cute in his palm

Chapter 498 I will bless you

Chapter 498 I will bless you

Girls have vanity.

Mu Jiu is just an ordinary girl, so she still has a lot of little problems that girls have, such as vanity.

After she determined that Jiang Dingcheng's paintings can be hung in the living room for guests to appreciate, she has been looking for a place with a good view in the living room to paste, but she must also ensure that her paintings are not so easy for people to see, so as not to let people Spit.

The only request Jiang Dingcheng gave her was that no matter where they were hung, the two paintings should be together.

So, when Jiang Dingcheng was sitting on the sofa dealing with business, he saw Mu Jiu running around the room by himself in the living room.

Not to mention how amusing it was.

As a result, Jiang Dingcheng has no intention of going to the company at all, his eyes have been following Mu Jiu's figure all the time, he wants to see where Mu Jiu can post the picture, isn't she tired after so much trouble?
"Jiu'er, where do you want to hang it?" Jiang Dingcheng finally couldn't help asking, he was just worried that she would get tired after running around like this, and it didn't matter whether the painting was hung or not.

"I've made up my mind." Mu Jiu suddenly turned around and looked at Jiang Dingcheng and said, as if she had made a particularly big decision.


"Hanging in the study room, our paintings are not displayed to the public, and we can appreciate them ourselves. In this way, we have to go to the study room every day anyway, so it feels good to see them without looking up." Mu Jiu said with a smile.

"What do you think of this idea?" Mu Jiu looked at Jiang Dingcheng with a hint of expectation.

Although the right to make the decision was left to her, Mu Jiu still respected Jiang Dingcheng's thoughts.

"It should have been like this a long time ago." Mu Jiu was tossed like this just by posting a picture. If I knew it, he would have made the decision, otherwise she would not be so troubled.

It's just the feeling of looking for something to do.

"That's right, I thought the same way, do you think my idea is great?" Mu Jiu smiled at Jiang Dingcheng with a harmless look.

"Then I'm going to the study to put up pictures, you can stay in the living room." Mu Jiu happily went to the study with two paintings.

In Ruo Da's living room, only Jiang Dingcheng was sitting alone, and without Mu Jiu, he could take his notebook to read again. This was the latest planning book and venue renderings sent to him by the wedding planning team.

There are two scenes, indoors and outdoors. The outdoor garden scene is the place where they made their ceremony, and the indoors is the place for wine and banquets.

The fairytale-like dream is also true, this is the surprise he wants to give Mu Jiu, this is Mu Jiu's favorite wedding scene, all women have a princess dream in their hearts, and what Jiang Dingcheng has to do now is to give Mu Jiu Realize her princess dream.

Since you are going to get married, you must do it well.

Anyway, in Jiang Dingcheng's heart, he regards this wedding as the real wedding between him and Xiao Jiu, no matter whether Mu Jiu regards this wedding as real or not.

Picking up the notebook, Jiang Dingcheng walked towards the study. He wanted Mu Jiu to see the final renderings. He didn't know how much she would like them, and he really wanted to see her reaction.

After all, this is the wedding of the two of them, and Mu Jiu has the right to decide the form of the wedding.

When Jiang Dingcheng walked to the study room, he saw Mu Jiu standing on the chair, trying to stick the painting on the highest point.

The wobbly look is really worrying, Jiang Dingcheng is too afraid that she will fall down.

"Jiu'er, be careful..."

Before the Braille could be uttered, Mu Jiu heard his voice and turned around, but her body fell backwards inertially. Jiang Dingcheng was so frightened that he threw his notebook on the table and rushed over. Fortunately, everything was in time.

Mu Jiu fell heavily into Jiang Dingcheng's arms, preventing her from falling on the carpet.

"Jiang Dingcheng, it's a good thing you're here, otherwise I would have had an intimate contact with the carpet." Mu Jiu looked at Jiang Dingcheng in shock and said.

"It's because I shouldn't have called you suddenly, it scared you, are you okay?" Jiang Dingcheng asked her uneasily.

Mu Jiu shook her head immediately, pointed to the two paintings she had pasted on the high place, and said proudly. "Jiang Dingcheng, look at the picture I posted. How about it? Is it a special angle of view? If it looks like this, you can see it as soon as you enter the study."

The location Mu Jiu chose was the wall facing the study door, so as long as you come in, you can see it just by raising your eyes.

"Jiu'er, you are really good at choosing positions, but in the future, if you need to stick to a high place, you can just ask me to come, this time I am here, next time I am not here and you fall off, what should you do?" Jiang Dingcheng inevitably felt a little bit blamed.

"Well, I know, but, can you let me down first?" Mu Jiu was too excited to show off the effect of her stickers just now, so she completely forgot that she was held in Jiang Dingcheng's arms all the time, and now It was only when he remembered it suddenly that his face turned red.

It's really embarrassing to be hugged by him for so long.

Jiang Dingcheng put her down slowly, and still asked with concern, "Are you all right, Jiu'er."

Mu Jiu shook her head, "I'm fine, I didn't even fall, how could something happen?"

If something happened, Jiang Dingcheng should be more serious than her.

"It's fine." Jiang Dingcheng felt relieved.

In fact, Mu Jiu is a girl with a big heart and a thick nerve. She often does things carelessly regardless of the consequences. If she doesn't pay attention, she will easily hurt herself.

In the future, he must pay more attention to Mu Jiu.

"Actually, it's okay even if you fall down, as long as the picture is pasted up, you won't get hurt if you fall off the chair anyway." Mu Jiu said generously.

For her, it doesn't matter if she falls or touches it, it's just a skin trauma.

In fact, physical pain is never better than heartache.

The wounds on the body can be healed, so it doesn't matter.

Once the heart is injured, it cannot be healed in a lifetime.

Jiang Dingcheng wants to give her two words now, that is: fool.

Most of the time, Mu Jiu showed a strong and invulnerable look, but sometimes she was actually very fragile and very stupid.

As it is now, it's so stupid that it hurts.

If she wasn't stupid, she wouldn't have waited for Shang Jinglu for three years.

If she wasn't stupid, she wouldn't be so impulsive to just pull someone into marriage.

Fortunately, that person was him, if it was really Jiang Dinghe's brat, Mu Jiu might have to suffer a lot.

"You can see that the paintings of the two of us are actually quite harmonious and beautiful. They all depict happy children. I hope we will be happy like this in the future. Jiang Dingcheng, I hope you will be very happy in the future." Mu Jiu looked at Jiang Dingcheng and said very seriously.

In the future, I want to be happy with his lover, although Mu Jiu is not willing to wish him well from the bottom of his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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