Chapter 497
In fact, it was Jiang Dingcheng's intention to hold the wedding earlier.

Not to mention the end of the month, he would be happy even if he knew that the wedding would be held. The sooner he announced that Mu Jiu was his wife, the sooner he would cut off the thoughts of those men who wanted to favor Mu Jiu.

It will let people all over the world know that they are husband and wife one day earlier.

"At the end of the month?" Mu Jiu counted the days in her mind, and there was only about a week left.

In this way, it won't be too late, and it won't be too late. After getting married, I will let my brother go to the United States, so there will be no delay in treatment.

The doctor told her before that her brother's operation had better be completed within a month, otherwise, if it was delayed, the best time for the operation would be missed.

At that time, I am afraid that no one will be able to save him.

So a week is still early.

"Yes, I have no objection." Mu Jiu readily agreed.

"The Namu family..."

"I don't need their opinions, especially Mu Andong's. Just let him know when the date is set. If he wants to come, he can come. If he doesn't want to come, just forget it." Mu Jiu's face changed when he heard about Mu's family. Immediately stepped down.

Although Mu Andong is her father, he has never fulfilled his responsibilities as a father, so Mu Andong is not qualified to participate in her affairs.

When she chose Jiang Dingcheng to register, it was her own decision, so when holding the wedding, it was naturally her own business, without Mu Andong's participation.

Because he is no longer eligible.

Therefore, there is no need for Mu Andong to get involved in her affairs.

"Okay, then this matter is settled like this. I will discuss this matter with Mr. Mu in a good time. After all, we must have the etiquette of marriage." Jiang Ding admitted that he really said.

When Mu Jiu heard him speak so rationally, she couldn't talk for a while, but was a little sullen.

She understands Jiang Dingcheng's concerns. For a family as big as Jiang's, marrying a daughter-in-law cannot be done casually. All the etiquette will be in place. As a rich lady, Mu Jiu knows this very well.

If it weren't for the extreme relationship between her and Mu Andong's father and daughter, her marriage would have been very successful.

"Jiu'er, are you unhappy?"

"I'm not unhappy. After we finish the wedding, my brother can go abroad for surgery. I'm not as happy as I am? How can I be unhappy." Mu Jiu said in a sullen tone.

Jiang Dingcheng suddenly sank, looked at Mu Jiu seriously and asked. "Jiu'er, you are not happy about our wedding, are you happy just because Liang Chen agreed to go for surgery?"

Jiang Dingcheng knew very well that it was unreasonable for him to ask such a question now, but he couldn't help but want to know whether Mu Jiu was as excited and happy about this wedding as he was.

"Is there any difference?" Mu Jiu couldn't understand Jiang Dingcheng's words for a while.

He asked what he was doing politely. Originally, this wedding was held for Mu Liangchen, and it was also to let everyone know the relationship between the two of them.

A deep sense of loss surged up in Jiang Dingcheng's heart, and then the expression on his face immediately returned to calm.

'No, I just wanted to ask. In order not to worry Mu Jiu, Jiang Dingcheng denied the previous question. He originally thought that Mu Jiu would look forward to the wedding as much as he did, and it wasn't just because Mu Jiu had the wedding that Mu Liangchen could go for surgery.

It seems that he had too high expectations for Mu Jiu'er.

Or it could be said that his own requirements were too high. Originally, without Mu Liangchen, Mu Jiu would not have agreed to hold a wedding with him.

Therefore, no matter what reason Mu Jiu wants to marry him, he should be happy.

'Jiang Dingcheng, are you really okay? ' Mu Jiu asked him worriedly, it was obvious that Jiang Dingcheng was very unhappy.

'It's okay, you should be hungry, it's almost time, let's go to the cafeteria to find the children. Jiang Dingcheng looked at her and said.

Looking at his face, I always feel that he is not as happy as before.

Didn't the wedding date be set? I should be happy.

"Jiang Dingcheng, let's go to the studio to get the paintings you and I drew first, and then go to the cafeteria. I don't know if the children have destroyed those two paintings? 'Mu Jiu said slightly worried.

"Well, go get the painting first, it's the first gift you gave me, you must keep it well." Jiang Dingcheng softened all the emotions on his face and looked at her and said.

Mu Jiu immediately nodded to cooperate.

After returning from the orphanage, Mu Jiu always felt that Jiang Dingcheng's mood was not right.

I want to ask him what's wrong, but I can't ask him.

Mu Jiu has always wondered if something she said was not good enough to make Jiang Dingcheng unhappy?

"Jiang Dingcheng, are you happy today?" Mu Jiu rarely cared about whether Jiang Dingcheng would be happy before, but today, for the first time, he took the initiative to ask him.

Jiang Dingcheng was startled when he changed the slippers. He knew that she felt guilty more than caring for asking this question, but he was still happy. After changing the shoes, he handed Mu Jiu's slippers in front of her.

"Very happy." Jiang Dingcheng replied her three words lightly.

Hearing these three simple words, Mu Jiu finally relaxed after worrying for a long time.

"Is Jiu'er happy?" Jiang Dingcheng asked her back.

Mu Jiu nodded fiercely.

"Happy, today is the happiest time I have ever been to the orphanage." Mu Jiu said happily while changing her shoes. Thinking of her brother and the children having so much fun, she and Jiang Dingcheng shared a lot of things and even gave each other paintings. , feel happy.

Thinking of painting, Mu Jiu remembered it.

"Jiang Dingcheng, tell me, where should we post our paintings?" Mu Jiu took out the paintings and said to Jiang Dingcheng.

"Where do you want to hang it?" Jiang Dingcheng looked at Mu Jiu and asked.

Mu Jiu thought about it seriously.

Hang it in the living room, of course it is very good.

Jiang Dingcheng's paintings can be hung up as works of art, but her paintings are too bad. If they are hung in the living room, people will definitely laugh when they see them in the future.

So the living room is fine.

"We don't hang in the living room, my paintings are too bad, yours is fine." Mu Jiu said with a smile.

"You draw very well." Jiang Dingcheng's sincere words, anyway, as long as it is drawn by Mu Jiu, even if there are only a few drops of ink, it is good.

"Okay, I know you're trying to comfort me, don't I know the level of my own painting? It's too bad." Although he knew he was coaxing himself.But Mu Jiu is still the happiest.

"Wherever you think is suitable, we will hang it." Jiang Dingcheng smiled with the corners of his mouth bent, and gave her the absolute initiative.

"Okay, then let me see where is the most suitable place to hang it." Mu Jiu took over such a big task with ease.

(End of this chapter)

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