cute in his palm

Chapter 643 He Is A Hypocrite

Chapter 643 He Is A Hypocrite

Now, it's not easy for Mu Jiu to find Jiang Dingcheng, a husband who loves and spoils her. As a good sister, Tao Mian just hopes that Mu Jiu can be truly happy.

No matter which man it is, as long as it can really bring her happiness.

Tao Mian's point of view has never been aimed at people, but at things.

She can't help Shang Jinglu just because Shang Jinglu is Cheng Dong's good buddy, she cares more about who can bring Xiaojiu happiness, and everything else will be secondary.

Therefore, if Shang Jinglu didn't treat Mu Jiu sincerely, she would not let Shang Jinglu and Mu Jiu be together at all.

"Mianmian, I understand what you said. You want to make Xiaojiu happy, and so do I, but I know that the two of them have no feelings. How can a marriage without feelings make Xiaojiu happy?" Shang Jinglu was very sure. Said.

Hearing this, Tao Mian wanted to say something, but finally opened his mouth and said nothing.

But I thought of another thing.

Just now she saw Tao Yue coming in with Shang Jinglu's arm, obviously coming as her female companion.

So, she wanted to know if Shang Jinglu and Tao Yue had the kind of relationship that the family said. Regarding Tao Yue and Shang Jinglu's falling in love after their blind date, Tao Mian heard from her parents. And asked her if she knew.

"Brother Jinglu, I heard from my family that you are now in a relationship with Tao Yue. Is this true?" Tao Mian is not a long-winded person, so he also spoke directly to the point.

Hearing this, Shang Jinglu paused for a moment, and then spoke slowly after a moment of silence.

"We are just friends."

Hearing such a sentence, Tao Mian suddenly felt a little worthless for Tao Yue. Although the two sisters were not close enough, they were still a family. Tao Yue fell in love with Shang Jinglu at first sight.

Anyway, Tao Yue's evaluation of Shang Jinglu is quite high.

"Brother Jinglu, Tao Yue likes you very much, and my uncle and grandfather also like you very much." Tao Mian briefly explained their Tao family's thoughts on Shang Jinglu.

The meaning is also to tell him that if Tao Yue can't be given the result, then don't give her hope. The sooner the emotional matter is broken, the faster the injury will heal. If it keeps dragging on, it will only hurt Tao Yue.

You must know that although Tao Yue is strong, when it comes to feelings, she is a single-minded woman who goes all the way to the end. If she is the man she believes in, she will be with him even if she breaks her head.

If Shang Jinglu can't promise her, it's best not to give her hope at first.

Like, he is the same to Mu Jiu.

Maybe he thought that not refusing would mean not harming them, and it was the best way to treat them, but he was wrong, sometimes not refusing would be the cause of the greatest harm.

"Don't worry, I will make this matter clear to Tao Yue. I don't like her, and I won't give her a chance, but how to make her completely give up on me is beyond my control." Shang Jinglu also expressed his thoughts.

In fact, he knows what kind of woman Tao Yue is. Her family background and her own conditions make her an excellent girl in everything. A woman like her has an inherently proud temper, but whatever she likes, She will definitely get it, otherwise she will feel that her self-esteem has been hurt.

Moreover, Tao Yue also expressed her determination to him, she wanted to associate with him.

It was the kind of statement that she was determined to be with him.

Therefore, Shang Jinglu knew very well that even if he rejected Tao Yue, it was useless, because Tao Yue would not let go so easily.

Hearing this, Tao Mian was somewhat relieved. As long as Shang Jinglu expressed his position here, it would be easier to talk with Tao Yue. Whether Tao Yue would give up Shang Jinglu in the end, it was her own unilateral decision. something happened.

Tao Mian won't bother too much.


Mu Jiu was forced to dance by Gu Xiao, she was going crazy.

"Gu Xiao, did you do it on purpose?" Mu Jiu wanted to rush out of the dance floor.

"Of course it was intentional, but for the second brother, I sacrificed enough this time, you know I like Mianmian, right now, I am too boastful to let Mianmian dance with Shang Jinglu, it looks like Mianmian dances with him It's quite harmonious, what does this mean? She looks like she doesn't want to dance with me, but she is willing to dance with Shang Jinglu."

Gu Xiao's eyes were fixed on Shang Jinglu and Tao Mian all the time, wishing to make holes in the two of them.

From the very beginning, when the two of them danced, they seemed to be in perfect harmony.

This made Gu Xiao so angry that his teeth itched and his guts regretted it.

It's really a big loss.

"Fuck, second sister-in-law, you and Mian Mian are good friends here, do you know what kind of man Mian Mian likes, he won't be a sanctimonious hypocrite like Shang Jinglu, right?" Gu Xiao realized later. shouted.

When hearing that sanctimonious words, Mu Jiu expressed a little unhappy.

"Gu Xiao, how can you use such words to describe brother Jinglu?" Mu Jiu frowned and said to him.

How could Gu Xiao be in the mood to take care of Mujiu now? He took her to the dance floor, then turned around and went in to rescue Tao Mian.

He absolutely couldn't let Tao Mian fall into Shang Jinglu's trap of warmth.

When Mu Jiu was annoyed that she was the most unlucky bride, a big hand stretched out in front of her, looked up along the arm, and saw Jiang Dingcheng in a white tuxedo, smiling at her.

Without hesitation, Mu Jiu put her hand in his palm.

"Are you tired?" Jiang Dingcheng asked her with concern.

Upon hearing this, Mu Jiu couldn't help pouted.

"I'm exhausted, I'm really tired, I just want to throw off my shoes right now, lie down on the big bed, and sleep comfortably." Mu Jiu said, pulling his hand.

"Jiu'er, are you acting like a baby to me?" Jiang Dingcheng looked at her with a smile and said.

When Mu Jiu heard this, she couldn't help but blush, then looked around, and found that there were still many people looking at them, so she didn't say anything more.

"Let's go, now let's go upstairs, there are four hours of rest before the private banquet outside, you should sleep well, or you won't have the energy to deal with those guys at night." Jiang Dingcheng turned to a certain brother group Looking over from the corner, the eldest brother happened to be looking at them too, so Jiang Dingcheng smiled at them, took Mu Jiu's hand and walked towards the elevator generously.

He was telling everyone that the husband and wife retreated first and went to rest.

What he wants is to be so willful, because he is Jiang Dingcheng, he can do whatever he wants.

(End of this chapter)

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