cute in his palm

Chapter 648 Flower Protector

Chapter 648 Flower Protector
Women like to hear good things, even if they are false, so does Luo Shiyan.

Luo Shiyan enjoyed Gu Xiao's words very much, even if he knew that [-]% of what he said was false, but it didn't matter, at least [-]% of it was that she really thought she was beautiful, and that was enough.

She doesn't care if a man tells the truth or lies, as long as the first sight is enough to attract them.

Therefore, Luo Shiyan's goal is as simple as that, as long as there is one person who can satisfy her vanity, it is enough, especially in Gu Xiao's body, she has got this confirmation.

You must know that Gu Xiao's vision is very picky, everyone knows this, but if he thinks it is beautiful, it is really called beautiful.

'Young Master Gu's words are just pleasant to hear, and I love to hear them very much. Luo Shiyan took a special look at the private room, but there were no figures of Jiang Dingcheng and Mu Jiu. It seems that these two people really haven't arrived yet.

Before Jiang Dingcheng came, she must show her best side, and then Jiang Dingcheng would be amazed in an instant.

Just do it.

"What, are you looking for Second Brother?" Seeing her sweeping eyes, Gu Xiao immediately guessed the meaning in her eyes.

' This made Young Master Gu see that I was indeed looking at Brother Ding Cheng. 'Luo Shiyan said without any hesitation.

Gu Xiao smiled with the corners of her mouth pulled. This woman is really not reserved. Compared with Luo Shiyang's gentle personality, there is a world of difference, but the only thing they have in common is that they are all from the Luo family. It's kind.

"The second elder brother and the second sister-in-law haven't arrived yet. The two of you hurried back to your room as soon as the dance was over. I guess they're rushing to... the bridal chamber." The last three words were whispered by Gu Xiao intentionally in her ear. of.

As soon as these words came out, Luo Shiyan's face immediately sank.

Knowing that the two of them have lived together for such a long time, it is impossible for them to have a relationship without having a relationship, but when Gu Xiao deliberately said the word "bridal chamber", she felt completely uncomfortable in her heart and kept daring. sour water.

Luo Shiyan, Luo Shiyan, you must not lose your footing now, how can you believe that Jiang Dingcheng, who is so principled, will be such an unreliable man, no matter how impatient he is, he will not go to the bridal chamber after dancing. It was Gu Xiao who deliberately said this to stimulate you.

Luo Shiyan worked hard to build herself up in her heart, and then tried her best to maintain a calm smile and looked at Gu Xiao.

Gu Xiao was very happy to see the ever-changing expression on her face, no matter what, he still provoked this woman Luo Shiyan, and wanted to steal Jiang Dingcheng, this way is too shallow.

"Come on, let's have a drink for the beauty of our Second Miss Luo, how about it." Gu Xiao then handed a glass of wine to Luo Shiyan.

Facing Gu Xiao's enthusiasm, Luo Shiyan was too embarrassed to refuse, so she took it directly, but Ou Sixing, who had been standing aside as the background wall, spoke. "Shiyan, I can't drink much, so let me replace her."

It's impossible for Gu Xiao to keep people from drinking.

"When did Ou Sixing become the flower protector? I can't let Shiyan drink a glass of wine. When she came back last time, we didn't have a good drink. Now we have a chance. Isn't Shiyan willing to give it to her?" Is this a face?" Gu Xiao glanced at Ou Sixing, and said the following words to Luo Shiyan.

Luo Shiyan is of course willing. Gu Xiao is Jiang Dingcheng's good brother. If she wants to be by Jiang Dingcheng's side, these brothers cannot be offended.

'Of course, I still want to find an opportunity to come and drink with Young Master Gu and you guys sometime. Since Young Master Gu has personally invited you, how could I have the nerve to refuse. Luo Shiyan touched Gu Xiao with the wine, and then drank it in one gulp, completely ignoring the feelings of Ou Sixing next to him.

Originally, she had never cared about Ou Sixing's physiognomy, so why should she care about his feelings.

He asked for everything, didn't he.

Anyway, this is called one willing to fight and one willing to suffer. Luo Shiyan never thought that she would repay Ou Sixing. All that Ou Sixing did to her was voluntary, because she never asked him to I did it like this, so I didn't feel that there was anything wrong in my heart.

How he feels is none of her business.

If she needs to take care of the mood of everyone who likes her, then how tired she must be.

You must know that during her ten years in Paris, countless men have expressed love to her, and some of them have been silently paying for her behind her back. She knows all of this, but she just pretends not to see it, and she accepts it frankly if they are willing to do it.

'Still Shiyan is happy. ' Gu Xiao also gulped it all down, then looked at Luo Shiyan with a half-smile and said.

Luo Shiyan knew that the people around Jiang Dingcheng didn't have a good impression of their Luo family, because her sister had left Jiang Dingcheng mercilessly in the past, but it didn't matter. She rarely returned to China to get along with these people in the past ten years. I don't understand at all.

Ten years is a long time for a person to grow up, and it can completely change a person's personality. The concept of playing with a group of young boys when I was a child is completely different now with a group of big men.

Therefore, if Luo Shiyan wants to re-establish a good relationship with Jiang Dingcheng's close brothers, it is very important to get to know them again.

Let's get to know Gu Xiao again.

Gu Xiao patted Ou Sixing's shoulder with one hand, and then said to him in a low voice, "Xianxing, you can do it as a flower protector, but you have to choose the flowers you want to protect carefully, whether they are thorny or poisonous. Be clear. '

After speaking, he turned and left.

The music in the room added Gu Xiao's deliberately low voice, so Luo Shiyan didn't hear clearly what Gu Xiao said to Ou Sixing, but she can be sure that what he said was related to her.

"Sixing, what did Gu Xiao tell you?" Luo Shiyan watched Gu Xiao go to the Brotherhood, and asked Ou Sixing.

Ou Sixing understood the meaning of Gu Xiao's words, because of what happened to Luo Shiyang back then, all of them hated Luo Shiyan, but he knew that Luo Shiyan was still kind in her soul.

At the beginning, it was Luo Shiyang's selfish mistake. Why did she point the finger at Luo Shiyan? She didn't have to take any responsibility for her sister's selfishness.

So Ou Sixing just shook his head, and then there was a faint smile on his face. "He asked me to take good care of you tonight and not drink too much wine."

When Luo Shiyan heard this, she was dubious, could Gu Xiao be such a kind person?

You know, the few of them who play well are the ones with the most unstable temperament of Gu Xiao, who can be happy or angry as he likes.

(End of this chapter)

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