cute in his palm

Chapter 631 What a stupid woman

Chapter 631 What a stupid woman

Hearing Luo Shiyan's question like this, Su Huan immediately became interested.

Of course she is 1 willing to go to Jiang Dingcheng's wedding, of course she didn't go there to see him happily exchange rings with other women and get married.

Instead, they went to snatch a marriage.

"Of course, it's a pity that I haven't even received the invitation. It's impossible to get in. It seems that the promise was deliberately not sent to me. I'm not convinced that he is so unwilling to see me." Su Huan said angrily.

The more I think about this matter, the more irritating it is. Even if Jiang Dingcheng got married, he didn't even invite her. Thinking about it, he became angry and kicked over the stool beside his feet.

Seeing her like this, Luo Shiyan didn't say anything more, waiting for her to vent her anger slowly.

After Su Huan kicked everything that could be knocked down, he turned to look at Luo Shiyan.

'I'm sorry, Director Luo, I'm not in a good mood, that's why I kick things like this. ' Su Huan felt slightly embarrassed about his gaffe.

"It's okay, have you calmed down a little now?" Luo Shiyan looked at her calmly and said.

'Well, I'm still pissed though. 'Su Huan said with a deep breath.

"So, Director Luo, do you want to help me? Can you let me go to their wedding?" Su Huan looked at Luo Shiyan expectantly.

'The sticker is just right in my bag, I'll get it for you now. 'Luo Shiyan said, turned and left.

"Director Luo, let me go with you to get it. If you send it over again, it will be troublesome." Su Huan also followed her to the door.

Sure enough, Luo Shiyan still has a solution.

From this point, it can be seen that Luo Shiyan is really on her side and helping her.

In the future, I must have a better attitude towards Luo Shiyan.

This is Su Huan's inner monologue, no matter what, she must treat Luo Shiyan better.

Hearing her words, Luo Shiyan hesitated for a moment, but nodded.

Su Huan immediately followed her happily.

When Luo Shiyang was still sitting there thinking about what to do tonight, she saw Luo Shiyan push the door in, followed by a beautiful young woman.

Just by looking at that height and figure, you can tell that she should be a model.

'Is this Director Luo's friend? Seeing Luo Shiyang sitting there tightly wrapped, Su Huan was startled, but soon calmed down.

For Su Huan, he has seen all kinds of big scenes, but there is nothing unexpected about a tightly wrapped woman.

Without waiting for Luo Shiyan to say anything, Luo Shiyang nodded at her, said nothing, but also expressed his acquiescence to this identity.

Luo Shiyan knew that her sister was unwilling to disclose the relationship between the two of them for the time being, so she didn't explain any more. She went directly to the bag, took out an invitation card from it and handed it to Su Huan.

"Then, you can go in with this, but you can remember it. No one can tell you about the invitation I posted for you, especially Ding Cheng must not know, otherwise..."

"I know, don't worry, Director Luo, this time you have helped me so much, how can I still drag people into the water? Even if I am caught by Dingcheng, I will not tell him if I die. This invitation is for you." Mine." After Su Huan took the invitation, he was overjoyed, as happy as if he had flown to the clouds.

"I've posted it for you, you can figure it out yourself." Luo Shiyan looked at her tenderly and smiled.

Hearing this, Su Jing's thoughts had already flown.

"Director Luo, thank you, then I'll go first." Su Huan has no intention of staying any longer, because she can't wait to go to Jiang Dingcheng's wedding right now.

"Go." Luo Shiyan said without hesitation.

Before Su Huan walked out of this room, he took a special look at Luo Shiyang, always feeling that this woman's eyes were particularly sharp, and she was not someone to mess with anyway.

Since she is Luo Shiyan's friend, it has nothing to do with her.

Su Huan backed out and closed the door.

The gentle smile on Luo Shiyan's face was immediately put away.

"Who is that woman?" Luo Shiyang asked directly, and after hearing what the two of them said just now, he knew that this woman should also have some kind of connection with Jiang Dingcheng.

It's only been five years since she left. In the past five years, how many women have appeared around Jiang Dingcheng.

In the past, when she was by Jiang Dingcheng's side, although there were many women who offered to show affection to him, Jiang Dingcheng would directly reject those women because of her existence.

But in the past five years, she has been away for so long, Jiang Dingcheng should not be the ascetic Jiang Dingcheng, otherwise why would there be a woman like Mu Jiu by his side.

Therefore, it seems that there will be no accidents if a few more women appear by his side.

"A woman who is insanely infatuated with Brother Ding Cheng, a model without a brain, named Su Huan, who is considered to be a well-known female model in China, and she is responsible for many of Yan Rui's clothes." Luo Shiyan said lightly, her tone It's full of disdain.

Luo Shiyan's attitude towards people she despises has always been like this.

Luo Shiyang has long been used to it.

When Luo Shiyang heard this, she had her own idea in her heart.

"This Su Huan, easy to control?"

When Luo Shiyan heard her sister like this, she was a little bit cautious.

Anyway, Luo Shiyang, who came back this time, made her more and more unfamiliar, less and less understanding, many things that Luo Shiyang is doing now, will not let her know the meaning,

However, it doesn't matter to Luo Shiyan, anyway, as long as her sister really wants to treat her well, then she doesn't want to think about the rest.

A person will change with the passage of time, not to mention the current Luo Shiyang, who has experienced such a big thing, there will be some psychological changes.

Luo Shiyan could understand all of this.

"I don't say it's easy to control, it's just that my mind is relatively simple and direct, and I will go to the end." Luo Shiyan briefly explained Su Huan's situation to Luo Shiyang.

At the end of hearing, Luo Shiyang only had one thought, that is, this Su Huan actually resembles Luo Shiyan in part.

If you are paranoid to the end, you will not die if you don't hit the south wall.

It's just that Su Huan is a bit of a brainless woman. She never thinks about any consequences when she does things, and she just goes straight up and does what she wants to do.

So, this is very difficult to control.

Because once something stimulates her, there is no reason at all.

As long as this kind of woman does not become an enemy, once she becomes an enemy with Su Huan, then she will be tortured to death by her madness.

(End of this chapter)

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