Chapter 633

Regarding Jiang Dingcheng's deliberate behavior, Su Huan was stunned, his face turned red and white, and he was not well.

Her reaction was really frightened by Jiang Dingcheng.

Why didn't this man mention it to her beforehand when he did such a thing? It would also allow her to prepare her mentally in advance, otherwise she would be completely confused now.

The whole person is not well.

Jiang Dingcheng actually kissed her passionately like that.

Moreover, she didn't even have the idea of ​​nausea and nausea, and she still liked it a little bit, but it was hard to calm down her own mood for a while.

Want to resent, but find that I can't really resent.

"Jiu'er, I have wronged you." Jiang Dingcheng said to her softly.

Wronged her, what wronged her.

Obviously it was intentional.

However, for the sake of the overall situation, let him go first.

It was just a kiss anyway, and a kiss that felt good.

I really didn't expect that he, who likes men, felt unexpectedly good when he kissed her. Did he just kiss her as a man?
Once this question flashed into her mind, it couldn't be erased for a while.

"Ding Cheng, how, how could you..."

"Su Huan, do you want to go by yourself, or I'll let someone take you away." Jiang Dingcheng said to Su Huan very bluntly and angrily.

Su Huan said, now Jiang Dingcheng is stepping down for her. If she doesn't step down, then if the security guards come up and take her away, her image will be even more lost.

Originally, she came to Jiang Dingcheng's wedding scene like a supermodel to make a fuss, and she has lost her image. If she is taken away by the security guards now, she will definitely become the laughing stock of the whole city tomorrow.

Originally, in the circle, there were a lot of people who didn't like her, and they would step on her and grab her if they got the chance. If today's incident got out, she would definitely be finished.

Therefore, it is still necessary to be a practitioner. If she stays like this, she will really become a joke.

"Okay, today I'll let you off for the time being, but I won't let you go so easily." Throwing down the harsh words, Su Huan turned around and walked outside.

Her behavior like this really made the people below the stage look at each other in dismay.

Nothing happened yet, did this Su Huan leave the stage like this?
There is really no gossip at all.

Originally, he wanted to dig out some gossip about Jiang Dingcheng's wedding.

Now it seems that there is no more, which is really disappointing.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, there were some episodes in the middle, which made you laugh, but I can assure everyone here that there is no relationship between me and Su Huan. There is only one woman I love from the beginning to the end. That is my wife, Mu Jiu." Jiang Dingcheng reassured everyone very seriously.

The voice was so loud that everyone could hear it.

Standing aside, Mu Jiu was startled when she heard the emotional words, and then smiled.

Jiang Dingcheng's acting in this play is getting smoother and smoother.

Acted just like the real thing.

He only loved her as a woman from the beginning to the end, it should be said that he would only marry her as a fake marriage from the beginning to the end.

So, just listen to something.

If she were an ordinary woman, she would be so touched that she would grow old forever when she heard her husband say this in front of everyone.

Unfortunately, she is the one who knows him best.

Just listen to it in front of good words, no need to put more emotion into it.

Anyway, whatever Jiang Dingcheng said was just acting.

However, acting has always been divided into two types, one is acting very well, and the other is acting fake. Jiang Dingcheng obviously belongs to the former type.

It can be completely faked.

As soon as his words fell, he was echoed by thunderous applause from below.

They were all on Jiang Dingcheng's side and supported him.

As a man, you have to have such courage, just choose a woman to love and love in your life.

You can be passionate, but you must not be indiscriminate.

The former one is a flirtatious man, while the latter one directly becomes a scumbag.

"Mr. Jiang, good work."

"Mrs. Jiang, I'm so happy."

"Boss Jiang and Mrs. Jiang must be very happy."

"Hundred years of harmony."

A farce ended in such a situation, which instead made Jiang Dingcheng more popular.

These days, it is very easy to find a man, but to find a man who is devoted to one person in his life, it is really more difficult than going to heaven.

So it attracted the envy of a bunch of women.

"Thank you, everyone. I took time out of my busy schedule to come over to attend my wedding with Jiu'er. Thanks to everyone's blessings, Jiu'er and I will live happily ever after." Jiang Dingcheng took Mu Jiu's hand, interlocking his fingers, He said to everyone with a smile.

Gu Xiao, the best man, came over with champagne.

"Second brother, second sister-in-law, I wish you a happy marriage for a hundred years, now you can pour the champagne tower.

Jiang Dingcheng took the champagne directly, then opened the lid, and holding Mu Jiu's hand, the two carefully poured the wine together.

"Now, please raise your glasses, Jiu'er and I toast everyone." Jiang Dingcheng took down two glasses of wine, handed one to Mu Jiu, and said to everyone while holding the other.

Everyone raised their glasses in response.


Tao Wanqin had followed Shang Yehua back to China for a while.

Huai City used to be the place where she was born and lived for more than [-] years, and then she left here for more than ten years, and when she came back, she felt a lot changed.

Just on the way from the airport to the store, she noticed an earth-shattering change.

After coming back for a while, I have never had a chance to go out for a walk.

In other words, she is not ready to transfer, after all, there are too many memories of her here, and a bunch of bad memories.

This time, if it wasn't because Shang Yehua was not fit to continue to stay abroad and had to come back to recuperate for a while, so he followed back to Huai City.

"Ma'am, here are the fruits and milk sir asked for." The servant brought the things in front of Tao Wanqin.

"Okay, thank you, where's Alu?" Tao Wanqin was a little surprised that she hadn't seen Shang Jinglu since morning.

"Young master, I'm going to the company, and I'm going to attend Mr. Jiang's wedding. By the way, Mr. Jiang's wedding will be broadcast live today. Madam can watch it." The servant said seriously, and then turned on the TV. .

The TV screen was broadcasting Jiang Dingcheng and Mu Jiu holding champagne to the guests. They were really beautiful men and women, a couple. She had been away from Huai City for more than ten years, and now she has long been ruled by the new generation of young people.

It's just that the bride looks familiar.

(End of this chapter)

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