Chapter 641

After Gu Xiao put down the cup, he lightly patted Jiang Dingcheng's shoulder.

"Men, it's okay to give yourself a woman's face properly, but I don't want to force myself so uncomfortable. Anyway, if it would be so painful for me to sell the woman I like, I won't sell it. I will die. Hold it in your hands." Gu Xiao said, turning to look at Tao Mian who was beside him.

Tao Mian doesn't like to come to this kind of occasion, if it wasn't for Mu Jiu getting married today, she wouldn't be bothered to come.

Guan Xiaotong dragged Xu Yanke to dance, two women are enough, so she sat here alone, and Gu Xiao just happened to catch her.

Before Jiang Dingcheng came over, Gu Xiao had been whispering in her ear for more than ten minutes, really wanting to beat him up, if not for her good self-control, she would have flung her sleeves and left.

Hearing that Gu Xiao was acting like this on purpose, Tao Mian just pretended not to hear and drank his drink by himself.

Gu Xiao's words were not wrong, they hit Jiang Dingcheng's heart.

Because he was very unhappy to let Mu Jiu and Shang Jinglu dance together, let alone a dance, he would not be happy even if they shook hands, let alone with their arms around their waists.

The more I think about it, the angrier I get.

Then Jiang Dingcheng turned to look at Tao Mian.

'Miss Tao, can you do me a favor? Jiang Ding admitted that he really looked at Tao Mian and said.

It was Tao Yue before, and now it is Tao Mian. Although they are cousins, they have completely different personalities. Tao Yue is a rose with thorns, and Tao Mian is a cold lily.

"Yes, Mr. Jiang, please tell me." Tao Mian is bored anyway, so why not do it if someone helps her find something to do.

As soon as he heard that Jiang Dingcheng wanted Tao Mian to help, Gu Xiao immediately stared at Jiang Dingcheng with 12 points of precaution.

'Second brother, I know what you want to do, but I'm sorry, I won't let Tao Mian dance with you. Gu Xiao could still guess what Jiang Dingcheng was going to do, it was nothing more than he took Tao Mian to the dance floor to replace Mu Jiu.

Let Jiang Dingcheng and Tao Mian dance, why would he not do it.

One must know that Tao Mian should dance with him no matter what, why should Jiang Dingcheng dance, even if he is today's groom.

If you say no, you will definitely not let it go.

"I can help you." Tao Mian also knew what Jiang Dingcheng was thinking, so he was willing to help him and Mu Jiu.

To be honest, Tao Mian doesn't really like Mu Jiu and Shang Jinglu's reconciliation.

"Second Brother, I won't bother you about this matter. I'll help you bring Second Sister-in-law back." Gu Xiao directly held Tao Mian's hand and said.

No matter what, Tao Mian's first dance today must be with him.

It cannot be sold to Jiang Dingcheng.

Seeing Gu Xiao's impatient look, Jiang Dingcheng didn't say anything more.

In fact, apart from dancing with Mu Jiu, he never thought of dancing with other women, even Mu Jiu's best friend.

It's better to let Gu Xiao go by himself.

Jiang Dingcheng was sitting there, watching Gu Xiao drag Tao Mian, who was extremely unwilling to dance with him, onto the dance floor.
This is the first time Mu Jiu and Shang Jinglu have danced. She had fantasized about dancing with Shang Jinglu many times before, but it was impossible to get it from the high school graduation prom to the college graduation prom.

Now it has finally come true, but there is no excitement in her heart as she expected.

She originally thought how excited she would be, how excited she was. After so many years of looking forward to the fact that things could finally come true, everyone would be extremely happy in their hearts.

But now it seems that it is not what she imagined.

There is less excitement, but more stability.

It's as stable as the wish of many years can finally come true.

What happened to myself.

"Xiao Jiu, what are you thinking about?" Shang Jinglu noticed Mu Jiu's distraction, and couldn't help asking.

When he saw Mu Jiu and Jiang Dingcheng dancing before, she always had a nice and gentle smile on her face, even a sweet smile in the corner of her eyes.

To be honest, he was a little unhappy.

So I want to dance with Mu Jiu by exchanging partners, so that the smile on her face will bloom for me.

It's just that now he got his wish, but the smile on Mu Jiu's face has never been there.

He knew what she was thinking in her heart, all she was thinking about was Jiang Dingcheng, right? That's why Shang Jinglu was even more stimulated and made him less happy.

Shang Jinglu suddenly felt unwilling.

Although he knew very well that the feelings he had for Mu Jiu in his heart couldn't be called much love, and it was optional in the past, so he never gave Mu Jiu an affirmative answer, and kept dangling in front of her.

For so many years, she has been chasing after him silently, without asking for anything in return.

Shang Jinglu thinks this is also very good, thinking that this silly girl will always silently guard behind him like this, but after he walks away, when he turns around, he finds that silly girl is gone.

Seeing her smiling happily holding another man's arm, and the happy appearance when she married another man, he felt very uncomfortable, and then realized that he did not know when he had already fallen in love with Mu Jiu. It's just that he was too confident, so he lost it like this.

There was a voice in his heart telling him that he couldn't let Mu Jiu marry another man like this.


So the angry Shang Jinglu wrapped his arms around her waist and tightened his grip so that Mu Jiu could get closer to him.

"Brother Jinglu?" Mu Jiu was startled by his sudden action.

To be honest, she hasn't thought about how to explain this matter to Shang Jinglu, and how to get along with him in the future, but she feels a little uncomfortable after being teased by him like this.

"Brother Jinglu, you hug me too tightly." Mu Jiu said in a low voice.

Such words cannot be said too loudly, otherwise it will cause unnecessary trouble to others.

But this way is really too close to Shang Jinglu, so close that she can hear the beating of Shang Jinglu's chest.

She had fantasized about this kind of close and intimate relationship countless times, but when it was really possible, she was not as happy and excited as she imagined. She only had one thought, to escape as soon as possible.

"Xiao Jiu, I just want you to be closer to me." Shang Jinglu's words clearly came from his mouth, but Mu Jiu sounded like they were coming from his chest.

It was so close and so loud that she couldn't even ignore it.

"Brother Jinglu, today is the day when Dingcheng and I get married. I'm really happy that you can come." Mu Jiu panicked for a while, and wanted to break free from his hand, but she was embarrassed, so she could only bite the bullet and talk first. After a while, the atmosphere calmed down.

(End of this chapter)

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