Chapter 637
Jiang Dingcheng let go of her legs, and then lay down beside her naturally.

It was the first time for the two of them to lie beside each other peacefully in such a way. It was really rare, but there was an indescribable feeling.

Mu Jiu originally thought that sharing the bed with Jiang Dingcheng would be something she would particularly hate, but now it doesn't seem to be the case.

There was the sound of his soft breathing beside her ears, which made her heart feel hairy, but it was extraordinarily soft.

Anyway, there was an unprecedented feeling that she didn't hate Guan Jian.

This is really strange.

Mu Jiu subconsciously turned his head to look at him, and just happened to meet Jiang Dingcheng's gaze. He also stared at Mu Jiu from the side all the time. His eyes were electrified, and Mu Jiu blushed so much that he was completely embarrassed to go. look into his eyes.

I think it's a bit ambiguous for two people to lie down like this.

'Jiang Dingcheng, are you tired too? Mu Jiu decided to break the deadlock and speak first.

Hearing this, Jiang Dingcheng smiled.

'No matter how tiring it is, it's all worth it to have a smooth marriage with you. 'This is what he said from the bottom of his heart. Except for Su Huan's accident, everything is proceeding as he expected.

'Thank you, Mr. Jiang. Mu Jiu thanked him sincerely.

Because she knew that Jiang Dingcheng had put a lot of energy into the wedding from the moment he decided to hold the wedding, otherwise, if the wedding was only done by the planning team, the effect would not be so good.

'As long as Mrs. Jiang likes it, everything is worth it, so Mrs. Jiang, do you like this wedding? Jiang Dingcheng asked with the corner of his mouth hooked, looking at her with a gentle look in his eyes.

When Mrs. Jiang called out, she felt an inexplicable sense of nervousness.

"Jiang Dingcheng, thank you very much. 'Give her such a fantasy fairytale wedding, she will never forget it in her life, even though this one is a fake wedding.

'If you really want to thank me, can you call me husband. 'Jiang Dingcheng said smiling at her.

Hearing this request, Mu Jiu was taken aback for a moment, then came to his senses and smiled at him.

'husband. '

Satisfied, Jiang Dingcheng reached out to hug her, but she avoided it.

'What's the matter, my husband can call me now, can't I let my husband hug me now? Jiang Dingcheng was not very happy that the beauty was not in his arms.

You must know that he is really addicted to Mu Jiu now, whether it is holding hands, hugging or kissing, he can take advantage of her in every way.

If she doesn't take the initiative, then only he will take the initiative.

So, no matter whether he took the opportunity or deliberately created it, Jiang Dingcheng was already addicted to taking advantage of it.

"Hold me, I haven't even asked you what happened at the wedding banquet today? Why, why did you suddenly kiss me. "

"It's not for..."

"Don't tell me it's for acting, I don't believe it? Even if it's acting..." The kiss was so serious, she really stuck out her tongue, she couldn't say that. "So, what kind of heart do you have?"

"Jiu'er, actually I..."

There was a knock on the door, interrupting Jiang Dingcheng's words.

"Second brother, second sister-in-law, you guys have been resting for too long when you go back to your room, and it's not until noon when you want to have a bridal chamber." Gu Xiao's annoying voice sounded outside.

As soon as these words came out, Mu Jiu's face turned red.

This Gu Xiaozhi didn't know what he was talking about just now, why was there no bridal chamber at noon, although she and Jiang Dingcheng were both lying on the big bed, they just lay down and rested.

Moreover, the bridal chamber?
Is she and Jiang Ding Cheng, how is it possible.

'Gu Xiao, will you speak? 'Jiang Dingcheng roared towards the door.

As a result, Gu Xiao laughed even louder.

Anyway, this guy did it on purpose.

'Jiu'er, don't take his words seriously. 'Jiang Dingcheng said comforting Mu Jiu.

'I, I don't have it. Mu Jiu got out of bed in a hurry.

Whoever believes Gu Xiao's words is a fool, a big fool.

Jiang Dingcheng looked at Mu Jiu's dispirited look, and couldn't help but be in a good mood.

Bridal chamber, what Gu Xiao said, he was really thinking about it, but he had to get Mu Jiu to agree, otherwise he would really make her angry, and it would be too late for him to regret it.

'Jiu'er, change your clothes first, you don't need to go out in a wedding dress. Jiang Dingcheng went to pull back Mu Jiu who was about to open the door with a smile.

'What are you doing. Mu Jiu was taken aback by his sudden action.

"The wedding dress has been changed, it's fine to go out in the dress now." Jiang Dingcheng pulled her to the hanger, pointed to the red dress and said.

Only then did Mu Jiu realize that she was about to go out wearing this white gauze again.

After lunch, there will be a banquet, which mainly focuses on dancing and entertainment, so it doesn't need to be so formal, and it will be more relaxed, so that Mu Jiu will not feel so tired.

'Do you need my help? 'Jiang Dingcheng looked at her and asked.

Mu Jiu immediately shook her head.

If she wanted to help, she would have let Guan Xiaotong and the others in, there was no need for Jiang Dingcheng.

'Then you go in and change it first, and I'll change it when it's done. Jiang Dingcheng took the initiative to help her take the dress to the bathroom and put it away, and then said to her.

'Okay, just wait for me. Mu Jiu strode in, holding the hem of her skirt.

I just don't want to see that smug smile on Jiang Dingcheng's face, I always feel like he's plotting something.

Today they have three sets of clothes, white gauze, dresses, and clothes for private banquets in the evening.

Fortunately, the heaviest piece of white gauze has passed, when Mu Jiu took off that heavy white gauze, she suddenly felt much lighter.

It's so comfortable, I really want to jump in the bathroom twice.

When she put on the slim red sleeves, she realized that the zipper of the skirt started from the back waistline, so it was too low, and she got stuck when she pulled it halfway.

It couldn't be pulled anymore.

Mu Jiu made a bitter face, wondering if she should be so unlucky, it really is bad luck for eight lifetimes, as long as she is with Jiang Dingcheng, something will happen to her when she takes a bath and changes her clothes.

Mu Jiu went to the mirror to see if she could solve it, but she found out that the zipper was stuck in the cloth, and this kind of invisible zipper was most likely to be stuck in the cloth.

So, now I can't go up, I can't go down, even if I want to take off this dress, I can't take it off.

Really crazy.

The only way is to ask Yao to come in and help her. It is impossible for her to go out to meet people in such a dress on her wedding day.

Now either let Jiang Dingcheng come in and help her out, or call Guan Xiaotong to come in and help her out.

(End of this chapter)

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