cute in his palm

Chapter 632 The taste is very good

Chapter 632 The taste is very good

The wedding scene, which was originally a great atmosphere, suddenly changed because of Su Huan's sudden intrusion. They all wanted to know how Jiang Dingcheng would solve this matter.

This Su Huan is really bold enough, and she is also brainless. She really is what they call a brainless vase model.

Jiang Dingcheng dared to come and destroy his marriage, even if it was just a scandal.

'Today I just want everyone to know that the man I Su Huan likes is impossible to marry another woman, not anyone else. ' Su Huan rushed to the front and said anxiously in front of everyone.

Hearing such words, hundreds of pairs of eyes below just stared at Su Huan.

Some sweated for it.

However, most of them approach this matter with a curiosity of watching gossip.

I want to know how Jiang Dingcheng will handle this matter.

It's rare to see something like this happen to Jiang Dingcheng who is in a high position. You must know that his private life has always been very low-key, and basically there are no scandals to be photographed.

Su Huan's scandal should have been deliberately hyped up by some of Su Huan's agency, otherwise, how could Jiang Dingcheng's scandal be caught.

Mu Jiu was really startled when she saw Su Huan barging in so suddenly.

Because she really admires Su Huan, a woman who has the courage to break into the wedding scene and directly snatch her.

If she was asked to go to Shang Jinglu's wedding, she probably wouldn't dare to go with ten guts.

However, it was her husband that Su Huan came to grab today. Mu Jiu, a belated woman, looked at Jiang Dingcheng worriedly.

Jiang Dingcheng just hugged her shoulder lightly with one hand, let her get as close to him as possible, and then gave her more warmth, and gave Mu Jiu a gentle look in his eyes.

'Jiu'er, don't worry, I can take care of this matter. 'Jiang Dingcheng said softly.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu gave him a faint sweet smile, because he knew that as long as Jiang Dingcheng was there, she would not have to worry about everything.

So, Su Huan came to provoke Jiang Dingcheng because of her self-indulgence. Mu Jiu just watched the show with peace of mind, watching Su Huan sing a one-man show just like the audience.

It is estimated that the two of them are the only couple in the whole world who would be so calm when they met someone who came to make trouble at their wedding.

Both of them looked at Su Huan talking about her and Jiang Dingcheng at length as if it had nothing to do with them.

Actually nothing happened at all.

'If it wasn't for Mu Jiu, Cheng Yaojin who came out halfway, I would be the one marrying Ding Cheng today, not her. 'Su Huan finally said something conclusive.

Jiang Dingcheng thought she should have said the same thing.

"Su Huan, are you finished?" Jiang Dingcheng's voice was calm, but Mu Jiu knew he was angry.

Who would be happy to have someone come and make a fuss at their wedding, that person is either sick or mentally ill.

So Jiang Dingcheng will be unhappy, it is reasonable, it does not have to do with the matter between him and Su Huan, it is just simply unhappy about being involved in the wedding.

It's completely understandable for Mu Jiu to be like Jiang Dingcheng.

Because she said she was a little unhappy.

What a dreamy fairytale wedding of the century, because Su Huan came here and made a fuss, it became the biggest failure in this wedding.

A perfect work of art, if there is a blemish, it is not called perfection, but a defect.

"Dingcheng, I, I am expressing my determination to you, and I am also proving to everyone that my love for you is deeper than any other woman. I don't believe that Mu Jiu can love you as deeply as I do." Su Go all out.

Anyway, from the beginning to the end, she is such a person who dares to love, hate, and dare to do anything directly.

Now that we have come to this point, what else can we not do?

After her face was torn apart, she felt that she didn't care about anything, and she just wanted to express what she thought in her heart without concealing it.

She just wanted to let people all over the world know how much she, Su Huan, loved Jiang Dingcheng.

No one can compare.

"Unfortunately, Jiu'er is the only one I love." After speaking, Jiang Dingcheng turned sideways, raised Mu Jiu's chin with one hand, and kissed it down.

This time, it was a real kiss.

Mu Jiu was really frightened by this sudden kiss. She originally thought that Jiang Dingcheng's way of dealing with Su Huan was nothing more than letting the security guards carry her away forcibly.

Why, just, kissed her.

And it was very domineering, without any gentle kiss at all.

"Jiu'er, pay attention when kissing." Jiang Dingcheng saw her eyes wide open and mouth tightly shut, and wanted to laugh, but how could he miss such a rare opportunity to kiss her.

He said that Su Huan came to make a big noise, but he was actually very willing, because in this way, he could have an excuse to kiss Mujiu openly, otherwise, with his temperament, how could it be possible for Su Huan to talk so much nonsense on this stage What about nonsense?

Ha, Jiang Dingcheng's tongue slipped in successfully.

There is no trace of politeness in the long drive.

This time it really went directly from kissing to fucking.

This kiss made Mu Jiu's head completely dazed, she forgot to push him away, and forgot to respond to him, and just let him wantonly plunder her mouth.

until the kiss is over.

Su Huan on the stage and the audience below who were waiting to watch the show couldn't help but blush when they saw the scene of the two of them kissing passionately.

The kiss was so hot that they had to believe that the marriage between Jiang Dingcheng and Mu Jiu was not for profit, but for affection.

The young couple's tone of voice is so unscrupulous and fiery.

Su Huan is talking about himself now.

Just now I said so many heartfelt words, but it was not worth Jiang Dingcheng's long kiss. His kiss was telling everyone that Jiang Dingcheng had only one woman he loved from the beginning to the end, and there was only one wife he believed in, and that was him. Mu Jiu in his arms.

Mu Jiu was finally able to breathe fresh air freely, and when she thought of Jiang Dingcheng's fiery energy just now, she was really ashamed and stared at Jiang Dingcheng.

"Jiang Dingcheng, you just..."

"It's just acting." Jiang Dingcheng smiled at her and said very relaxedly.

acting?Do you want to stick your tongue into her mouth when acting?

Mu Jiu glared at him full of anger, Jiang Dingcheng readily accepted it, because he had no intention of explaining to her that he wanted to do this so much, he had wanted to do it a long time ago, and now it was just in the name of acting , Kiss her openly.

The taste is really as good as he imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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