old lady of the Jiang family has always had a very strict temper. Of course, when she is happy, she will act like an old child. Jiang Dingcheng has already figured out her temper.

Speaking in such a serious tone now, it shows that she is very unhappy.

"Well, I will tell Jiu'er." Jiang Dingcheng said with a smile.

"Well, come back and see me as soon as possible." The old lady urged again.

Today's young people are really unreliable enough.


After hanging up the phone, Jiang Dingcheng had a complicated expression on his face, unable to tell whether he was happy or angry.

"Did the old lady say anything? You look very unhappy, does it have something to do with me?" Mu Jiu had to think about it.

Because Jiang Dingcheng looked at her several times on the way, and they were all full of deep meaning, so she couldn't think about it like this.

When Jiang Dingcheng heard her question, the expression on his face relaxed immediately, and then he looked at Mu Jiu.

"You guessed right, this matter has something to do with you. Grandma asked us when we would go back to see her, and she gave us a good time. There are good days at the end of the month, so how about our wedding at the end of the month?" Jiang Dingcheng told the old lady The meaning was conveyed to Mu Jiu.

(End of this chapter)

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