cute in his palm

Chapter 619 is intentional

Chapter 619 is intentional

"Miss Mu, she is really beautiful."

"It's not an exaggeration to say that she is the most beautiful bride in Huai City."

A group of people looked at Mu Jiu in the mirror and said sincerely, although there was some praise in these words, but in the final analysis, she is really beautiful.

It would be an exaggeration to say that she is amazing, but Mu Jiu, who usually appears in the photo without makeup, is really much more beautiful.

Even Guan Xiaotong was a little surprised.

Mu Jiu originally thought that she was enough, even if she changed to a white gauze, it wouldn't make any difference, but when she changed into a white gauze and appeared in front of her eyes, she was still quite shocked.

"Mu Xiaojiu, did I ever tell you that you are the most beautiful bride?" Guan Xiaotong walked up to her and said excitedly.

"Sister, that's what I said to Sister Xiaojiu, not you." Guan Linlin had already changed into her dress and put on makeup. The whole porcelain doll was very beautiful.

"It's all the same. Anyway, it's Xiao Jiujiu who has reached a new level of beauty. Once Mr. Jiang sees it, he will definitely be amazed, even more shocked than me." Guan Xiaotong stared at her face meaningfully. said what was meant.

Hearing her nonsense, Mu Jiu felt a special warmth in her heart.

In Guan Xiaotong's eyes, she was all beautiful, so in Jiang Dingcheng's eyes, she should also be the most beautiful.

"Xiaotong, don't exaggerate, am I really good-looking?" Mu Jiu said without much confidence.

Confidence is the most beautiful woman, but often when she needs her confidence most, she will become a little lacking in confidence, just like Mu Jiu at this time.

She was obviously the most beautiful woman on the scene, but she was still a little unconfident.

Such a performance is because he cares too much about Jiang Dingcheng's reaction after seeing her for a while.

The more you care, the less confident you will be. This is human nature.

Guan Xiaotong had seen through everything a long time ago, but Mu Jiu didn't want to admit it.

"If you don't believe what I said, then you can ask them. They all say that you are good-looking. One pair of eyes can be said to be unattractive, but ten pairs of eyes will not be fake. Today you are the bride, you are the protagonist, you must be The one that everyone is looking at is the most beautiful." Guan Xiaotong said while holding her hand.

"It's really beautiful, Miss Mu."

The crowd said in unison.

This scene is kind of scary.

"Sister Xiaojiu, you don't have to believe my sister's words, but you must believe my words. You are really super beautiful. I think everyone present today, whether men or women, will pay attention to you. It cannot be removed." Guan Linlin said sincerely.

Guan Xiaotong picked up Mu Jiu's phone.

"What are you doing?" Mu Jiu looked at her in confusion and asked.

"Today is a big event in your life, of course you have to take pictures as a souvenir." Guan Xiaotong said, and started to take pictures.

Mu Jiu looked a little nervous.

She was originally a person who didn't like taking pictures, especially now that she was wearing a wedding dress, which made her even more unnatural.

"Xiao Jiu, smile." After Guan Xiaotong took a few single photos for her, he asked the stylist to take several group photos for the three of them.

"Xiao Jiu, wait for a while, Brother Ke and Mian Mian come over, let's take a few more photos." Guan Xiaotong said to her while picking out the photos seriously.

Mu Jiu naturally nodded.

Xu Yanke and Tao Mian are not bridesmaids, so they don't need to come to make up and change clothes too early, just come later, as long as they come in front of Jiang Dingcheng and the others.

"Guan Xiaotong, what are you doing?" Mu Jiu saw that Guan Xiaotong hadn't returned the phone to her for a long time, and asked her a little depressed.

Guan Xiaotong immediately smiled at her. "Don't worry, don't worry, it will be fine soon."

Although Mu Jiu didn't know what she was doing there, she subconsciously knew that nothing good happened to Guan Xiaotong, seeing her laughing there alone was so...evil.

"Guan Xiaotong, tell me, what are you doing?" The more Mu Jiu thought about it, the more something went wrong, and she immediately said to her.

Now she was wearing this heavy white gauze and could only sit there quietly, even if she wanted to grab the phone, she couldn't grab it, so she had to wait for Guan Xiaotong to finish it before returning the phone to her.

Guan Xiaotong smiled mysteriously, and then returned the phone to her.


Mu Jiu immediately checked her phone, it was fine if she didn't look at it, but her face turned black with anger.

What the hell is this Guan Xiaotong doing?

"Guan Xiaotong, you, what are you doing, do you know?" Mu Jiu looked at her coldly and shouted.

When Guan Xiaotong heard her angry voice, it was what she expected, so the expression on her face was just a faint smile.

Of course she knew what she was doing just now.

Didn't he just pass some photos to Jiang Dingcheng?

Then I attached a text message, do you think it's pretty?
This is simply going to blow Mu Jiu's heart, okay?

Guan Xiaotong, how could she do such a thing.

Sending photos to Jiang Dingcheng now and asking him if he looks good, isn't that shameless behavior?What would Jiang Dingcheng think of her? He would definitely think that she was a very shameless woman.

"Xiao Jiu, stay safe and don't get bored, I know what I'm doing." Guan Xiaotong also said very reasonably, anyway, for her, these things are taken for granted.

As long as the relationship between Mu Jiu and Jiang Dingcheng can be further improved, she should do a little bit of action, besides, such a trivial matter, couldn't be easier.

"You still have the nerve to say that if you do this, it will make Jiang Dingcheng feel..."

"How do you feel?" Guan Xiaotong looked at her with a smile.

Mu Jiu's face turned red with embarrassment. Fortunately, the styling team had all left at this time, and there were only three of them and the sisters in the room. Otherwise, Mu Jiu's blush would have made them laugh.

"Guan Xiaotong, this will make Jiang Dingcheng think about me." Mu Jiu said angrily, staring at her.

"Don't you want to know if Jiang Dingcheng likes you like this? Now I will let you feel at ease." Guan Xiaotong's face was full of pride, and there was no look of self-blame.

"Okay, feel at ease, why didn't you tell me in advance when you did something like this?" Mu Jiu said with great resentment.

"Tell me, let me post it?" Guan Xiaotong smiled, not knowing what Mu Jiu was thinking.

Mu Jiu shook her head, that must not be posted.

"That's why I posted it directly." Guan Xiaotong said naturally.

Mu Jiu was helpless, she really had nothing to do with Guan Xiaotong.

'Sister Xiaojiu, you are so beautiful, don't worry about what your brother-in-law says. ' Guan Linlin cheered her up and said.

A pair of sisters from the official family.

(End of this chapter)

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