cute in his palm

Chapter 615 Our Marriage Room

Chapter 615 Our Marriage Room

There is only one thought in Mu Jiu's mind.

The place where Jiang Dingcheng is now is not Jinghe Garden, he is in another strange place, even she has never been to it.

Please forgive Mu Jiu's wide-open mind, because at this moment, she only thinks of one possibility.

Since he is not in Jingheyuan, nor in Jiangzhai, there is only one possibility, and that is that he is with that man now.

Was the surprise he was talking about now just to make her video chat with that man?

After thinking of this possibility, she only had one thing she was unwilling to do.

"Jiang Dingcheng, wait a minute, I don't want to see any surprises, really, don't show me any surprises, I don't want to." Mu Jiu immediately stopped him loudly.

Jiang Dingcheng was startled when he heard her shouting so urgently.

"Jiu'er, what's the matter?" Jiang Dingcheng was a little worried about what happened to her so suddenly.

"Jiang Dingcheng, I don't want to see any surprises, really, I mean it." Mu Jiu was afraid that he wouldn't believe it, so she said with a special tone.

Hearing this, Jiang Dingcheng suddenly didn't know how to answer her words.

"Jiu'er, you really don't want to watch the surprise I said?" Jiang Dingcheng looked at the nervous girl in the video and asked. Any woman should look forward to it when she hears the word surprise. right.

He thought Mu Jiu was the same.

But he forgot one thing, Mu Jiu has always been a person whose thinking is different from others.

So the understanding of surprise is also different.

"I don't want to watch it, I really don't want to watch it." Mu Jiu shook his head vigorously, just because he was afraid that he wouldn't believe what he said.

Jiang Dingcheng laughed when he heard her words.

"Well, if you don't want to watch it, I'll let you watch it later." Jiang Dingcheng just followed her wishes, since she didn't have any idea to watch it, he didn't force her, just because she was afraid that she would be too tired.

We are getting married tomorrow.

"Well, that's it for now, good night." Mu Jiu said first, hoping that he would stop talking about surprises or not.

"Jiu'er, don't you wonder where I am now?" Jiang Dingcheng suddenly wanted to know what she was thinking, seeing him in a completely strange place, was he not curious?

"This place is a little strange, but..." She still didn't want to know, but she was afraid that the place where he was was the place where the man lived, and it was disturbing to think about it.

She wouldn't have any idea if Jiang Dingcheng was in a strange place, but this time is different, Jiang Dingcheng has a mysterious lover after all.

I'm getting married tomorrow, and I'm still staying with that man tonight. No one can accept it, but there's no way. She knows what kind of person Jiang Dingcheng is from the beginning of marriage. Now if If there is any complaint, it is because she is not rational enough.

This marriage is the cooperation between the two of them, and has nothing to do with feelings.

So Mu Jiu recognized this fact early on.

Although she felt a little sad in her heart, she didn't want to magnify such emotions, and then let Jiang Dingcheng know.

"Jiu'er, this is Lanwan Villa, our new house is here." Jiang Dingcheng smiled at her in the camera, and then said happily and directly.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu was stunned.

Every person in Huaicheng has heard of Lanwan Villa. This is the largest, most expensive and most beautiful villa area in Huaicheng. The price of a set is sky-high anyway, but the occupancy rate is still very high. All the people who live in Huaicheng There are famous big shots in the city, and many first-line big stars also live there.

It’s not something that you can buy as long as you have money, it depends on the comprehensive character of the residents, if you have committed a crime or have any particularly bad negative news, you will be refused to move in.

But he didn't expect Jiang Dingcheng to buy the house there as a new house. Why didn't he say it before, it was completely hidden from her.

'So, you are now in the new house in Lanwan, are you not in Jinghe Garden? Mu Jiu asked him hesitantly, but the answer was actually super obvious, so there was no need to ask more questions.

The place where Jiang Dingcheng is now is Lanwan, not Jingheyuan.

'Do you hear the waves?I opened the window. Jiang Dingcheng said to her very seriously.

Mu Jiu listened carefully, and really heard the sound of waves.

She was very moved, but felt unreal.

For their marriage, she originally thought it was just a matter of coping with things, but she never thought that Jiang Dingcheng really put all his heart into it, and secretly prepared a new house behind her back.

"I heard it, it's very nice." Mu Jiu was very happy, and there was a wave of emotion in her heart.

You know, what she likes most is the kind of place that yearns for the vastness.

The sea, the grassland, the desert, she wants to go.

And what I want to live most is by the sea.

There is a sentence that she likes very much, facing the sea and spring flowers blooming.

As long as you are at the beach, no matter how many troubles you have in your heart, you will feel extra relaxed.

But she never told Jiang Dingcheng, how did he know that she likes the sea, or is it just a coincidence, because Jiang Dingcheng also likes it.

You must know that Jingheyuan community is also a community where you can see the sea from a distance, but it is not as close to the sea as Blue Bay, she knows this very well.

But whether it was intentional or just a coincidence, she was very happy.

"Jiu'er, do you like this place?" Jiang Dingcheng walked to the window sill with his mobile phone. From a distance, he could see a silver light under the moonlight, which was very beautiful.

It is really super beautiful.

"Jiang Dingcheng, I saw the sea, it's so beautiful." Mu Jiu couldn't help but let out a voice of surprise.

Hearing her cheering voice, Jiang Dingcheng was really happy from the bottom of his heart. It seems that there is absolutely nothing wrong with what he spent so much time preparing for.

As long as Mu Jiu can really like her, it doesn't matter what he does.

Standing in the bay of Lanwan, Mu Jiu saw the sea, it was very beautiful.

Especially when the sunrise in the morning and the sunset in the evening are really super beautiful.

So being able to buy a house in Blue Bay and enjoy the beautiful scenery every day is really a life without regrets.

This is an idea deep in Mu Jiu's heart, it's really great.

"It's fine if you like it. In the future, you can see seascapes at different times here, as you like." Jiang Dingcheng said very seriously.

Mu Jiu nodded, that was a little happy.

In fact, using a new villa as a new house has a very different meaning to Mu Jiu.

Because of the locked room and the dusty car, Mu Jiu knew that there must be a story in Jinghe Garden that Jiang Dingcheng didn't want people to know.

(End of this chapter)

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