Chapter 644

Tao Mian's police force had a temporary mission, so she went back early, but Gu Xiao didn't catch anyone back, and she was so depressed that she was alone, and she didn't see Jiang Dingcheng when she went to the Brotherhood.

"What about the second brother and the second sister-in-law?"

"Upstairs." Cheng Yichen glanced upstairs with a wicked smile on his lips.

Gu Xiao immediately agreed.

"Second brother, this is a bit too impatient. It's not dark yet, so I'm in a hurry to go to the bridal chamber." Gu Xiao directly took the wine and drank it down.

"Second brother married the second sister-in-law. Where's yours? Where's Officer Tao?" Cheng Yichen asked him without seeing Tao Mian.

"One phone call, I'm back to the police." Gu Xiao said depressingly. At first, he thought that he could spend more time with Tao Mian today, so that she could see more of his better aspects, but now It seems that he can't see it at all. He still has a show tonight. He intends to sing a few songs for Tao Mian to express his love for her. Now it's no longer necessary.

Did God punish him on purpose?

Ouch, shit.

The mood became not particularly good, and he only recovered after drinking two glasses of wine.

"The police officer is hard to chase." Cheng Yichen said with a smile.

Gu Xiao didn't even bother to pay attention to him, and then said lightly.

"No matter how hard it is to chase after, it's still hard for me, Mr. Gu. The more challenging it is, the more it can arouse my endless fighting spirit. Officer Tao is the first woman to make my young master fall in love. How can she be so easy?" let go."

Hearing Gu Xiao's words, Cheng Yichen couldn't help but patted Gu Xiao's shoulder, and then said earnestly. "I hope she will succeed and become our military wife."

Mrs. Jun, you are so tall, Gu Xiao directly hit him on the head.

"The second child won't come down for a while. We can go to Mu Ge when we are about the same time." The boss Duan Jinhong said.

"That's right, it's too noisy here, let's go to Muge and have a drink first." Gu Xiao agreed a hundred times.

Because Tao Mian is not here, it will only make him feel very depressed.

Tonight, Jiang Dingcheng booked Mu Ge's largest luxury private room on the top floor for his private banquet, which can easily accommodate a hundred people.

"Let's go, when it's time, Dingcheng and they will pass naturally." Duan Jinhong led a group of brothers past.


After Luo Shiyan dressed up, she looked at herself in the mirror again and again until she was finally satisfied, then she turned her head and glanced at her sister.

"Sister, am I pretty today?"

Luo Shiyang sat there expressionless, then stared at her back and looked again and again before nodding.


"Sister, do you think Brother Dingcheng will be happy seeing me like this today?" Luo Shiyan asked her impatiently.

Because now only Luo Shiyang knows Jiang Dingcheng's preferences best. What kind of woman he likes and what kind of clothes he wears are the ones that suit him best.

No one knows except Luo Shiyang.

Therefore, even if Luo Shiyan hates her sister a little now, she has no choice but to listen to her opinion.

"This way is very good, Ding Cheng will definitely like it." Luo Shiyang nodded seriously.

"Sister, with you, I can rest assured. Tonight, I will definitely make Brother Ding Cheng's gaze unable to move away from me." Luo Shiyan looked at herself in the mirror, smiling very happily and proudly.

What she wanted was a result like this.

Tonight, I will transform into the most beautiful fairy, and then ruthlessly confuse Jiang Dingcheng's full attention, so that she can't take her attention away from herself.

Only in this way can she really charm Jiang Dingcheng, and then take the opportunity to take down Jiang Dingcheng.

Jiang Dingcheng belongs to Luo Shiyan.

"Well, yes." Luo Shiyang said with a smile.

"Sister, what should I do tonight?" Luo Shiyan said suddenly.

Luo Shiyang glanced at her lightly, but didn't say much.

"Just do what I told you before, and I will arrange for the rest." Luo Shiyang said calmly, and tonight she will let everyone know who is the real protagonist.

Her Luo Shiyang's halo as the protagonist will not be taken away by others.

Even if it is temporarily taken away, it will be taken back slowly.

"Okay, I'll call Sixing now." Luo Shiyan said in a particularly good mood.

Luo Shiyan knew that Ou Sixing would definitely be one of the people invited to the private banquet, and Ou Sixing had always been very kind to her, Luo Shiyan also knew that she liked her, so she would use Ou Sixing so confidently.

Although I know it's a bit despicable, but I can only do it like this.

Because the only person she can use is Ou Sixing, and the key is that he is voluntary. If he is not willing, she will not force him with a knife on his neck.

"Shiyan? Why didn't you come to Mr. Jiang's wedding banquet today." When receiving Luo Shiyan's call, Ou Sixing was very happy.

As for why Luo Shiyan didn't attend Jiang Dingcheng's wedding banquet, Ou Sixing knew it all without asking.

Who wants to see the man he likes marrying another woman with his own eyes, I'm afraid that such a scene will not be happiness for her, but stimulation and pain.

Therefore, Ou Sixing regretted that he asked like this.

Knowing that this was her wound, she wanted to sprinkle salt on the wound.

"Shiyan, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."

"Just do whatever you want, I don't want to go to see them happily exchanging rings at noon, but now I want to attend Brother Dingcheng's private banquet, where is it?" Luo Shiyan said seriously.

Hearing this, Ou Sixing hesitated for a while before speaking.

"The luxury private room on the top floor of Mugefang, call me when you arrive, and I will pick you up at the door." Ou Sixing said seriously.

Knowing that Luo Shiyan will not go to today's wedding banquet, but at the dance in the afternoon, when he saw them dancing there in pairs, Ou Sixing still wished that Luo Shiyan could be there and dance with her .

Unfortunately, it is a fantasy after all.

I don't know when I can really dance with Luo Shiyan.

Fortunately, she didn't come over today, and with Jiang Dingcheng around, she wasn't in the mood to dance with him.

"Okay, I'll call you when the time comes." Luo Shiyan said with a smile.

"Shiyan, today Su Huan came to make a fuss about Mr. Jiang's wedding, but he was kicked out in the end." Ou Sixing didn't want to say it at first, but he finally told her.

Because that segment was cut off and not broadcast.

Ou Sixing just wanted to share what he knew with Luo Shiyan.

"Well, I see, Su Huan is really a woman without a brain." Luo Shiyan couldn't help but said.

Regarding Su Huan's matter, she didn't have the extra mood to listen.

"Okay, I'll call you when I pass by later." She hung up after finishing speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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