cute in his palm

Chapter 616 The Difference Is Really Big

Chapter 616 The Difference Is Really Big

Since there is a story, it must have happened with people.

As for that person, Jiang Dingcheng obviously didn't want her to know, and Mu Jiu also didn't want to know who that person was, no matter if it was a man or a woman, just living in that house would give him breath, as long as he lived with Jiang Dingcheng, he would be It will definitely make Jiang Dingcheng remember that person.

At first, they just thought that it would not matter if she lived there in cooperation to get married, but if it really became their wedding room, Mu Jiu was still a little reluctant in her heart.

Therefore, Jiang Dingcheng prepared a new house behind her back. No matter where she is, she is very happy, especially at the seaside. Her excitement is really going to explode.

Can you be unhappy that a gift given by a person is delivered directly to your heart?

"Originally, I planned to take you here tonight to show you this surprise." Jiang Ding admitted that he really said, with a little regret in his tone.

Mu Jiu heard it. It turned out that the surprise Jiang Dingcheng wanted to talk about was this new house, not something that made her look at another man.

Although I said before, she will have a good meeting with that man.

It's just that she hasn't nodded in agreement yet.

So I never went to see that man.

Fortunately, she didn't meet the man directly, so she felt relieved and felt much more comfortable.

"Jiang Dingcheng, I'm sorry about that. I didn't know you were going to take me to Dun's new house today. If I had known earlier, I would have followed you back, and I would never stay here." Mu Jiu said firmly.

It would have been great to have known there was such a legitimate reason to leave, etc.

But Jiang Dingcheng did a great job of keeping it secret, so he didn't tell her.

If she had said earlier, she would have left no matter what.

Looking at the new house is the most important thing.

"It's okay, this is what I've always wanted to keep from you, I just wanted to give you a big surprise." Jiang Dingcheng smiled, and when Mu Jiu spoke easily, his expression was very cute.

And what he wants most is to see Mu Jiu's gentle smile with such a pure heart.

Really, as long as he sees her smile like this, he will feel relaxed.

"It's really a surprise, a big surprise." Mu Jiu said seriously.

Important things are repeated many times.

"This is the guest room, now let me show you the new house." Jiang Dingcheng said with a smile.

"No, Jiang Dingcheng, for the new house, I think I'll see it tomorrow, forget it today, otherwise there will be no surprises." Mu Jiu said very seriously.

She is already very happy to know that the new house is in Lanwan, and she has also seen that the decoration inside is very suitable for her.

Therefore, if you have a new house, you don’t need to read it anymore, save it for tomorrow.

At least there will be some special surprises.

"Okay, I'll come back to see the new house tomorrow, and now I'll let you see the most beautiful side of this room." Jiang Dingcheng immediately turned off the light after speaking.

It was dark for a while, and then I saw the blue star light.

Mu Jiu saw the map of the starry sky on the ceiling, which glowed blue and was very beautiful.

"Jiang Dingcheng, Jiang Dingcheng, it's so beautiful." Mu Jiu couldn't help but let out a yell, and this time she really didn't hold back at all.

Such a loud voice startled Guan Xiaotong outside the balcony.

Although Mu Jiu was on the phone the whole time, she hadn't paid much attention to it, but with such a loud voice, she still couldn't help but look twice.

Compared with the heavy expression before, I am much happier now.

He also said that he had no idea about Jiang Dingcheng, who would believe him.

Now only Mu Jiu, a stupid woman, hasn't found out yet.

The so-called authorities are obsessed, and bystanders are clear.

Guan Xiaotong could still see clearly.

"Jiu'er, all the rooms will have star maps, as long as the lights are turned off at night, they will all be on." Seeing that she liked her so much, Jiang Dingcheng did not disappoint him.

At that time, when Gu Xiao and the others knew that he was going to do this, they couldn't understand it at all.

Because that's what Mu Jiu likes.

The previous phase of her design was inspired by the starry sky, and the effect she made was particularly pleasing.

It was also because of this that Jiang Dingcheng knew clearly that she liked the starry sky.

Only when a person truly likes it can he use it so well.

So when decorating this new house, he specially proposed it.

"Really." Mu Jiu's smile remained on his face for a long time and never faded away.

"Wait until tomorrow, come and have a good look at it."


"Go to bed early, don't be too late, see you tomorrow morning." Jiang Dingcheng told her.

'Okay, see you tomorrow morning. ' Mu Jiu waved at him and said.

After hanging up the phone, Mu Jiu lay on the bed happily, with a hard smile on her face.

Guan Xiaotong came over and lay beside her.

"The phone call is over." Guan Xiaotong said with a smile.

'Well, what do you want to say. What's not clear about Mu Jiu, she must have something to say to herself, otherwise she wouldn't look at her with such eyes.

"The previous call was from Shang Jinglu, but the one just now was from Jiang Dingcheng." Guan Xiaotong said pointedly.

"Well, so, what exactly do you want to say?" Mu Jiu knew what Guan Xiaotong said, and she must have something else to say.

This girl always has something to say, and Mu Jiu still knows it.

"Be tempted, Xiao Jiu." Guan Xiaotong put his hands on her shoulders, and said very seriously.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu subconsciously shook her head, and blinked at Guan Xiaotong.

"What do you mean, I don't understand." Mu Jiu simply refused.

Guan Xiaotong narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Xiao Jiujiu, do you really don't understand, or do you pretend you don't understand? What do I mean by tempted, you should know better than me, ah." Guan Xiaotong stretched out his hand to seduce her He said with his chin firmly fixed on her eyes.

"Guan Xiaotong, please be normal to me." Mu Jiu patted her hand, and was about to get out of bed to take a shower.

In the end, Guan Xiaotong's female King Kong pulled her back again.

"Mu Jiu, it's you, not me, who should be more normal. I just stood on the balcony and saw clearly. Shang Jinglu's phone call made you frown and look dignified, but Jiang Dingcheng's is different. , but it makes you feel very good all of a sudden, and the differential treatment between the two is too different. If you say nothing, no one will believe it. Do you believe it yourself?" Guan Xiaotong said It is very direct, and friends should speak directly.

(End of this chapter)

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