Chapter 636

Mu Andong stood still, Tao Shuqin knew that he would soften his heart for her words, so she walked over happily.

"Anton, can you give me such a chance." Tao Shuqin walked in front of him and said happily.

"Tao Shuqin, if you really want Xiaojiu and the others to live a better life with peace of mind, don't bother them. They have always thought that you will never come back, and they don't have a deep impression of you as a mother." Mu Anton looked into her eyes and said word by word.

His tone was very serious, without a hint of joking.

Hearing his words, the smile on Tao Shuqin's face disappeared instantly.

So what Mu Andong is saying is that because she left 17 years ago, she is not qualified to see her two children again in her whole life?

Does Mu Andong know that she only has two children, Xiao Jiu and Liang Chen, in her life.

'Anton, I know you are angry with me now, and you are talking angry words, can you give me a chance after your anger subsides, just look at them from a distance, so that I can feel at ease , by the way, this is my number. 'Tao Shuqin quickly pulled out a note from the bag, wrote her number on it, and handed it to Mu Andong.

Mu Andong glanced at it, but still accepted it.

'Anton, please, I wonder if they remember me as a mother. Tao Shuqin's eyes shone softly, not as strong as before.

He didn't want Tao Shuqin to know that neither of the two children had forgotten her for a day, but Mu Jiu had never loved her, only had deep hatred for her for abandoning her and her brother.

Therefore, seeing Tao Shuqin's words again, he was afraid that Xiaojiu's hatred for her would grow deeper.

And Mu Liangchen has hand disease now, and he finally agreed to go to the United States for surgery tomorrow. At this juncture, he didn't want Tao Shuqin's appearance to destroy the peaceful life of the two children.

Although Mu Andong could understand that Tao Shuqin wanted to see the child's mood, but he was a selfish father and didn't want her to ruin the child's hard-fought happy life.

Even if she is their biological mother.

Although Mu Andong is a gentle man, if he can really refuse, he will still do it.

Therefore, this kind of person who seems less ruthless will be especially ruthless when he really wants to be ruthless.

Tao Shuqin still knew this point in her heart.

"Anton, I really really want to meet them." Tao Shuqin said to them with a begging tone.

Mu Andong didn't want to say anything, but just glanced at her quietly.

"I just saw Xiaojiu getting married on TV, so I came in a bit of a hurry. I didn't prepare any gift money. This card is my gift for Xiaojiu." Tao Shuqin handed the card in front of him.

Mu Andong didn't answer.

"What Xiaojiu needs, I can give her, and now her husband will also give it, so I don't need your kindness, you can take it back." Mu Andong refused cleanly.

Hearing this, Tao Shuqin put away the last trace of her smile.

After all, Mu Andong wouldn't give her any chance.

'Anton, I just want to express my heart to Xiaojiu. '

'Your intention is never to appear in front of children. '

After speaking, Mu Andong walked out of the coffee shop.

When he arrived at the entrance of the banquet, he saw Mu Liangchen who came out to look for him.

'Dad, where did you just go? 'Mu Liangchen asked him.

'I went to the bathroom, there were many people upstairs, so I went downstairs. 'Mu Andong explained calmly.

However, the door of the banquet hall was facing the stairs, so when Mu Liangchen looked down, he saw Tao Shuqin who had just walked out of the coffee shop, and she was looking up.

Mu Liangchen happened to turn around with Mu Liangchen, so he didn't meet Tao Shuqin's eyes.


Room for the newlyweds to rest.

Mu Jiu was so tired that she just sat on the bed and didn't want to move at all.

There is no part of the body that is not sore and swollen.

Why is getting married so tiring? If I knew it earlier, I would not have agreed to the wedding.

Fortunately, after they drank champagne, Jiang Dingcheng took her back to the room to rest first, otherwise if she stood still, she might go crazy.

'Where you feel uncomfortable, let me rub it for you. Jiang Dingcheng squatted beside the bed, took off her high heels, and saw that the corners of her feet were a little red, and felt very distressed.

'My feet are so sore, I just want to lie here and do nothing, don't think about it, and don't move anymore. 'Mu Jiu fell backwards directly, and the whole person fell on the top like a large character, and she didn't even bother to move a finger.

Really super tired.

"I knew it would be so tiring to hold a wedding, so I shouldn't have agreed to it." Mu Jiu lay on the bed, sighing while enjoying Jiang Dingcheng's pleasant massage.

Hearing this, Jiang Dingcheng smiled.

"Do you regret it now?" The movement of pressing her feet became more and more gentle, just because he was afraid of hurting her.

"What's the use of regretting? After everything is done, you should only get married once in your life. Those who have done weddings again and again, I really admire them." Mu Jiu continued as she lay there.

Now I'm so tired that I can barely even speak.

"Then how many more times do you want to do it?" Jiang Dingcheng suddenly asked her curiously.

Because from the beginning to the end, Mu Jiu was in the mood of divorcing him, so he wanted to know who she would marry again. After such an experience, he probably had no plans to marry again.

"Even if I get married again, I definitely don't want to hold a wedding. Besides, I'm married for the second time. It's quite embarrassing to have a wedding." Mu Jiu murmured, completely unaware that someone's face turned dark.

Sure enough, the girl Mu Jiu has the ability to piss him off.

'Jiu'er, who else do you want to marry, huh? Jiang Dingcheng suddenly grabbed her leg and said.

Mu Jiu hadn't heard the meaning of his words yet, and there was a strong smell of anger.

"of course……"

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Dingcheng scratched his feet.

She is very ticklish, especially the soles of her feet and the sockets of her limbs.

So Jiang Dingcheng had found her destiny, and it really made her miserable.

"Haha... stop..."

"Stop making trouble... I'm ticklish..."

Now it's tired, painful and itchy, with several tortures, Mu Jiu's spirit is about to collapse.

Mu Jiu wanted to kick, but he held it tighter.

"Jiang Dingcheng, I won't marry anymore, it's okay, don't touch me anymore, okay." Mu Jiu said to Jiang Dingcheng with a tone of grievance.

Sure enough, she was a girl who didn't know how to be obedient if she didn't give her some trouble.

In the future, I will know how to teach this girl a lesson, let her say something that irritates him again.

(End of this chapter)

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