cute in his palm

Chapter 618 With New Expectations

Chapter 618 With New Expectations

At five o'clock in the morning, Mu Jiu got up, because at 05:30, the styling team was coming.

Although it was said that it was because of marriage, she was too nervous.

When standing in front of the sink and washing her face, she could see the exhaustion on her face and the bruises in her eyes. This was the price she paid for not sleeping well all night.

Guan Xiaotong and Guan Linlin went to sleep in the guest room last night, and the reason was that they didn't want to disturb her rest here, but instead, she didn't sleep well, and there were too many things in her mind that were too chaotic.

Shang Jinglu, Su Yaoting, and Jiang Dingcheng were always spinning in her mind, so she didn't sleep well all night.

When I finally fell asleep, it was almost dawn, so I just got up directly.

"Xiao Jiu, are you up?" Guan Xiaotong knocked on the door, then called her.

Mu Jiu answered while washing her face.

After washing his face with cold water, he came out of the bathroom to wake himself up.

When she came out, she saw two sisters sitting on the sofa waiting for her.

"Good morning, beautiful bride, she will get married soon, how do you feel?" Guan Xiaotong said to her with a smile.

"Sister Xiaojiu is of course the most beautiful bride, she must be the happiest." Guan Linlin walked up to Mu Jiu and smiled brilliantly.

"Of course the bride is the most beautiful. Guan Linlin, go and change your dress first. The styling team will be here soon." Guan Xiaotong handed the bridesmaid dress to Guan Linlin and asked her to change in the bathroom. .

Because she has something to say to Mu Jiu.

Watching Guan Linlin go in with the clothes.

Guan Xiaotong leaned in front of Mu Jiu, then stared into her eyes and asked. "I didn't sleep well last night. Is it because I was too nervous or there were too many things?"

Obviously, it's both.

Mu Jiu doesn't want to answer any questions now, because this woman, Guan Xiaotong, has no other specialties, except that she can gossip about some things that are not.

Originally, she was very fussy in her heart now, so she washed her face with cold water very rarely, and the thoughts in her mind were slightly better.

But now, if Guan Xiaotong were to talk about it and make a fuss, she really wouldn't be able to stay properly.

"Xiaotong, I don't want to say anything now." Mu Jiu said a little tiredly.

"Now, I can fall asleep sitting up."

Seeing Mu Jiu's avoidance, Guan Xiaotong knew what kind of mood she was in right now, so she deliberately avoided it.

"Xiao Jiu, I know you don't like to hear it, but I just heard that Su Yaoting didn't sleep all night last night. He led people to arrange the wedding atmosphere in the villa, and smoked a lot outside alone." The official said. Xiaotong knew that it was redundant to say what she said now, but she also wanted Mu Jiu to know that even Su Yaoting was better than Shang Jinglu, why was she so obsessed with Shang Jinglu in her heart?

Putting down Shang Jinglu well, and then marrying Jiang Dingcheng happily, and being Mrs. Jiang a happy life, this is enough.

Just stop putting extra thought on Shang Jinglu.

Because this man has never given anything to her sincerely, why should a woman wait for him so obsessively.

When he doesn't want it, he kicks it away decisively, and when he wants it, he wants to put it back to his side again. How can he be so lucky to catch such a thing, of course he can't.

"What Su Yaoting wants to do is his own freedom, so what do you want to tell me?" Mu Jiu couldn't understand, Guan Xiaotong kept praising Su Yaoting, why, so he was not in a good mood, The tone is also not good.

At some point, Su Yaoting bribed her with money and asked her to speak for him like this.

It really doesn't look like Guan Xiaotong.

"Xiao Jiu, I just want you to understand that some people care about you so much, you can ignore them, why do you have to think about someone who doesn't care about you at all?" Guan Xiaotong said straightforwardly.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu suddenly reacted.

"Xiaotong, you mean..."

Before Mu Jiu could finish speaking, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Miss, the makeup team is here, is it convenient to go in now?" It was the butler's voice.

Mu Jiu tidied up immediately, cleared her throat and said to the outside.

"come in."

A group of people rushed in.

Guan Xiaotong looked at Mu Jiu who was surrounded by the crowd, and didn't know if she understood what she said, but she just wanted Mu Jiu to be with Jiang Dingcheng well, don't think about divorce, let alone think about it Shang Jinglu's heartless man, no matter how good he is, even Su Yaoting's kindness to Mu Jiu can't compare.

However, this is Mu Jiu's own business after all.

No matter how good a friend is, the last thing you can interfere with is other people's emotional life.

Therefore, Guan Xiaotong didn't want to hint anymore, she just wanted to rely on her own ability to solve the crime she committed before.

It's hard to see that the two of them have signs of liking each other, which is particularly commendable.

As long as Jiang Dingcheng likes Mu Jiu, and Mu Jiu also likes Jiang Dingcheng, then this marriage is a false one, and no matter how inappropriate the reason is, it will become a matter of course.

Then, they can be a perfect couple and envy the whole city.

However, Guan Xiaotong knew what Mu Jiu's personality was, stubborn.

Therefore, for some things, it is not up to her to say what she says, it depends on Mu Jiu's own thoughts.

If she really put it on Shang Jinglu's body, then no one would be able to stop her. After all, other than herself, no one can control emotional matters.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Mu Jiu gradually became different from her original self, a little surprised.

Sure enough, the bride who got married was completely different from usual.

There is a sense of happiness welling up from the bottom of my heart.

The moment she put on the white gauze, Mu Jiu suddenly had an illusion that she was really married, not a fake marriage.

Once a woman puts on a white gauze, it's like another soul is injected into her body.

I will not regard this marriage as a fake, but wholeheartedly want to make this marriage a good one.

Mu Jiu looked at herself in the mirror, as if she was really going to marry Jiang Dingcheng, and there was an inexplicable sense of anticipation deep in her heart.

Every woman has a princess dream in her heart, not expecting a mighty knight to protect herself, but thinking that there will be a prince riding a white horse to marry her.

She had always felt that fairy tales were very fake before, and for the first time she had the same expectation as fairy tales.

(End of this chapter)

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