cute in his palm

Chapter 499 The Room on the 3nd Floor

Chapter 499 The Room on the Third Floor

Hearing this, Jiang Dingcheng couldn't help laughing.

If you really want him to be happy, he is really happy.

It's just that the only way to keep him happy is to keep Mu Jiu by his side forever, only in that way will he be happy forever.

But for the time being, he has no way to make this request to Mu Jiu.

"I also hope you will be happy forever, Jiu'er, come here to show you something." Jiang Dingcheng naturally took her hand and walked to the desk.

"What good things are you looking at?" Mu Jiu looked at him puzzled and said.

Seeing why it came so mysteriously, Mu Jiu expressed some curiosity.

Fortunately, the notebook was not broken, and the beautiful wedding renderings were still on the screen.

"This is?" Mu Jiu was overjoyed when she saw the picture of the beautiful and dreamlike wedding scene, and looked at Jiang Dingcheng expectantly.

In fact, you don't need to ask at all.

This is the wedding scene of the two of them, just thinking about it.

"Our wedding scene, do you like it?" Jiang Dingcheng already knew it when he saw her happy face, and Mu Jiu's expression told him that she liked this effect scene very much.

"Very beautiful, I like it very much." Mu Jiu was completely happy.

The emotion on her face told Jiang Dingcheng unabashedly that she was very satisfied with the wedding scene.

"Jiang Dingcheng, is this our wedding scene?" Mu Jiu asked him again uncertainly.

Jiang Dingcheng gave her a very sure look.

"This is the final rendering. On the day of the wedding, the scene will be so dreamy and beautiful." Jiang Dingcheng explained the division of the scene for her.

Mu Jiu listened carefully.

She knew that Jiang Dingcheng was preparing for the wedding before, but she never thought that she would do it so hard and do it so well.

This is what moved Mu Jiu the most.

Obviously the wedding of the two of them was just a formality, but Jiang Dingcheng really took this matter to heart, as if he was holding a grand wedding.

This feeling is great.

But it is easy to misunderstand what.

"Jiang Dingcheng, it's really hard work for you. You don't need to be so tired. If it weren't for my brother's unreasonable request, you wouldn't need to do these things." Mu Jiu always attributed their wedding to Mu Jiu. On top of Liangchen's unreasonable demands, if it wasn't because they were in a hurry to send their brother to the United States for surgery, they wouldn't have had to hold this avoidable wedding, so Mu Jiu felt a little guilty.

"Jiu'er, I want you to understand that this wedding is not because of a good time, and it's not because of anyone's request. I want to have this wedding with you. Do you understand?" Jiang Dingcheng looked at the wedding very sincerely. said to her.

After listening to what he said, Mu Jiu took it all as comforting words that he didn't want to make her feel guilty. Mu Jiu knew how good-hearted Jiang Dingcheng was.

Therefore, he generously accepted his statement like this.

"Well, I understand, so no matter what kind of requirements you have for this wedding, I will cooperate with you." Mu Jiu said super seriously.

Jiang Dingcheng's black eyes flickered with a gleam of light, and then disappeared in an instant.

He always thought it was easy to understand Mu Jiu's thoughts, but he found that it was actually hard to guess what his thoughts were.

"Mrs. Jiang, I wish you a happy wedding. Don't get premarital phobia. If you are afraid, you can tell me and I will help you relieve it." Jiang Dingcheng looked at Mu Jiu and said with a smile.

"Mr. Jiang, I wish you a happy wedding. Don't worry, I won't get premarital phobia, because it's not true." Mu Jiu said with a smile at him.

Fool, this is true.

However, I will not force you to accept it.

No matter what, everything is to make you happier.

It doesn't matter if you avoid it now or avoid it on purpose, because one day you will obediently admit your heart and face your feelings honestly.


Mu Jiu said that she wanted to give Jiang Dingcheng a set of clothes specially designed by her, so she must do it seriously, and Mu Jiu has always been able to promise things to others.

If you can't do something, you won't promise others lightly.

In the past two days, Mu Jiu has been flipping through the design books related to men's clothing. After all, she has been designing women's clothing, and she is a little unfamiliar with men's clothing. She is afraid that the first time she makes clothes for Jiang Dingcheng, it will fail ugly, so she is very careful.

After two days, Mu Jiu finally started to have an idea. After drawing two sketches, she decided to go to Jiang Dingcheng to measure the size.

Since Mu Jiu came to this villa, Jiang Dingcheng's study room was forced to be vacated and became Mu Jiu's temporary design studio. As long as Mu Jiu is using it, Jiang Dingcheng will automatically return to his room to work and read.

So, Mu Jiu took the tools and went upstairs to Jiang Dingcheng.

It's just that when he reached the door of Jiang Dingcheng's room, he knocked on the door but there was no response.

"Jiang Dingcheng, are you inside?" Mu Jiu called him.

But still no response.

Mu Jiu turned the door directly, and it opened.

Looking inside, it was empty, and there was no sign of Jiang Ding at all. With this point, Jiang Dingcheng would not go out. If he had something to go out, he would definitely tell her. If she was left here alone, she would scared.

At this time, he didn't go out, not in the room, nor in the living room and kitchen on the first floor. There was only one place, and that was the terrace on the top floor. Sometimes he would go to the terrace to sit and enjoy the wind and drink coffee.

So, without saying a word, Mu Jiu went upstairs with her things in her arms.

For the convenience of living, she finally decided to live on the second floor. Jiang Dingcheng also moved the room to the second floor to accompany her. Basically, she rarely came to the third floor. Now when she reached the third floor, she suddenly stopped. Then he looked at the room at the end with a very comfortable gaze.

When he came here on the first day, Jiang Dingcheng said that he couldn't enter that room, it could be regarded as his restricted area, and now she suddenly became a little curious, what exactly was in there that made Jiang Dingcheng behave like this Carefully protect it.

I don't know if it was because of curiosity, Mu Jiu actually took a step towards that side, but before taking two steps, a voice stopped her.

"Jiu'er, what's the matter with you?" The clear and cold voice was especially harsh in this weird atmosphere.

Looking back, I saw Jiang Dingcheng coming down from the top, dressed in white home clothes, in the dim light, which shocked Mu Jiu a lot at that moment.

Ouch, let me go, it really scares me to death in the middle of the night, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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