cute in his palm

Chapter 642 The Reason Behind

Chapter 642 The Reason Behind

There is only one thought in Mu Jiu's mind now, just end this dance song quickly.

Why is this dance song taking so long? I don’t feel like I want to stop. I couldn’t help but search for Jiang Dingcheng’s figure on the dance floor, but I didn’t see him at all. Pairs of dancers danced around. Yes, it made her dazzled, but she didn't see Jiang Dingcheng alone.

Where did he and Tao Yue jump to?

Jiang Dingcheng, now I need you to rescue me, where did you go?

"Xiao Jiu, are you very reluctant to dance with me now?" Shang Jinglu had already discovered that when Mu Jiu and him started dancing, he had been in a trance for several times, but he himself was not willing to go. Admittedly, Mu Jiu sometimes gets distracted in front of him.

You know, Mu Jiu has always put all her attention and eyes on her in front of him, how could it be possible to focus on other men now, and become a little impatient with him?

This was something Shang Jinglu could not accept for a while.

"Brother Jinglu, you are worrying too much. It's not that I don't want to dance with you, but I just danced for too long and I'm really tired." Mu Jiu could only use this as an excuse.

In fact, she knew very well that although she was a little tired, she didn't want to go to rest right away, but she just didn't want to dance with Shang Jinglu anymore.

She didn't know why she was avoiding him now, could it be that after she married Jiang Dingcheng, she felt a little sorry for Shang Jinglu, so she felt guilty in her heart.

It should be like this, she tried hard to tell herself, it was like this.

I just feel that I will not be able to face Shang Jinglu for a while, and I feel sorry for him, so I want to escape.

'Are you really tired, then I'll help you go to the side to rest first. As Shang Jinglu said that, he was about to reach out to hug her shoulder, but Gu Xiao came out.

'Second sister-in-law, my beautiful and lovely second sister-in-law, today you are the partner most want to dance with, so I want to dance with you, second sister-in-law. ' Gu Xiao took Mu Jiu's hand, then winked at her and said.

Mu Jiu immediately understood, Gu Xiao came here to help her on purpose, so she immediately nodded in agreement, but before she could say anything, Shang Jinglu answered for her first.

"Young Master Gu, forget it, Xiao Jiu is a little tired from dancing." Shang Jinglu wanted to protect Mu Jiu, but unfortunately Gu Xiao never gave him this chance.

"Mian Mian, Master Shang is counting on you." Gu Xiao put his cute and cute eyes on Tao Mian, and said cutely to her.

Tao Mian really wanted to have the urge to blind his pair of watery eyes with his hands. It's fine for a man to be a little cute, but he has a pair of big watery eyes that are more beautiful than women's eyes.

Every time Tao Mian met his big watery eyes, Tao Mian felt a little uneasy, especially when he did it on purpose.

"Brother Jinglu, can you dance with me?" Tao Mian said while looking at Shang Jinglu.

Shang Jinglu hesitated for a moment or nodded, but for the sake of the dead Cheng Dong, he couldn't refuse Tao Mian's request.

"It's my honor." Shang Jinglu said with a gentlemanly smile at her.

Coincidentally, he also wanted to ask Tao Mian something.

Tao Mian and Mu Jiu are close, so they should know the real reason behind Mu Jiu and Jiang Dingcheng's marriage.

Shang Jinglu would not be foolish enough to believe that Mu Jiu would change his mind overnight and say that he wanted to marry Jiang Dingcheng, but he knew that Mu Jiu had been waiting for him for three years in silence, it was impossible for him to give up suddenly at this time He chose to marry Jiang Dingcheng, there must be a reason they don't know.

"Mianmian, I won't go around in circles anymore, I want to know why Xiaojiu and Jiang Dingcheng got married?" Shang Jinglu said directly.

Use the sound of music to cover up the conversation between the two of them, otherwise it will be heard by the people next to them.

"Brother Jinglu, I don't know what you mean by that?" Tao Mian actually understood what Shang Jinglu wanted to ask, but she didn't want to say it.

Mu Jiu married Jiang Dingcheng, who is a G, because she wanted to protect the Mu family's property, but now Tao Mian has no way of judging whether Jiang Dingcheng is a G.

"Mianmian, since Cheng Dong and I are good buddies, can you tell me." Shang Jinglu knew that Tao Mian would definitely know something inside.

It was just because he left so suddenly three years ago, which made Mu Jiu very sad, so the sisters unanimously dropped his pass, so naturally they would not be on his side.

But if he wants to know about Mu Jiu's situation, he can only find out some information by asking these sisters sideways. If he asks Mu Jiu directly, one is because she doesn't want to say it, and the other is that she is too embarrassed to say it. Bar.

But the only thing he can be sure of is that the two of them definitely didn't get married because of love.

In this regard, Shang Jinglu is still confident.

He always thought that he should be the one Mu Jiu loved from the beginning to the end.

Where is it possible for a man to take his place casually.

Men will have a particularly strong desire to possess. Once they find that something that belongs to them has been snatched away by other men, they will arouse the desire to compete in their hearts.

If Shang Jinglu didn't figure it out, he would feel a little uncomfortable.

"Brother Jinglu, just because you and Cheng Dong are good buddies, and because Xiao Jiu and I are good sisters, please promise me not to provoke her anymore. Insecure, she has always been infatuated with you because you are the first stranger of the opposite sex who treats her well, maybe it has nothing to do with love, but she feels that she can find some sense of security in you." Too many words Tao Mian didn't want to talk to Shang Jinglu.

Because she knew that Shang Jinglu was a smart person and could understand what she wanted to express.

I just hope he won't bother Mu Jiu again.

A small part of Mu Jiu's obsession with Shang Jinglu is because she likes it, but most of it is because Shang Jinglu is kind to her, the first stranger who gave her a sense of security, and after that, she wanted to By Shang Jinglu's side.

Even if they don't love each other and can't be a husband and wife together, what Mu Jiu wants is to stay humble by Shang Jinglu's side, and absorb his warmth and sense of security from the place closest to him.

It's that simple.

So Shang Jinglu's sudden departure three years ago took away Mu Jiu's only sense of security, and made her collapse and hurt like pulling her backbone away.

(End of this chapter)

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